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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. YouGroove

    Stretched Thin

    Better : make ONE project only at time , and make it as best as you can.
  2. A model with cube physics get stuck inside BSP cube model. In the level test you have twice same test, but one uses invisible material on BPS cube to see the problem clearly. How ot test it : - Download leveltest.zip and extract it somewhere - Create a new LE3 Project - replace Map file with the one of the downloaded ZIP - Place the BoxPost.fbx in "Models" forlder of your project - Compile project with VS C++ - run the game to see the box physics. leveltest.zip
  3. What is strange is when using the menu to import FBX it works, but the log is long and it contains some problems errors ? Could the problem come from here finally and would impact drag and drop ? ------------------------------------- Initializing device... Loading shader "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Shaders/Drawing/DrawImage.shader"... Converting "models\boxpost.fbx"... Input: C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/BoxPost.fbx Output: C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/BoxPost.mdl FBX: Initializing scene... FBX: File version: 6.1.0 FBX: Importing scene... FBX: found mesh: Cube_001 FBX: found animation: Default Take, fps: 25.000, start: 0.0000, end: 10.0000, length: 10.0000 FBX: found smoothing groups MDL: total leaf bones pruned: 2 MDL: total vertices: 69, total faces: 134 MDL: exporting as skinned mesh Conversion: success Failed to load thumbnail 6 for C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/boxpost.mdl Loading model "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/boxpost.mdl" Deleting model "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/boxpost.mdl" Saving thumbnail C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/boxpost.mdl Failed to load thumbnail 6 for C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/boxpost.mdl Loading model "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/boxpost.mdl" Deleting model "C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/boxpost.mdl" Saving thumbnail C:/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Models/boxpost.mdl Is this Windows UAC protection again perhaps ? Could the solution be to work on Windows USers directory instead ?
  4. Will LE 3.1 have FXAA or it is for some 3.2 ? Could LE3 editor windows include some FXAA option ?
  5. I have only log of loaded level on console. Could it be TGA or FBX, when drag and drop ; nothing is written on console. Strange i remember it worked with older LE3 version.
  6. Perhaps it's not possible or i don't understand something. Jst wanted to have some cylinder collision on a model i imported, after import i choose on physic panel cylinder for the model. Strange "Fit Shape" seems not working in that case , and Physic view shows nothing and ingame no collision occurs ? So it is possible to have cylinder physic for some imported model ?
  7. Same here , i use Win7 , dragging FBX file on LE3 "Models" folder i have a "+" sign , but nothing is imported, even trying more times. Same for TGA bitmaps, it must be some general Windows setting perhaps ? So I simply use Menu import instead.
  8. Well, i go that problem making a game and needing some BSP cube in the air, i was surprised the character to walk above it and walk on empty space also. My bug report goal is improve physics , make them ROCK SOLID As stated in bug report rules : Include a complete description of the steps we need to follow to produce the problem. If images are needed to describe the error, upload them as an attachment in your forum thread. This is what i have done the problem is detailled and can be reproduced using even Darkness Awaits project. If any files are necessary to produce the problem, add them as an attachment in your thread. If your report requires files to reproduce the problem, and you do not attach those files, it will be locked or ignored so that we can focus on those issues that do have complete reports. Ok , the entire project directory is 130Mo, pretty big, so i'll just give the map file (8 mo ) and modified Player script. http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/469703/Maps-zip.html Steps to reproduce the bug : - Create a new project - copy barbarian model on your project models folder, make it using Physics Character, mass to 0.2. - Download file in link above - Dezip file and put "start" Map file in your map project directory "player.lua" on your Scripts folde - Load the new "Start" map on your project - place Barbarian on the scene , attach "player" script to it (it's original player script with Post Render method empty) - compile project - launch the game and just move the barbarian to the blue BSP cube to see the bug (When the barbarian will be on top of cube, make it move slowly to see it walking above empty space until some limit)
  9. A Small cube is on the scene above ground, when using a character controller moving towards the little BSP cube, the character just climbs over it and can walk in some empty space. - make a BSP Floor - Make a small BSP cube not grounded on floor - use Barbarian with Player script - Move Barbarian to the littke BSP Cube to see the physic problem.
