I partly agree with you and partly don't. For one I agree that the "What will you make with LE3" is pretty damn sad cuz the most common thing was make an FPS games. Not that I have anything against FPS game but, because the basic of an FPS are so flopping easy to create, they pretty much have to be AAA to make it anywhere in the market and that can be too much work graphically... There aren't that many indie FPS games for a reason.\
On the other hand I don't understand why you think that LE2's draw was the fantasy of creating AAA games. Sure some people are stupid and come here saying they want to make the next AAA crysis or MMO.... however, the people here that actually know how to do anything with the engine are and have been working on things more feasible. Every community has these people that scream AAA this AAA that and they often are the majority..
Also I don't understand why having a good renderer means you want AAA. Heck 'Rendering' quality and graphical art quality are two freaking different things. For a AAA game you need both good quality rendering and really good art. The art part is the hardest because there can be so much for a 1 or 2 man team to deal with... But why the hell not have a good renderer to offset the lacking quality of graphics in an indie game? My game certainly doesn't have AAA graphics but heck it looks a damn lot better with dynamic shadows... As an indie dev I'll take any advantage I can graphically if It is already done for me to offset my lacking artwork.
This is simply not true. I won't say what it is in fear of starting an engine war.