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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. LE3 is getting better and better each time as many missing things has been added throught time like animation names, encrypted publishing, physic shapes import, now water is coming and the best is yet to come So there is already many 3D art skilled people using LE3 from long time , and i think we will see more and more talented people coming and using LE3, some with publishing a game as goal also.
  2. Using TodGrayson shader Substance Painter exporting Unity 4 format : Diffuse with roughness on alpha Now the reflective parts gets colorized, it's lot more better. But some non reflective parts are reflecftive ,so it will need manual alpha adjustements on the diffuse.
  3. My bad, i read the shader and skybox texture must be in slot 4 , so the shader still works as expected. What would be perfect would be to be able to colorize reflective parts with diffuse color ? The ideal would be to succed having the reflective parts to be colorized by the diffuse color and using a metal And Control reflectivity using a metal map (black and white variations instead of alpha that complicates workflow)
  4. Metal shader is broken, perhaps LE3 had many changes this year with shaders that could have impacted it ? The skybox is not rendered on reflective parts , instead it's black. I'll try to fix it, or find if it is possible to make a new one ?
  5. Sketching ideas for the player model, a more futurist look or nanosuit like will be more appropriated.
  6. 3536 faces - 6130 Triangles , it's not low poly , just standard polycount for current gen games. There is lot of unecessary faces that can be optimized, specially in small zones like foot or others not very visible by the player. Otherwise if you use LOD in game and manage gameplay to have a maximum of 5 such models it should be ok. Thanks Shadmar, PBR works great for metal based models, i'll try the metal shader i made in LE3 to see if i can have similar reflective results.
  7. Ahhh the fun part : painting I keep metal very clean, no erosion or dirt, it's more because droids are maintained and washed/painted regulary.
  8. Low poly version with normal map only. Tail and weapon that will be modeled separatly instead of sculpted (textures have a space for them)
  9. Done with the cyberg dog I found i have a challenger making same game style http://www.indiedb.com/games/batch-17
  10. Or extend it with more levels, ennemies,missions, because it has been grennlit on Steam.
  11. Perhaps, but we need a function to control what we want to reflect like in game options.
  12. Are you in Beta ? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1401-water-beta-now-available/
  13. Perhaps like : World::SetWaterQuality(int levelQuality) 0 - sky only reflected 1 - sky and terrain 2 - all around LE3 is getting water
  14. It's taking shape (middle body of the dog is synthetic, like rubber envelopping mechanics and wires inside , a part that can bend easy) HL2
  15. Synthetic style is cool and 3D Coat make it easy
  16. Sketching ideas (made easy with 3D Coat voxels)
  17. YouGroove


    I hope you will stop torturing yourself Roland, you should delegate tasks like UI to FlowGUI as it is more then you need, and showing you can do it like you said don't help making your game. I hope you not intend to proove you can code a complete 3D engine
  18. Cool , this changes from zombie games
  19. Sketching another mob: cibernetic dog , but i must pick up a general style : 1 ) Hard and sharp edges mechanics 2) more rounded forms 3) Synthetic
  20. Hi, I made a test with Ortho camera setting, and the skybox disappear , it is normal ? (If i need a sky , because it is ortho without perspective , i'll just display some plane with a texture in background)
  21. My bad, it was some programming behaviour i found comparing two models moving at same time one with PhysicsSetPosition, another with SetPosition. The right script don't have to call GetPosition inside PhysicsLoop , because you need a constant absolute position throught time when moving, and force the object position with PhysicsSetPosition. The good script : Script.speedX = 0.5 function Script:Start() self.entity:SetGravityMode(false) self.pos = self.entity:GetPosition(true) end function Script:UpdatePhysics() local window = Window:GetCurrent() local xposition = 0 if window:KeyDown(Key.Q) then xposition =1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then xposition = -1 end self.pos.x= self.pos.x + (xposition * self.speedX * Time:GetSpeed()) self.entity:PhysicsSetPosition(self.pos.x,self.pos.y, self.pos.z ,0.5) end ok, i'll take it in account
  22. I made a simple translate code using PhysicsSetPosition I put the script below on some character with a simple solid cylinder physics (no character physics) , the character moves fast then after some time it slows down , then it regains speed after some seconds. (i had same thing happen with space ships in the air and not gravity) Is there something particular to do to keep a constant speed throught time ? Or is this due to physics ? Script.speedX = 0.5 function Script:Start() end function Script:UpdateWorld() end function Script:UpdatePhysics() local window = Window:GetCurrent() local xposition = 0 if window:KeyDown(Key.Q) then xposition =1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then xposition = -1 end local pos= self.entity:GetPosition(true) pos.x= pos.x + (xposition * self.speedX * Time:GetSpeed()) self.entity:PhysicsSetPosition(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z ,1) end
  23. Like many applications this is a way to work fast, you sculpt and can instantly smooth some part just keeping SHIFT pressed. Instead of having to switch between sculpt and smooth on the menu each time.
  24. Sometimes i feel game dev is just
  25. I add two points to the FAQ : GUI with Lua : - Noesis GUI - FlowGui by Agrror Save/Write file data to user windows directory : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/filesystem/
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