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  1. Gilmer

    Left 2 Do

    "Undo system"! finaly!! haha
  2. http://www.bigfivehunter.com.br
  3. Thanks Paul, really we can think about the particles when they are collapsing to the ground. But actually I'm having a little problem with a performance. I have did some tests using two different video cards, and I not noted difference in the FPS. I run the game between a geForce GTX 460 and a geForce GTX 550ti, and the FPS not increase. But is not in everything nivels, just in two or three nivels that have this problem. The FPS stay around 19~20 on this nivels, but in others run normally. Someone know if have very difference bewteen this two video cards? I bought the GTX 550ti thinking that I'll have a lot increase with the FPS.
  4. Game Play Still need to solve some problem of collision
  5. Thanks guys more news I'll post here. Scott Richmond: This game will be released for arcades, firstly here at Brazil. If everything occurs nice, will se about others countrys. We begin to develop it around one year ago, but just in february now, we'll can finalize it.
  6. Shard, did you figured out how to make it work? I'm having the same problem that you had. My application crashes at the createVideoClip too Does anyone else can help me with this? EDIT: Does anyone have the hello_video.rar saved?
  7. Hello Soom more details of the game Introduction Video
  8. Gilmer

    The Last Chapter

    Very nice, I lked so much hehe my time was "27:53" hehe Is the first time that I saw a game finnished in leadwerks
  9. Thanks Josh, I tested this values. Really now are more stable than was before. But still in sometimes the car have a strange behavior. I recorded a other video, you can see better more near the end of video. If I run in straight road, without very stones or elevations, it's working fine, but when have more curves, and need to take some jumps, like a real rally, dont occurs.. The FPS is low cause the Fraps record..
  10. Export the car normally, but create some pivots and rename them. Create other model separate that is the wheel, in the script car, find each pivot with FindChild(), and put the wheel gmf model, in pivot position.
  11. So Josh, I was changed the values after you talked. I tryied a several values and dont have success. Anyway, I'm posting other video, and the models used on the video. Link to models: http://unidev.com.br/temp/models.rar The spring values, are on the lua script. The spring damper are high, because tests, that I was making. What's happening when the car pass above the fence, is the same thing thats happen when pass over a stone, trunks..etc.. I put a fence and not a stone, because the stone model is a purchased model, and we can't publish de .max source. Thanks guys..
  12. Yes, of course what lack here more infos about vehicles. In wiki, in vehicle page, dont have none example about it. Because make a vehicle, export, link with tires is easy, now to stabilize and do a good settings for this, don't have nothing talking about. As diedir talked, the viperscout is the only reference to help us, but is locked. I've exported it in anyway, but still dont was sucess. I make the wheels under in car, like admin talked, but still have the physics problem. Moreover, the own viperscout is like a paper in sometimes, just to driver in "desert_highway.sbx" is good, but if put in a race game, together with more 5 cars ie, the stability is horrible, everytime the car are flipped, flown and etc... We are very worried about it.
  13. Hi guys, Here I'm again with physics problem. I'm trying make a stability movement by vehicle, but I dont having success. I can't set the variables to suspension lenght, spring constant, spring damper and vehicle mass. The problem is that the car stay very light, and if have something in the road, like stones, trunks, etc...the car is overturned. But if I adjust to a mass more heavy, the vehicle looks like "stucks" or "pasted" in the road, anyway, I can't find some good setting for this. I searched in old threads, and I found a topic that other guy, haved the same problem: This is not first time that we have problem with physics in LW, we are with one year of work in this project, have just more somethings to do, and fix, but this things, are disturbing us to continue, and we can't lost 1 year of hard work. So, my question is, now that we are in last months to finish the project, but we are having this problems, I need to know some solution to finalize this, because sincerely, our team bought the LW looking more in the graphics (that's awesome!), and vehicle system. But when we started to use, and really test the vehicle system, left to be desired. We need a feedback, for a update date about LW 3 or how we can continue with this... We did everything that we need like GUI system, audio 3d usint thyrd libs and other things, but this physics system that's disturbing us.
  14. thank you Richard, I did this and it's work now. At least in the tests that I make, not happened the problem. I'll continue with the test here, if occurs again, I'll post here. Thanks guys..
  15. So macklebee, I removed the spotlights and try again. The problem continue. I recorded again, to u see.. I really can't imagine which can be..and this problem is preventing us from continuing with a one-year project, that practically we are finalizing.. =/
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