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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. Always backup up your project in a regular way, this is valuable practice for any software use not only 3D. Sorry i can't help you on that.
  2. I would like to see it supported somewhere this year, perhaps , reducing a lot file sound file size it's as good as texture compression. Specially to publish make tiny demo game concept demos.
  3. You must be among the rare ones needing that. Encrypted publishing is lot more needed than non encrypted when you want to release a game demo to the public or simply your game to the market. I thaught OpenGL4 minimum LE3 requirement would ensure any LE3 feature to run on any 3D card supporting that minimum requirement ? The problem is more some feature detection and fallback ,not a publishing feature. Just remove MSAA and give your demo to your testers
  4. I think i will work as easy and fast using the second method without needing any export : Anyway, i must be the only one asking that feature also.
  5. It's a suggestion only, instead save your time for your project gamecreator And i have another solution that is to make the terrain level rough shapes in Blender and make the road track, than export only road track Fbx , than make detailled terrain in LE3 adjusted to have the road model fitting it.
  6. That's not the first time , until Josh moves the animated shaders to the same directory as model shader, we'll always have such question from new comers
  7. Be able to export terrain from editor to Obj or FBX, it would help a lot to build a race track or to make roads or paths on Blender for the terrain.
  8. You can overlap lights as many as you want, it's just pure rendering. It's too much real time lights, something i would avoid in any real time game.
  9. Nothing is automatic, it's code running behind. How can a Zombie follow the player anywhere if he doesn't recalculate and re evaluate the path each frame ? Perhaps some plugin for other sound format would play lot more faster. Perhaps you could upload some test map using the crawler model and displaying stats, so we could test it also.
  10. But the Zombie will follow the character, until you call stop, the function calculating the path is called behind the scenes each frame. Or am i wrong ?
  11. It's called one time each frame in UpdatePhysics loop. function Script:UpdatePhysics() ... elseif self.mode=="chase" then if self.target.health<=0 then self:SetMode("idle") return end if self:TargetInRange() then self:SetMode("attack") elseif self:DistanceToTarget()<self.attackrange*2 then self.followingtarget=false self.entity:Stop() self:DirectMoveToTarget() else if self.followingtarget==false then if self.entity:Follow(self.target.entity,self.speed,self.maxaccel) then self:SetMode("idle") end end end ...
  12. The zombies don't have millions of polygons, so your problem comes from navigation or physics , i don't know ? Can you post your code of zombie AI ?
  13. Why not the time to calculate the paths ? If you have C++ edition you could use FindPath , than use the points and manually make move the characters using simple physics shapes, it could be faster , and it could help to test if FindPath is fast enought with multiple characters at same time. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7902-navmesh-findpath/ Also when you use a navmesh system, it can be cheaper to recalculate the path only each seconds, not each frame, this could save processing power.
  14. Don't worry , Josh has already read the posts, the first page have all informations needed , the information won't disappear I just asked a question to Extreemhost and i would like a response.
  15. I imported your model in LE3, and put a material using an "animated" shader, and animations just played fine. Lot of people forget to use animated shaders, perhaps animation shader should be renamed and put on same folder as others non animated ?
  16. But there is some restrictions if you use the characters you made for commercial use ? It was in the past, today i don't know ?
  17. Ameshi : This is purelly trolling He has a problem in it's config. Do you have read the entire post and test i made, before arguing something you didn't even tested yourself ? Grow up and save your time for your game project if you would had one ? Constructive posts are better appreciated.
  18. Thanks Shadmar, it worked. The two versions are interesting for different uses like - regular glowing effect (Sci Fi, burned stuff, lava, radioactive etc ...) - ability to control manually emissive strenght in Lua like when you activate some button it would become emissive or some Sci Fi panels or similar stuff that would loose emissive and they would be shoot down. I'll try different experiments, than i'll upload it as shader contribution.
  19. That's programmer coding, the sounds should be clearly named and put on a table, this to keep program clear and editor able to list the assets used. It reminds be very bad C coders, making code unreadble and unmaintanable : bad practice. I don't think there is some program on earth able to detect assets used by programs like that Sound = "MySound" i = 0 i +=3 Sound += i y=10 Sound += "track" Sound += y LoadSound(Sound) It seems the more Josh gives you guys , the more you go crazy and ask for impossible
  20. Thanks for the hint Josh, all i have to do is some Google search on timer in shader code and that should be streight forward.
  21. The goal is to have emission strengh able to vary on time like linear, from strong to low , than low to strong. Like some burned wood by flames or some lava effect or Sci Fi. Is there some Guru shader that can tell me if it's possible ? Original Diffuse-Normal-Specular-Emission shader code : void main(void) { vec4 outcolor = ex_color; vec4 color_specular = texture(texture2,ex_texcoords0) * materialcolorspecular; vec3 screencoord = vec3(((gl_FragCoord.x/buffersize.x)-0.5) * 2.0 * (buffersize.x/buffersize.y),((-gl_FragCoord.y/buffersize.y)+0.5) * 2.0,DepthToZPosition( gl_FragCoord.z )); screencoord.x *= screencoord.z / camerazoom; screencoord.y *= -screencoord.z / camerazoom; vec3 nscreencoord = normalize(screencoord); //Modulate blend with diffuse map outcolor *= texture(texture0,ex_texcoords0); //Normal map vec3 normal = ex_normal; normal = texture(texture1,ex_texcoords0).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0; float ao = normal.z; normal = ex_tangent*normal.x + ex_binormal*normal.y + ex_normal*normal.z; normal=normalize(normal); //Calculate lighting vec4 lighting_diffuse = vec4(0); vec4 lighting_specular = vec4(0); float attenuation=1.0; vec3 lightdir; vec3 lightreflection; int i; float anglecos; float diffspotangle; float denom; //Blend with selection color if selected fragData0 = outcolor;// * (1.0-ex_selectionstate) + ex_selectionstate * (outcolor*0.5+vec4(0.5,0.0,0.0,0.0)); //fragData0.xyz = normal*0.5+0.5; #if BFN_ENABLED==1 //Best-fit normals fragData1 = texture(texture15,normalize(vec3(normal.x,-normal.y,normal.z))); #else //Low-res normals fragData1 = vec4(normalize(normal)*0.5+0.5,fragData0.a); #endif fragData1.a = color_specular.r * 0.299 + color_specular.g * 0.587 + color_specular.b * 0.114; int materialflags=1; if (ex_selectionstate>0.0) materialflags += 2; fragData2 = vec4(texture(texture4,ex_texcoords0).rgb,materialflags/255.0); }
  22. I don't want players to be able to cheat too easy just modifying a save file using plain text. So having some Lua functions like Encode(String Save_Game_text, int key) Decode(String Save_Game_text, int key) Would be helpfull.
  23. I just tested your files : Blender cube file : -open in BLender 2.72 ok -export to FBX : ok - import in LE and drop on level : ok Fbx cube file : - import in LE and drop on level : ok I don't know what is going on with your computer ?
  24. The game is coming nicely. You'll have to tune the animation later making it less rigid, it looks like driving a car or a train, not some animal.
  25. You just need Blender 2.72 and export to FBX directly. If you have some Blender model i can test if you upload : - Blender file - Exported Fbx from Blender (to see if you exported it well or not)
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