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Everything posted by Road Kill Kenny
Franck tends to work hard for long periods of time and only occasionally visits the forum these days. I assume even less now days since his project only uses LE2
When rendering you almost never try to copy the real world you rather try to simulate it (fake it).. Copying real world as it is is called physically based rendering and it doesn't have the best performance. Ambient light is a simulation of light bouncing of surfaces. It's too much to calculate all of those bounces and therefore it is faked with ambient light If you wanted to get worried about how stuff works in real world compared to rendering you might want to also worry about the fact that lights are rendered from object to the light and not the other way around. Or the fact that the world moves around the camera and not vice versa... all of these are details the end user never see's but doesn't realize either. Regarding the light going through walls you need to make the walls thicker. This is a very common rendering problem when it comes to lighting so I wouldn't call it a bug since I've seen it in just about any engine I've used. Also read herer: http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/intermediate-tutorials/tutorial-16-shadow-mapping/ If the CSG was actual CSG and not fake CSG then the gap would be closed when the CSG was merged and it would be ok even with thin walls but since its fake CSG it doesn't make one complete model.
Build a Killer Linux Gaming Machine for $430
Road Kill Kenny commented on Josh's blog entry in Development Blog
I'd say "adequate" rather than "killer". But if you are on a budget then this would probably do the trick for now and then upgrade parts later. The power supply is what worries me the most about this build with regard to safety (of your PC) and longevity rather than performance. Re. PC vendors -> agreed, never buy a PC already made... ever! -
I think the sucess of SteamOS amongst console gamers relies a lot on whether they can put out a standard SteamBox machine which is garunteed to play all the games… just like a console. It has to be affordable too. Without that it's no different to hooking up a PC to the TV. Many console gamers say they like console because they put the disk in and it works garunteed... I think the major advantage here is that you can share all your games between your console and your computer without ever having to buy them twice. You get to enjoy the best of both worlds at low prices... i.e. relaxed on the couch and hardcore at the PC. If I were to buy all my Steam games on Console (which isn't possible) it would probably cost me $10,000 + (at least in Aus)
Look like Sony's PlayStation 4 Is Running Modified FreeBSD 9
Road Kill Kenny replied to panz3r's topic in Suggestion Box
I disagree on DX9 and GL2.1 being able to do good graphics especially next gen... but you're entitled to your opinion. Well.. Josh can prove me wrong then... I dare him... if he does then I'm wrong fair and square... if not then I'm right in saying its harder than it seems. We are yet to see exactly how indie friendly Sony's policies will be. However, until a time as all is revealed I'll remain a skeptic on the matter. that's all -
Look like Sony's PlayStation 4 Is Running Modified FreeBSD 9
Road Kill Kenny replied to panz3r's topic in Suggestion Box
@Panzer: Thanks for the link. @Dan: Using my name in every second sentence like that is condescending and rude. On another note believe whatever the flop you want. I really couldn't give a damn about what you or anyone thinks about my opinion on the matter. I'm just noting the side of the story that is invisible to the rose colored glasses that most people wear. -
Look like Sony's PlayStation 4 Is Running Modified FreeBSD 9
Road Kill Kenny replied to panz3r's topic in Suggestion Box
Link to the information about irrlicht? Usually the difficulty getting on console is more about becoming an approved developer which is tough. Then forking out a tonne for a debug console. Even if Leadwerks became a registered Playstation developer to make Leadwerks for PS4 then each individual person / company making a game with Leadwerks for Playstation would also needs to be approved. Although they are trying to be nicer to indie's these days they aren't going to let just anyone litter their games on the PS4 willy nilly. There will still be a quality process even if it is a little less strict. To become approved you need to have a working demo, proof of finance, be a legal entity and submit your / your team's CV + other stuff just as a pre-requisite to applying to be a registered Playstation developer. So basically before you can even think of developing for PS4 you need to have a decent working demo on PC before you will even get your hands on the SDK. Getting to that full working demo point is a mission in itself trust me. Anyway just thought I would shed some light on the matter. Don't get me wrong, I love Playstation and one day myself hope to be a registered PS developer but until then there is only one thing worth doing.. Making PC games that will get me / fund my way there. -
Unless you can make JNI calls to the OUYA Java API (don't know if you can with LE3) then I'm afraid it is be impossible without it being officially supported. If they release a C++ API it would be no problem but they aren't exactly very forthcoming with information about their progress on it. They pretty much ignore / dodge the question every time.
Yeh except maybe some people don't like mobile platforms... That aside I have to admit the OUYA isn't very good as it stands. I'm still waiting for my release version to come in the mail (it's taking so long) but the current dev console which I have has a number of problems and the games are well... mobile games in High Def.... That all being said it's not all bad if you're into those kinds of games and for the price tag who knows how well it will do in stores. I'm currently not very hopeful but maybe I'll be surprised... who knows.
