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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. Games like HL2 are indoor games use really few and simple BSP as possible, all details are models, this is to keep performance Also BSP incovenients : -Produces double vertexs and inner faces compared to traditionnal modeling -Can't use LOD
  2. Strange as it's somewehat lower memory need with Rick's , but it stills uses 290 Mo and the game is simple ? So i must have something going strange in my system
  3. Hi, I runned LE3 and i it uses 1Go while the scene is "Moving platforms" from FPS demo. It seems LE3 uses as much memory as Unreal 4 editor for simple scenes, and lot more than Unity that is lightweight. It is normal ? It's not a problem , but i'm just curious why LE3 asks as much memory, i remember it was as lightweight as Unity before.
  4. Yes for outdoor games the way to go is models. LE3 couldn't load your house when i drag and drop it in the scene. I noticed you have very detailled objects in your house also, this is bad practice. You would need to display group of big objects only when the player is near the house and display small detail objects only when the player is inside. Also windows and doors on backfaces of the house when not visible in game, they could be hidden by script. Like hidding a group of doors and windows per side of the house.
  5. I already have Rick's great game : bomb Killer that have full TPS gameplay and more, i wasn't asking code and inverse if rigght also : without good game art, good code is useless also. Well i just thaught it was popular style with upcoming games as The Order or Uncharted 4, having community game with good AI , climbing code could have been good framework for new people coming to LE3.( I don't ask climbing code i already have it ) You could ask what game community people want to make to get the more people having same game type motivation in common ?
  6. Could you post your prefab if made out of CSG only, i would like to test it. I got also lot of model houses (no BSP) in a test scene , and i didn't ecountered memory growing or problems.
  7. Out of subject, but a break from 3D is good to come later more productive.
  8. Or this is a bug, or collision should not be called in a pivot, or collisionType can't work with Shape:Load(ZZZ.phy) ? self.corpse:SetShape(shape) Or i'm not sure the pivot to be aware of the attached shape ? I just find very strange this way of working by code. Why not just load a model with physics and save it as prefab or do you need some things to be dynamic , in that case prefab is not the solution ?
  9. Any loaded model with no physics will not interact with physic shapes. You chouls try to make a prefab with no collision setting in the editor and no collision volumes and try loading that prefab instead, or are you already loading it as prefab ?
  10. Some game with ability to switch between FPS and TPS could be great s both players type could choose their view in game.
  11. I have founs some good articles : http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/GLSL_Programming/Unity/Toon_Shading#Outlines http://sunandblackcat.com/tipFullView.php?l=eng&topicid=15 I wanted to modify diffuse shader to do the code below : // higher priority: outline if (dot(viewDirection, normalDirection) < mix(_UnlitOutlineThickness, _LitOutlineThickness, max(0.0, dot(normalDirection, lightDirection)))) { fragmentColor = vec3(_LightColor0) * vec3(_OutlineColor); } Does someone know what is viewdirection, normaldirection and lightdirection in LE3 ?
  12. It was custom problems with my installs and shaders : -Re installing LE3 i put it on main SSD instead of secondary old HD , so "Ai and Events" map loads and run ok, and drag and drop is ok. -I checked some other project that crashed, removing some modification i made on Bloom shader and some other custom metal shaders, then i could laod the maps. Thread can be closed.
  13. I'll have to re install, LE3 is going strange in my system, a simple running level ok, but i wanted to drop some character on the small map with drag and drop and it caused Exception crash. I don't have updated my Radeon drivers, but it all was running fine until these days , perhasp soem drivers update later also.
  14. I tried 3 times to subscribe, each time it creates a new folder with two empty files : materials, shader and a workshop.dat file. Is there something special to do ? Perhaps it's my system only (i got problems with some projects in LE3)
  15. Oh yes I couldnt' believe in the past that physics could behave so werid and laggy as i used other engines and didn't had that problem using simple physics moves also. FPS LE3 demo also uses SetInput in UpdatePhysics, but you see nothing as character is hidden and camera is smoothed. I just unhide the character and moved the camera behind it and its' a laggy physics, then i moved all movement code to UpdateWorld and the character is just moving smoothly in the FPS LE3 demo without needing any smoothing code. I don't know if Josh should not take a look, it's like SetInput is broken when used UpdatePhysics while good and smooth called in UpdateWorld ?
  16. No it's your game, so if you want you can test what i did and upload a new version I remember i had some solution in the past that at final is same way : - a invisible character with SetInput called in UpdatePhysics() - A visible character with no collision, calling GetPosition on invisible character and calling SetPosition in himself in UpdateWorld() using position from invisible character. So the visible character was moving smoothly while invisible character was just dealing with navigation and moving very laggy. So i just found today calling SetInput in UpdateWorld() and your character will move smoothly , this past problem just driven me crazy with tons of tests
  17. Hi, I download Rick's game : Bombkiller that is great base for making TPS games http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/games/_/bombkiller-r39 Like in the past , the character behaves very laggy and weird, but i found how to have it moving smooth. I just called the function dealing with movement inside of UpdateWorld instead of UpdatePhysics. self:Movement() The only physics the function calls is SetInput(..) So my question is why calling SetInput in UpateWorld behaves very smoothly, while it is very laggy and weird if we call it in UpdatePhysics ?
  18. I put it here , caus it could be something to look at for LE3 in the future. It's Lux Open source PBR and GI system, now this new one used in Panda3D, is perhaps not so complete but a really good start. Download https://github.com/tobspr/RenderPipeline Screens
  19. Have you a screenshot fo your level and navmesh ?
  20. I don' t understand all, but thats' simple and easy to read articles : What is motion blurr http://john-chapman-graphics.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/what-is-motion-blur-motion-pictures-are.html Object motion blurr (cheap and fast effect with download example). This is what interests me instead of full creen camera motion blurr , I'll take a look to see if i understand enougth and perhaps could bring that to LE3 as a shader ? http://john-chapman-graphics.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/per-object-motion-blur.html
  21. It was 600$ when i baught and the biggest money i put on 3D software, and there is some people puttint lot more if you take a look at Unity Pro and expensive upgrades , since 2009 i didn't had to pay any upgrades also from 3.5 to 4R7 with major new features that came between these versions. If you divide price per year 600/6 = 100$ : t's finally even cheaper than some modeling software or 3D engines using monthly subscriptions. It's a tool you will keep forever if you are someone using or needing sculpting, a prooven industry tool used by majority of 3D artists for characters making. On 2D and 3D creation tools, Blender, Gimp2, Krita , inkscape are very valuable open source , used by indie people that make and sell games without needing to invest no money in software. That's the strenght of Open Source. On the other side Open Source can't challenge with Software or 2D/3D engine with thousand people teams working full weeks all year on them. For example Orgre 3D and many others are great Open Source 3D engine, while lacking complete editors , tools and sometimes lacking a complete game framework, compared with non free engines, you will have to code yourself the editor and tools, and i'm not sure someone could reach level of Crysis editor and rendering using Ogre3D You must find the good balence between usefull open source software, and if you have the money choose what software or 3D engine worths that you put your money in them.
  22. prototyping a droid based on some internet concept
  23. Perhaps some option like low res rendering of the scene with some blurring for the water to use a fast version ?
  24. The gold necklage on the demon just looks like a demon trying to look like a sexy lady Remove it and put a chain necklage or some with spikes instead more demon, less fashion. Some electric panels and wires or pipes on some walls could add more details. The bricks on floor , does they come from some room in construction or some destructed wall around ? they seem been on floor with no reason. The trash or detritus small thing have textures not macthing with textures around Otherwise the level looks good and well composed with good amount of details and moster is really great.
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