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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. You need to import all your textures, LE 3 will create ".tex" files. Than for each you must create a material where you will put the texture and choose the shader. Than dag the material to the 3D model in editor or in model editor to see it textured.
  2. Flowgraphs should be translated as Lua scripts, but perhaps performance is lost somewhere else ? For beginners, they will need to dig general tutorials on game making, and yes a new comer to 3D that didn't use scripts and 3D egine,s it can be hard for these sort of people. I think some 3 rd person platforming game tutorial would be great before FPS ? (Like Unity 3 rd tutorial covering aspects form level making and design, placing lights, managing the character and bad ennemies at last).
  3. BSP level test , lightmap makes it promising I think in something like this : http://www.indiedb.com/games/soldier-of
  4. thanks a lot Chris That's heavy pieces of code, and i would like to test if i can make some space game like this one.
  5. Me again : it was Low res lightmap rendering. I choosed high res and the lightmap is not broken anymore :
  6. Well i just aligned to grid and side by side BSP cubes, the generated lightmap is broken between aligned cubes : Will Welding of vertices avoid that lightening seams breaks ?
  7. when we copy one or several BSP models they are all shifted in all axes , so in all views. That's not good when we need to keep same Y value and ust duplictae models along XZ. Could it be some option in future updates, to copy/paste or duplicate and with the editor not adding some offset along axes ?
  8. A character would be lightened more when wlaking on some BSP surface having more light in the lightmap. Can we code that with some sort of raycast returning color and birghtness information, or should it be a new hard coded function in LE3 DLL ?
  9. Okay great. I presume it's mainly for indoor, or Half Life 2 style outdoor (even if im' not sure it was BSP) But yes it can be a great shorcut adn very usefull for lot of mobile games style , even on PC.
  10. Suppose we have vertex welding, in terms of performance, will models meshes be faster to display than BSP ? Specially for a complex level : BSP = lot of entities BSP models models = you can make one whole model or make a base level resuing meshes in your modeler and save it as one model only.
  11. I had it one time. And never got it again ? Yes perhaps you should be less nervous and more patient (less clicks)
  12. The best is to attach some different script to type 1 and type 6 or have a custom global variable indicating who is it ? type 1 or type 6. The mor esimple is to detect any entity that collides, than when it collides you just check the "script name" of the entity or some interna variable of the class. If self.type == 1 If self.type == 6 if slef.script == Goblin (type 1) if slef.script == golem (type6) I htink there are good ways of doing what you want.
  13. Can anyone lighten me on that and tell me if this works like that, or if it could exist some solution , please ? I would need to know that because in my ealier game develoment , i need to knwo if i can go BSP for level making or instead go the model. Caus for models, i have to make and work on 3D tiles, and for BSP i can begin create the level already right now.
  14. Thanks for the tip on prefab. the fisrt would be some 360 direction input by mouse for the character or for some space ship : On Android instead of mouse it would be some full 360 Android circle pad. *********************** The second idea was but for later would be some RTS style unit movement : You click on terrain or any model level with mouse and your unit or character goes to that position.
  15. Is it a way to not have lightening seams ? Perhaps some BSP merge duplicated vertex could be helpfull (some sort of merging BSP models like compiling before game starts) ? Anyway i do'nt knwo how to do with the cylinder ? If we could import our own lightmaping it would be better indeed.
  16. I made a cylinder could i use default materials or a custom using lightmap shader, the lightening is breaked non smooth Is it possible to have smooth lightening and surface for cylinders and BSP ? some option would be cool.
  17. LE 2 and LE 3 shaders are not compatible i think.
  18. Ok i missed it again : We have under "Edit" menu for BSP : -select object -select surface So we can put different textures per faces : great
  19. Ok my fault : You just drag and drop bsp models under a parent one to have a group Can the admin close this thread ?
  20. Some editors works well with pen tablets. could LE3 could support one day Pen tablets in the editor ? caus the camera go crazy with pen tablet. not all people use them, but i use it for anything i do.
  21. I already had that. Just re launch Leadwerks 3.
  22. I don't think, you need to make it in the editor i think. What do you want to remove ? Perhaps you could just load the scene , and load by code the elements you could want to add than remove later ? Is it to make some personnal level editor ?
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