Affordable rig that supports open Gl 2.0
Road Kill Kenny replied to OutragedSuburbanAmerican's topic in General Discussion
Indeed a you'll be able to play anything that currently exists but not necessarily next generation or on par with PS4 or XBox One. You also have to assume you have things lieing around. You're also missing PSU and Operating System from your list in the event you aren't going Linux or don't have Win 7 (I think Win8 is cheaper though). You also have to factor in that just having the statistics == on paper between PC & next Gen console doesn't mean they are equal, these machines are designed specifically for games and they don't have an OS that clogs everything up all the time. Of course after a few years of next gen consoles being out a cheap new PC would easily overpower it... just not quite yet. Crysis is an old game now... All that asside you are correct... You could do OpenGL 4 stuff easy with a rig like that. -
Affordable rig that supports open Gl 2.0
Road Kill Kenny replied to OutragedSuburbanAmerican's topic in General Discussion
Could be but I'm skeptical. In Aus you might only just manage to get on par at $800.. I recently read a US article about this same issue saying it would be more like $600 in to get on par with it.. still its not much more but thats beside the point.. its still a 33.3% increase in cost. -
Affordable rig that supports open Gl 2.0
Road Kill Kenny replied to OutragedSuburbanAmerican's topic in General Discussion
For $800 you should be able to buy a decent machine that supports OpenGL 4 I can't say I agree with this.. $400 for a "Kickass" gaming PC? This doesn't sound right... Also don't forget that PC's are running a lot more than just a game so they require extra oomph. i.e. You can for sure easily make a PC that will last out almost 2 generations of console but it will cost a lot more. Don't forget you also need to buy an OS for a PC.. unless you go Linux. That asside this is about PC building so here's my 2cents: If you make a mistake and pick the wrong motherboard then you could also stuff up your graphics card upgradability. If you want to be able to upgrade it in the future you need to have at least one PCI-Express 3 slot on it. Also if you plan to upgrade you need to either buy a power supply that has room for upgrade or be prepared to buy a bigger one later... The less you spend the less upgradable the system becomes. But as I said $800 will get you what you want easy. -
I find rigging of humans to be one of the more difficult tasks to get right yet one of the most important tasks to do right to get nice realistic animation. To solve this problem I bought myself “Humane Rigging” Blender video training.. it’s pretty awesome as it teaches you all you need to know. Also I can vouch for the 2010 Blender training series that TDan mentioned above.. It basically told me everything I needed to know about Blender when I made the switch from 3Ds Max. Awesome and comprehensive video training which no amount of Youtube tutorials could stand up to. Other than that there is always Youtube as TDan has said already.
1. Set the matrix of the missile to be the same as the character / object firing it.. 2. Move the missile to whatever offset you want. i.e. the character position will be on the ground because of the controller you'll have to offset it to be in front of your cannon. All the functions you require are here under Movement: http://www.leadwerks...ference/entity/ Alternatively if you can get the position of the "cannon", if there is one, then you would base your offset from there. Sorry I don't do lines of code.. That's for you to figure out. After all I don't even own LE3 but regardless of engine that is what you would do.
Odd I was thinking the same thing about someone else....
Each character should be its own instance of your character class. More specifically code a base class for generic characters that has all the functionality that every character will 100% need. Then for specific character functionality derive a new character class by inheriting from the base class. You should store the handle to each character in some kind of list. Personally I usually make a level manager class which is responsible for holding this list and updating each every frame... I can elaborate if you wish..
I don't get it.... there are so many good games out there to mod already made by big companies with 100s of employees... I don't see the point... Also... I think everyone is putting a lot of weight on this 1 comment Josh made... It's not like he hasn't changed his mind a lot in the past.
My prediction is that this will never happen. At least not in the way you want it. Reason being... There are freaking books and books and books about the different aspects of making games... To go step by step, to the degree that you seem to be asking, for a half decent game would be a monster... A monster that I so much doubt a Game Engine Developer has time to tackle even with help... I'm not sure anyone who has the skill for this has the time... since most people are making their own games. Ain't nobody got time for that unless they are indeed writing a book. Anyone who says they can actually do this and have time for it are either sweet talking you.... or is ignorant about the matter (or is actually writing a book ) And one final note:
What's the biggest development challenge you face?
Road Kill Kenny replied to Josh's topic in General Discussion
Ever tried Notepad++. It has line numbers and you can disable all highlighting etc. if you want. -
Among other things, It is this awkward interface between C++ and LUA (or between any coding language -> scripting language for that matter) which makes me not want to touch scripting with a 10 foot pole.
Yes I understand. But what I am saying it was more than a slight "deviation" from the roadmap. It was more like complete abandonment from the roadmap and a failure to update it. Not that I really care anymore... I'm over it.. just thought I'd set the record straight since I was one of the people complaining about it.
Deviation.. by that you mean it was completely ignored and never updated right? If you deviate from a roadmap you should change the roadmap....
How the hell is LUA already a game framework?.. or so called "already code components" LUA is a scripting languge... There is nothing stopping you using LUA script right now to make a full game.. but by the sounds of it that still isn't working for you. No matter how simple the syntax of LUA is compared to C++.. if you are going to use LUA as a coding language to make the full game with it you will have all the same problems that anyone coding a full game in C++ will have and I dare say a few more problems specific to LUA. LUA is not some magical thing that simplifies algorithms and automatically sets up your system.. At the end of the day you still have to go through the same steps as with any programming language. I don't understand this trend of people thinking they should be able to create a game without coding / learning code. It makes no sense. It's like an architect drawing a building and thinking he doesn't need Engineering skills to actually build it. absurd.. At the end of the day the coding language is never the hard part of programming for games.. It's the algorithms and figuring out your game architecture and systems.. how they interact with each other etc. It doesn't matter if you're using LUA, C++, C#, BMax, Obj C... it will still be flopping hard because programming is not about syntax or language (only 1% imo).. it's about problem solving... intense brick sweating, acid bleeding, blood, sweat and tears problem solving.
I think they are from FPSC. not sure about that though.
Best way to learn shaders is to read some OpenGL tutorials. Even if you aren't interested in OpenGL itself, you will very quickly learn how shaders work and how to use them.. Then adapt that