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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. I had some five or four crashes ramdomly when manipulating objects even small. Try going with Steam in offline mode to see if it behaves better.
  2. @Shirck : You will need a complete 3D art pack containing : - different Weapons - 3D model arms having animations (idle, fire , second fire, reload , precise aim) for each weapons as each weapon is specific. This is not only coding. If you know how to make animations, just buy or use some arms and create yourself animations for pistol, rifle ,granade etc ...
  3. Forget simple BSP tools and take advanced ones , Blender is not super easy to take if this is your first time, but skecthup can be used by anyone so easy. Note that Sketchup manages UV and texture mapping also, ready to import.
  4. I agree with standard games points : How about using different sound effects for different floor textures? Walking on concrete sounds different than walking on snow.Use different level mesh : snow_mesh, rock_mesh, than detect if the player collides with snow ro rock mesh. Some engines uses raycast agains texture on floor and detect what texture on terrain is the mode visible to play adequate sound How about breaking/shattering glass, to the point of being able to walk through the brush where it just was? Have a Glass door model with simple cube shape collision , If player shoot at door (raycast) , make the door not collidable and play some "breaking" animation of the door (and play some short glass breaking particle effect) . How about climbing up and down a ladder? When character collides with and invisible box around ladder or if near ladder enought, if action button pressed, just rotate and place player on center of ladder or some child pivot of ladder, when keys up and down, move up or down. When up max or down max of ladder just play the engage or disengage ladder animation. How about showing you health in your hud like a progress bar instead of a number? Use old darkness demo (beware it is a bug for lightening of HUD image) How about a shield bar like a health bar that regenerates? (Think Borderlands.) Use old darkness demo , and manage yourself image shield to stretch on X axis, width = 0 for for empty shield and with = 500 for full shield. How about rain or snow ? Just attach a Particle object as child object of camera object , and have it always playing in front of camera. Rain or snow is just different gravity for particles, snow falling slowly with random curves, and different sprites or sprite effects. How about an example of a melee weapon like a sword or pointed stick? Raycast from weapon stick begin to stick end to see if raycast collides with NPC cylinder collision. How about an example of finding and picking up a new weapon? This is more 3D art related than coding, caus like games do , you switch weapons attached to player hands : gun weapon changing to bigger two hands weapon, different animations for handling and using different weapons. How about an example of a neon light, which might just be a shader? Yes Diffuse/Glow shader would be great. ----------- What would be great : - Double jump code - Grenade math code (ideal would be a smi visible box where it should land) - Dialog and windows text system - Small Inventory system and items pick up in 3D view - Marchant or game shop system (exhange between player and marchant inventory) - Skill tree system (unlcok skills using skill points) - Turning camera system (using math cone of vision to detect player) - Swimming / diving on water system (raycast when ray between 5 and - 200 collides with water plane) - Flying rocket system for character (pressing a key the character have some back rocket makeing him fly)
  5. Just make a prefab containing : -Weapon non collidable -A BSP Box collidable as child of Weapon In your character code : attach each frame the prebad to the hand of the character Beware physic little box agains Cylnder character controller physics will work ? you must test it.
  6. Before making a game : Prototype it by making gameplay first. Like done by pro makers like Grin studio : char control NPC AI level design
  7. You have a free , lot more advanced tool: Google Sketchup You can export to obj or FBX. Even used in Uncharted 3 for proto and making models also. Nothing beat a modeler like Blender also, as you have lot lot more tools and control on UV etc .... I would say : keep simple boxes for BSP prototyping or super basic level layout, than replace by 3D models.
  8. No collision system and particular features as planes not colliding is not documented. I try to not ask for help as much as possible You should ask, sometimes people will bring you solutions, documentation is one thing, what people try to do is another and you'll find also problems solutions on "programming" and "Bug Reports" also.
  9. Can someone post a complete working script or example in asset store ? (for all people needing that)
  10. Only using your prefab make it crash ? (I should say , avoid prefabs , i use no prefab for my game in fact )
  11. @Rick: without optimisation, on the level when you see only 2 or 5 lights, it's displayed 10-15 or more are displayed and calculated, i increased frame rate from 10-17 to 25-40 with such FPS view. You can check lights every half second, instead of each frame, so a counter helps. Distance is not a lot eating CPU, but if you had to calculate some Navigation path to check something, indeed you will not call it each frame.
  12. I agree, nobody uses it. You can look at Hinge command reference that has a Lua example. It seems to work, i didn't succeed to make a script from it for the door. But the best way would be to havea door with a pivot as child where the Hinge should be and a script for the door. You should ask to skilled math programmers here
  13. Tested several times, it don't work and the code can't work with any door as it creates is own Joint : --Create a motorized slider joint local position=self.entity:GetPosition(true)+self.offset Instead we should use a script using one or two pivots we would place as child of a door that would say around what points the door rotate. I will try to make teh script.
  14. The pistol and arms are one model only. What you can do is on Blender separate model from arms as two distinct models. Thans in game start function attach gun to the hands bone by code, to switch gun , just remove pistol from 3D scene and attach by code another 3D pistol model.
