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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. This is the last demo from Newton i tested. It's better to wait for native support in LE3 exposing Ragdoll features than making ourselves something not as good and not as fast. I tested the demo: Standard joints and all works very well. Among demos you have simple cloth patch : very fast with 0,06 ms tim cost Simple body physics : 0,03 ms About exposing Newton functions to LE3 , anyone using C++ could do it ?
  2. The last screen is too much black ,and mùonsters can frighten you in lightening like in second picture, specially when they come out suddenly. You are really good at level making and texturing, keep the good work. Will you have open outdoor parts with no roof ? Like resident Evil games ?
  3. If you have directionnal lights also, it won't work and you'll need a method using render ot texture and checking player luminosity.
  4. You can use some raycasts from ennemies to player, if the player is not in collision, it is not visible.
  5. I don't know if these joints are very stable and will work with moving objects like a character falling on floor ? The rope has the base joint that is static not moving.Well try it and tell us if it works.
  6. We need that at least in the options of the terrain tools. It would work like in other 3D engines , instead you will lot more slowly having to drag front and back the mouse each time you just need elevations.
  7. Your graphic card or computer , os system, something wrong somewhere. I got no problem using LE3 continuously today.
  8. LE3 like to have lot of complex models instead of BSP
  9. overview : Spy drone will fly and will communicate such strategic view to the player (some powerfull ennemies and other fast ones patroling that you will have to avoid at game beginning) Level approach Inside robot camp Still looks very empty , all textures, terrain, models are wip. - vegetation needed - roads and barriers - rocks and cliffs to replace terrain ones - bigger buildings - crane mechanism - transport vehicles - more outdoor assets After some level tests, i think i will perhaps change the game from TPS arcade to something more hardcore and more infiltration (project IGI, Metal Gear)
  10. Yes, i like to put pressure on me , i plan some hours and give me the goal to be the most productive possible. Personnaly, i think when you have blocked a basic gameplay, you should bring as much 3D art possible as you can and make good level design. If you want to appeal and attract players they will look at your graphics and level complexity before gameplay refinments. Last one of the day : Floor energy extraction facility. Some assets needed next : - bigger flying drone with heavy weapons - robot human like with special weapons and movements - some more buildings - tower observatory and radar - facility built on a cliff wall - military depot weapons and ammo - space ship heliport. - deocrative outdoor Sic Fi modular assets For indoors : - Sci Fi computers calculators - energy robot station recharger - washing station for robots - painting and maintainance station - cleaning robot - maintainance robot - indoor boxes to stock things inside - energy containers - floor ressources containers - indoor defense turrets - indoor laser mines Later i'll add for some non robot regions some human Sci Fi building ruins and all stuff.
  11. Robot Bunker with roof access
  12. Outdoor robots retractable bridge
  13. Hi Tech outdoors containers
  14. Also Pick() don't work if you make these changes in DogAi script : posPlayer.y = posPlayer.y + 2 posMob.y = posMob.y +2.1 And if you replace the call to the function GotoPoint() by a call to Follow().
  15. Another test : Pick() just never work with these Y values for start and end points of raycast ? It never works could the mob use Follow() or just stay in front of the player. local posPlayer = self.target:GetPosition() local posMob = self.entity:GetPosition() posPlayer.y = posPlayer.y + 2 posMob.y = posMob.y +2.1 While these Y values works perfectly ? posPlayer.y = posPlayer.y + 1.5 posMob.y = posMob.y +2.1 A raycast between two 3D points when there is no obstacle should always work whatever are the Y values. I can make some game choosing good Y values, but having these bugs is not so good and it could lead to more problems in other cases of gameplay using Pick() like lasers detection, static roof or walls AI detection etc ...
  16. Another good bug now using Follow() If i use these Y values that are good as debug spheres are above the floor, the Pick() don't work all time , and becomes as bugged when the mob is using GotoPoint() posPlayer.y = posPlayer.y +1 posMob.y = posMob.y +2.1 I don't understand changing Y values that are valid with spheres debug above the floor , makes it no more working good with Follow() ? Pick() with GotoPoint() and Follow() is definitively bugged for some cases.
  17. Wait for real decals systems , they should come this year in LE3, you have time to finish some games level meanwhile.
  18. This unexpected bug driven me nuts, i must take a break from 3D software and now
  19. Hi, After thousand of tests and a long discussion, we have a new bug : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11975-pick-how-to-use-it/ We have a mob moving to the player using gotoPoint(). This mob calls Pick() every frame with parameters it's position and player position, to detect the player using raycast. Pick() don't work if the mob that is moving is not facing the player , or if the player turns around. how to test : -copy the map on your "Maps" directory -copy the scripts in "Scripts/Objects" - run the game You will have the blue ball on your player character each time the mob detects you using Pick(). Turn and move around the mob to see the blue ball no more on the player as Pick() don't work if the mob is not facing the player and if it is moving (GotoPoint() call). debug.zip
  20. We can do it in LE3, i mean a simplified ragdoll with one physic volume box per major bones like : - head - torso - adbomen - legs - foreleg - arms - forearms - foot - hand Just create physic cubes, link them with joints, init physics setting their Physic mode and give a mass when you need ragdoll effect. The best is a tool to adjust volumes and attach them to the bones visually , whatever are the bones names. This tool could be made in any 3D engine or app (LE3 model editor ideally) and would save data to a file you would read in LE3 and use on the character model. I'm making a game based on robots so they just finish in dust on floor when you destroy them, it's the most easy ragdoll system possible
  21. It works , but you changed many things : - you changed the speed of the mob movement - you changed GotoPoint() to Follow() - you change position of center models for Pick() call : if (world:Pick(posMob+Vec3(0,1.2,0), posPlayer+Vec3(0,1.6,0), pi, 0, true)) == false then return 0 end I avoid Follow because with faster mob movement , it behaves like a car, having acceleration and not able to stop immediatly if the player moves near it , to it continues the trajectory and turns around like a car But i'll make more tests and perhaps do physic tricks to stop it directly (physicsSetPosition for example) and use Follow perhaps. Thanks a lot Jazzonya for the script There is a problem with physic character using GotoPoint() calling Pick() , a bug , let's not hide it under the carpet and get it fixed perhaps.
  22. I made many new tests also. When the mob is using navigation and just running forward on your direction, Pick() always work. When the mob is chasing you , if you change direction , the mob is no more aligned on your direction and the Pick don't work. The mob needs to face the player to be able to have Pick work. There is a serious bug about Pick, i think it takes account of the direction, not only the two 3D points, what is weird if you read the docs and function parameters. I will ask Josh to create a new function working in any case a real raycast one using two 3D points. We will name it : RaycastBetweenAandB The doc is imprecise about Pick, not complete, this is what you mean ? Seeing we can declare the type of physics in Pick(), it means for me it works with physic volumes not mesh polygons.
  23. What says the docs on that ? I seen that you can specify the collision type like Collision.Character, so pick works on physic volumes (and bones it seems what is strange ) I just see it working but stop working on some cases turning around the mob using GotoPoint().
  24. Are you kidding ? I have declared a character controller, why should i use a a trick and do more work ? Is not character controller a physic object with collision already, that pick should always detect it in any case , like Unity raycast and character physic capsule volumes. There is a bug with Pick , the raycast should detect the character controller physic cylinder between two 3D points at any time (without adding any physic shapes or any tricks). Or its not a real raycast function. But thanks for the suggestion
  25. Thanks. So that confirms i'm not the only one seeing a real issue with Pick and the character using navigation.
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