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  1. Firstly thank you to admin for allowing Arteria to post over the many years Today we release a new pack - Desert Rock & Foliage pack at an intro price of just $10.99 Beautiful &Highly detailed Desert Rock & Foliage Pack, The Pack features a collection of Rock & Foliage assets The pack can be used royalty-free within your project, with no further payments needed. Pack contains in FBX format 10 Rocks with varying level of detail provided. 8 Foliage Items 5 Terrain Textures To purchase visit the store page below Desert Pack Generic Version Also, special offer for any customer who email order@arteria3d.co.uk with the code 'Ultra' This allows you access to all content on the site and new packs added for just $39. Offer applies for 48 hours.
  2. I dont think you can beat actually having geometry for the beamwork, but as you can imagine, medieval houses feature lots of these!. What i do, if the actual half timbre design isnt too complicated is to use geometry for these wooden features, but also if they follow the same design as the texture underneath, then have them as a separate group for LOD purposes - you can have them show when close, but hide them from a distance. For buildings that feature intricate half timbre design, i use a combination of geom and just texture feature. Good luck with your design. I did actually make a video tutorial one time for 3dws on how to make a house. I should put it back on the website. Steve
  3. Arteria are running a special promotion today whereby if you purchase just ONE PACK, you get to choose 2 free packs on top of this. A nice end and reward to your busy past week Use the code FEELGOOD to qualify for this promotion. Choose the 3 packs you want, then purchase the dearest pack of the three, get the other 2 for free Simply purchase the single pack, then after purhcase is complete we will sort out your free 2 packs http://www.arteria3d.com Enjoy
  4. Thanks! We have a new line of packs coming out shortly including lots of horror inspired stuff, HP LOVECRAFT inspired so this will appeal to all horror game fans, plus a new grand pack which will be split over 4-5 packs, and will be a huge medieval city,sectioned off via town gates - each section a separate pack. The first will be released next week and will be based around a harbour style area Best wishes Steve
  5. Monastry Pack officially released: The Monastry Pack gives you a beautiful constructed monastry in ruins, plus an underground catacomb system. Many years after the monastry was destroyed, the underlying catacomb system was opened up from the surface of the main church of the monastry, where a set of steps now reside providing access to the below tunnels and rooms. Pack includes the Monastry, Terrain which the Monastry sits on, plus entrance area from monastry church which goes below the terrain. You then have a collection of connectable pieces such as corridors, rooms, stairways to make your own underground dungeon style area. Product Page: http://www.arteria3d.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Monastry%2FCatacomb+Kit
  6. Arteria3d have just launched their new pack -'Fortified Manor House' Fortified Manor House pack with full interior, based on Stokesay Castle in Shropshire, England. This manor house built in the 12th century, was in later centuries also classed as a castle due to its design with battlemtns, and moat setting. Interstingly with this realworld site, is the half timbre design of the gatehouse and additonal addon buildings in its courtyard. The pack features a great hall with interior props such as tables, chairs, and fires to bring the scene to life. Also features other interior areas, such as a hidden basement. Would be a great additon to a game scenario as home to a grand lord, or guild. Product Page: http://www.arteria3d.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=fortifiedmanor+pack Also for the first 4 people who purchase this pack, i can offer a single year membership to arteria3d for $189
  7. http://www.arteria3d.com August Bank Holiday Weekend Discount. In our 3rd discount installment of this year(just one left at christmas), we are running our special promotion over the english bank holiday weekend holiday. We have 2 levels of discount.... Anything purchased today(Friday 27th) can be purchased with 64% discount Anything purchased tomorrow(Saturday 28th) can be purchased with 40% discount Anything purchased Sunday(Sunday 29th) can be purchased with 25% discount Email Steve at Arteria3d.com - sales@arteria-gaming.com to recieve your discount code Best wishes Steve
  8. HI MIchael - thankyou, its much apreciated. I also note you use Hexagon - i model everything in hexagon 2 - its an incredible 3d program Best Steve
  9. We have just released the Medieval Fortress Pack. This fortress pack has its main keep based on Carlisle Castle, in Carlisle, Cumbria, with artistic license on the rest of the model. The pack contains the full fortress model, plus 15 component parts to lay out your own design - simply connect the pieces together in your engine world editor, and make a simple or complex model for your characters to walk around. Contains battlements, stairways, towers and more. whats more - the price. We realise that customers have varying budgets -and although our prices are affordable, we decided to launch this pack at a special cost of $17. Also customers who purchase this pack will ALSO GET THE INTERIOR FREE when its released 1st week september. This deal is only available now. Product Page:http://www.arteria3d.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Medieval+Fortress+Pack
  10. Forgot the pack web link: http://www.arteria3d.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Medieval+Market+Town
  11. Hi The orange tint is from the sunlight, to depict an early day time, or just before dark Leadwerks users also note, i have a promotion on my lifetime membership at the moment, which gives you access to arteria3d, arteriamusic, arteriagaming legacy. Price should be $1000, its discounted to $650 for 3days until the 30th july as a thankyou for continued support from this forum Best wishes Steve
  12. We have just released the Medieval Worldbuilder Pack2 MARKET TOWN pics for you: Productpage:http://www.arteria3d.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=Medieval+Market+Town Medieval Market Town - Stunning medieval setting with the theme focussed on a market town setting, complete with medieval houses, indoor market area, plus market stalls and props pack contains 25 buildings, some with interiors, 8 market stalls with props, terrain textures, 10 music tracks and skycube. Normal and specular maps included. All buildings are from real world locations in the uk, including the medieval town of shrewsbury, chester and ludlow
  13. This Medieval Church and Graveyard Pack is based on a realworld Church in Shrewsbury, England, and originally dates back to the 13th century. The pack contains the Church model with full interior - including props such as bibles, candles. The pack also includes a full set of tomb headstones, in a variety of styles, plus the church wooden entrance, and surrounding ivy clad walls. Pack introductory price 1 week only $24 Productpage:http://www.arteria3d.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MedChurchPack
  14. Pack is now launched - new pics below
  15. HI Below you will see pictures from the new SHANTY TOWN pack which is launched on Wednesday. As a thankyou to leadwerks users, im offering a preorder on this at $35 instead of $75 Contact me at yertari@msn.com for details Everything in the scene(minus the terrain) are included in this pack Best wishes Steve
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