  10. Interesting on how was made desert outdoor level. http://www.wireframeworlds.com/uncharted.html Complete games art reference list : http://wiki.polycount.com/CategoryReferenceGameArt#Joy_Ride_Turbo_.282012.29 Enjoy and hope you'll learn some tips.
  11. Yes that's exactly that, independent from frame rate or time delay, but based on animation. Another way could be to trick it by splitting some animation in two animations , so once first half is played you do your stuff and play second half But well it's not super natural in workflow indeed and will ask more work than just checking 50% by code. I think it can be done in Animation manager, but i didn't understood all it's Lua code.
  12. In Lua using AnimationManager, it is possibleto know how much some playing animation has played like 50%, 70% ? I use callback method at the end of animation; but having some info like that i could avoid to use some timer and be more precise for some stuff.
  13. I agree on scaling all axis would be nice. Even today, i loosed too much time trying to find the good scaling of models i resized in the editor modifying manually X and Y and Z each time. ------------------- A new Lua project : PC old school Beat Them up, i got character fighting system working great. All visuals are not final, first is making gampelay and game system. All level is BSP only.
  14. Compounds : You can edit them to make original geometry, just create one compound Tube for example, and in "scene" panel you can select it's sub ojects and move them , delete them n rotate or scale.
  15. Something i dindt' understood at first time (should have read docs perhaps). When you select a BSP object you have by default the scale and move mode : You move edges along axis selecting a white selection square or more the object if you clik elsewhere on object. Now if you click another time on the object you have now only four white circles selections and you are in rotation mode : If you click again on the oject, now you have only four white squares to move edges in normal opposite direction : Usefull to make roofs and any other shapes quickly.
  16. --This function will be called once when the program starts function App:Start() --Set the application title self.title="luaTest8" --Create a window self.window=Window:Create(self.title) self.window:HideMouse() --Create the graphics context self.context=Context:Create(self.window,0) if self.context==nil then return false end --Create a world self.world=World:Create() --Load a map local mapfile = System:GetProperty("map","Maps/map2.map") if Map:Load(mapfile)==false then return false end return true end --This is our main program loop and will be called continuously until the program ends function App:Loop() if self.window:KeyDown(Key.B) then App.world = World:Create() local mapfile = "Maps/map1.map" Map:Load(mapfile) end if self.window:KeyDown(Key.V) then App.world = World:Create() local mapfile = "Maps/map2.map" Map:Load(mapfile) end --If window has been closed, end the program if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape) then return false end --Update the app timing Time:Update() --Update the world self.world:Update() --Render the world self.world:Render() --Refresh the screen self.context:Sync() --Returning true tells the main program to keep looping return true end A strange point i didn't got it work first time ? I got map loading that worked one time only, chaning map, always re opened the same ? So in the editor i opened and closed the two maps to check them , and Lua code worked prefectly. Perhaps my PC ? Visual Studio open behind ? Some memory problem ? Anyway that code above works prefectly in Lua
  17. Ok i got it. World:Clear() World:Create()
  18. It's normal, you need shadow "on" for walls objects or use lightmapping.
  19. Ability to place to create a path object and add consecutive 3D points positions to it. With simple function like GetPath(name) and Get3Dpoints() Usefull to make simple patrol scripted AI for Robots, characters patrol, racing game car optimized path (Gran Turismo like scripted paths and AI) , background flying planes or birds etc ...
  20. Thanks. Why not having that under Apperance, as for light Appearence deals with light attributes ? (No need to scroll tabs also)
  21. Actually character collision uses always same size, i never seen so restrictive features for character collision anywhere else. It can't work with several character or monster sizes and shapes in a real game. It is planned in the future to be able to change and have any size for character collision cylinder ?
  22. Fewww, never seen characer collision so restrictive.
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