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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. There's a lot of different areas we can focus development effort on, and we're still learning who our main customer is Some GUI system and GUI editor should be planned before terrain perhaps ? About the customers, i think this is talking about some game companies specially some that would need to move their PC game to mobile ?
  2. When will we see a real camera 3D gizmo ? Same for oriented lights ?
  3. Just created a simple level with cube, a simple imported FBX, the leve don't run and i have that message : Map file version (15) not supported What is the problem ?
  4. Does anyone have some good working jumping code written in Lua ? (need sor some 2.5D platformer)
  5. You can export an entire project as a single ZIP archive. You can also import a project from a .zip or .werk project file. This makes it easy to share projects and collaborate with other Leadwerks developers as a team. Awesome for that part
  6. Are each segment independant objects ? If they was just snapped objects you could pick just the objects instead.
  7. Lot of games today use 3D tiles and modular 3D pieces (exterior modular houses parts , floor and wall 3D tiles) , you go lot more faster than using any CSG programs , creating details in CSG and trying to adjust UV. In a modeler you work faster and better caus it's done for that job. Each people will go the way they prefer at final. Importing our own models to lightmap in LE3 will be i think a bigger step.
  8. There is already lot of stuff asked , like Bigger and more easy selectable Gizmos. New Rotation Gizmo than old style actual one etc ... we wait for some magic gizmos to appear
  9. I wish I had more info for you but as you know creating all the art assets for an entire level by yourself can be very time consuming and I have mostly been creating art assets rather than exporting them too much yet It depends if you know how to go modular ? Levels can be created fastly this way. -Combining houses parts and textures to make variation -3D tiles - modular rocks etc ...
  10. I had same problems with materials already. Let's wait for some bug fix !
  11. Perhaps some physic adjustment to do. Perhaps not enought physic strenght or the physic is applied to the center of the mass ?
  12. I'm lot more interested on attaching objects to some bone of animated model with some offsets.
  13. Some simple easy ot use GUI system would be great. Caus any game will have some GUI specially those having panels like racing car upgrade, character stats or any merchant. So i'm just guessing if some GUI system is planned ?
  14. All tutorials are mixed. It shoud be great to have sub categories if it was possible ? - Lua - C++ - 3D art - game examples
  15. There are some suggestions in forumi hope will take shape : - new easy Gizmos (rotation, move etc ...) and more easy to select - select button etc ...
  16. First one : Multiple Gizmo "a la Silo" Same for faces, vertex , edges :
  17. Terrain on blender and import it with Lightmap on LE3 can do good results i think This is AWESOME to promote Blender. It is complete from modeling ,UV, basic painting to animation, and first of all it's FREE. Perhaps not easy to pick up, but once you have main keys it goes fast.
  18. Making tracks : The key points , are : -Bezier curves : one for the track , another for the shape to extrude. -"Crtl" C - turn it to a mesh -select a face of the loop , select another neightbour to previous with Alt Shift to select all faces of the loop (you need to have one active face for next step to work) - "U" to unwrap : choose "Follow active Quad" to have a nice straight repeating UV mapping automatically - Resize the UV down on the road texture - repeat that for all loop , and you have your race track This is SuperTusk tutorial, but it was very confuse on the Unwrap part,but great for some other modeling parts : http://supertuxkart....elling_tutorial The Unwrapping part was on another link ,but i loosed it unfortunatelly. Another use of Folow Active on Unwrapping objects :
  19. With deffered rendering you will target tablets and powerfull phones, not any low cost android tablet or phone. Even some devices have not enougth advanced GPU. I think people will have the choice for fast game using lightmapping and great results, and this way avoid shadows on level to keep all saved power for other stuff. Anyway , i would like fast shadows also
  20. Double post sorry. (tablet stylus is too fast)
  21. This is the interest of CSG, avoid real time shadows in levels, caus shadows are heavy GPU consuming. Specially if you target Low PC Specs or a wide range of Android mobiles. Now we have lightmaps and normal maps on them, just need LE3 to be able to lightmap our entire level made of models as we can provide models with 2nd UV. Even better let LE 3 make the second UV by copying the first one and let choose a scaling for 2nd UV; something doable in one click ?
  22. @Rick : If a "Real instancing" system is present indeed we can go that way. But does it works when you also have rotated your instanced models on the scene ? Does it is really present in LE 3 ? And lightening it in lot of engines "Broken" between neightbour tiles, due to vertex or shaders lighetning. I tested and had same problem in LE3 with 3D tiles just snapped together on the editor. Importing as one model and it looked good in LE3 this way. On some engines, it's better to assemble your 3D tiles as one model in your modeler,the engine will deal with one model instead of managing 200 or 400. On games using 3D tiles for floor , walls etc ... it can be more complicated : TorchLight uses it's own editor , and i've seen that it needs lot more CPU power on a laptop compared to some other games, caus all 3D tiles are processed as models. Some AAA engines, uses instances of 3D tiling Rooms and corridors ( Oblivion game), not all tilling floor and wall 3D pieces. Only testing will show you what is the best solution : - import one level in one model - import 3D tilling rooms , corridors - import sub tilling models : Floor pieces, wall pieces
  23. Actually it's not possible to select some 10 or 20 objects at same time, by dragging some rectangle or circle.You must click each of them. So there is translate, rotate, scale buttons, we would need some select button.
  24. You can make some Tilling rooms and corridors and assemble them in your modeler as one level to import. I feel lot more fast and free using Blender and making tlling floor,walls , corridors etc ... That's where possibilty to import models with 2nd UV and lightmap in LE3 will become super usefull. I would have prefered terrain before CSG : open levels in the fresh air
  25. You can just re generate the Phy files in LE 3 in the Asset folder, it generates the Phy file for you.
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