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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. I use that functions , elsewhere and it's super usefull. I would wish LE3 to become more complete in that way, people will be able to go further in game possibilities. Now i don't know if it's not related to Newton 3, where it could not be implemented ?
  2. I can re install my PC sometimes to have it clean again. I used LE3 and Android, , and what was really suggested is to have it under : C:\Leadwerks Caus lot of paths were hard coded, and having it installed elsewhere, there amount of problems of paths. It is always same suggestion for install directory or can we install LE3 elsewhere , without any impact ?
  3. Do we have these functions with some for some physic object colliding with another ? I didn't find them or didn't seen well.
  4. why not staying in full Newton 3 ? Im' not sure hijacking collision system to be good ?
  5. Yes, i already imported a model and it's lightmap from Blender in LE3 and done a tutorial on that.
  6. Using PhysicsSetPosition works for everything except the Character Physics. Using a an invisible box with PhysicsSetPosition that would be the character physics, and just displayign a non collidable character at that position could work ? That helped there but if it is possible to solve these issues completely without workarounds that would be very nice. I agree. This time is this not Newton 3 specific ? didn't seen any newton 2.5D game.
  7. @tjheldna : Do you use physic or character controller ? How do you manage to have the character move straight left or right on X axis without going on Z axis ? I 'm very interested on others solutions if it could work.
  8. Super short. I have the game idea, but as i will do all 3D art, that will be lot more long than using outside models and just programming.
  9. i import some object, i duplicate it, and want different sizes, but uniform scaling. It can't be done in LE3 with gizmo, actually only in different axes, not all axes at same time. (And entering scaling values is super long compared to using a gizmo) This is common in 3D engines, i hope LE3 to bring this to the editor.
  10. I want to move this csg "forward" without physics/mass but still have it register a collision. Remember me the old good Blitz3D engine. I thnik you will need physics to be able to have precise shape detection collision.
  11. This code is 2.5D custom code to avoid all physic problems you cound encounter. It's Lua, i tested it in LE3 and it's just perfect for 2.5D games. If you use the code you can thanks Aily, cau he was kind to give the permission to share it's code with community. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vpvhqoop3s7in7t/WallJumperManualCollisions.rar?v=0mcn
  12. This could help you ? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7246-tutorial-25d-platforming-code-by-aily/#entry58867
  13. It's Blender work for Blender people interested on that way of working. Sorry to make you so nervous, but well i think i will post less indeed. (you're not force to read a subject that don't interest you also)
  14. Strange it worked with another 3D model i tested with last update of Leadwerks 3. Made another model on 3D coat, directly exported to FBX without needing to use Blender and all is fine in Leadwerks 3. Strange, but at least it works that way.
  15. I agree : basic feature of any 3D engine has , cube skybox. And even more important than GUI, i hope that feature to come in some next patch really , instead of using turn around solutions.
  16. Great Shadmar. What do you mean repaired ? I usually export from blender with "calculate normal out" and with before smooth applied to all faces. No angle to specify and it worked lot of times ? Perhaps 3D Coat V4 problem ? I'll try to find from wheer in the process it fails (3D coat export, Blender import ) ?
  17. Agrror just wanted to show as fast and super programmer he is. Let's make some 3D character modeling contest next time In fact people making 3D art you can recognize their game by the style they use. So i don't think myne to be so secret lol
  18. Normal map ok with no colors problems ro specular problem ?
  19. Strange, material is ok on mat viewer. But wrong on model and in game ?
  20. Rick : Ok, so this problem seems real with different rendering depending on what software made the textures. Do you have marmoset tool to test ? @shadmar: here is the files: http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/435362/tree-7z.html
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