  15. Could you post your texture or a part for us to test ?
  16. Yes, dual functionnality will help a lot, even AAA games like GTA and others don't use unlimited deffered lights in game levels, and they use lights limitation number per object , some games uses portals on level also , others uses lights/shadows tricks sometimes mixed with lightmapping. Lot of game styles that are not FPS or have some top down camera (RPG, TPS, RTS, Car game etc ... )or 2.5D view can easy control how many lights , shadows are activated when player is moving as you see only a part of 3D scene. For FPS and free camera games it's lot more complicated as you can see the entire scene from any view, and thses type of games will need optimization indeed, you can't just throw 20 lights and put calculated shadows on lot of objects. I don't need such optimized system as a game ia have is mainly 2.5D camera, so i will have control on how many lighst are activated while player is moving. This suggestion came trying LE3 FPS demo, i thaught people making FPS will need optimisation and clever Light/shadow system. So a good suggestion for Leadwerks 3.
  17. It's old GoblinAI code, so here is some code usefull for the WIKI Script.minDistance = 5.0--float Script.framecounter = 0 Script.target = nil--Entity "Target" function Script:UpdateWorld() self.framecounter = self.framecounter +1 if self.framecounter > 10 then local dist = self.entity:GetDistance(self.target) if dist > self.minDistance then self.entity:Hide() else self.entity:Show() end self.framecounter = 0 end end Not the optimisation with framecounter : no need to check each frame, each 10 frames or more for some half second is enought.
  18. Detaching the hair from the main mesh and having it as a separate object that's linked to the character's head would allow me to use the non-animation ready shader but that's far less than ideal for several reasons: All shaders works same on character with animation or static object , you mean Static Vs dynamic shader ? For hair dynamic physic in games, it's special code managing vertex, or rope physics on some hair parts colliding with an invisble volume attached to the bone head of character.
  19. Does this works with lights ? i have some code that makes game crash, perhaps i odn't use it well ? Here si the script attached to a light (target is the player object like done in Camera script for example) Script.minDistance = 5.0--float Script.framecounter = 0 Script.target = nil--Entity "Target" function Script:UpdateWorld() self.framecounter = self.framecounter +1 if self.framecounter > 10 then local dist = self.entity:GetDistanceToEntity(self.target.entity) if dist > self.minDistance then self.entity:Hide() else self.entity:Show() end self.framecounter = 0 end end
  20. If lights that are special objects would have some different icon on scene panel it would be great.
  21. Yep LE3 manages Diffuse + alpha if i remeber well, im' not sure it can manage for your "hair" model some shader applying alpha on normal map + Spec map also. Caus i think your problem is that you want your hair using alpha texture to have normal map also ? this shader doesn't process skeletal animation and so the hair just hangs there while the rest of the model moves You should attach the hair to the character head bone with some code, this way you will be able to change it, or just make the hair part of the model character when rigging.
  22. Be aware that LE3 don't manage collision against 3D planes, if your floor or walls are planes the collision will fail (at least when i tested it), so you'll need models having a real volume for floor, walls etc ..
  23. I played the great FPS demo of Leadwerks 3, i got between 13 to 27 FPS most of the time and 7 to 8 when ennemies crawler came ot the player. Anti alias was on 2X, and other stuff in medium, and my PC runs big games easy with lot more seetings like DOF, HDR etc ... I would prefer less lights, less shadows and some 60 FPS on such level where we have two ennemies only. What make big games running so smooth and with great settings : optimisation , visibility , lod In the demo, there is no portals, lights distance activation, shadows distance activation and shadows LOD. So what could be great : 1 ) Minimum distance activation parameter option in properties panel for : - object / character shadows - lights - Normal / specular shader minimum distance activation parameter on properties panel : far objects won't make lot of difference with or without normal map and yo'u ll save lot of GPU 2) Abiltity so setup quality of shadows for the game from low bitmap to high (LE3 is always on super quality for shadows) or am i wrong ? 3) Models and Characters LOD (But why the two crawlers when in front of you make the game so slow , they are only two characters ?? ) 4) transition effect for models/characters displayed at some minimum range to avoid popup effect : * Guild Wars 2 like with some special shader * Skyrim like with a simple effective alpha transition 5) parameter : How many lights interact with a model : usefull on optimisation for complex models to limit the number of lights it receives. 6) The level contains lot of objects, too much , be able to "Merge" selected objects as one object would a lot decrease the draw call. Indeed you could merge "static" objects only. Prefab is not a merge as the prefab keeps the objects tree. ----------- Deleting not necessary lights and keeping 5 only i got around 30 FPS , 40 GPS near elevator and 13-17 with the two bad *** guys near. Light even no more visible when you are far from really eat lot of GPU. Some distance activation parameter would be great (i'll try a Lua activation script also) The other improvment is also ot use Lightmapping instead of static shadows as they are both static. I just tried using Lights and distance activation, with really less lights in the scene, i got some 38-60 FPS without characters NPC.
  24. Yep be able to create folders and sub folders under Scene panel. Actaully adding lot of stuff , the list begins to be too long to work in scene Panel and unsusable if your level begins ot have lot of stuff. Beeing able to put all level stuff in some folders like /levels/level1 /levels/level1/characters Would help a lot to have organized level design in Leadwerks 3.
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