I have decided on an engine now, and I did not choose Leadwerks 3. The reason why I did not purchase LE3 is mainly because I think it really is not a finished product. There is a lot of good things, for example clear and precise documentation, the CSG editor is nice as well. Plus the possibility to deploy to Win and Mac and of course the integrated pathfinding.
However, for now I think the features offered by the rendering engine are way too low. Plus I think a GUI Editor or at least a library with functions is nowadays a must for an engine. Of course I could have bought LE3 now, as it seems all these things will be added over time. But as there is no clear roadmap, I have no clue what will get added when or at which price. I also own LE2.5 and when LE3 got announced it was said there will be a lower priced update for licence holders, which finally was there, but only for a short time. The price for the engine was initially announced way higher, then it was changed again to a lower price.....so to sum up honestly I don't trust the company enough to justify a purchase now.
But I will monitor LE3 and see how it develops, and maybe in the future buy a licence. As said, I really think the engine has lots of potential, but in its current form, it is not finished. Maybe it was just released too early.
I am not bashing LE, just giving my opinion hoping that it might help the devs to further improve the engine.