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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. I have wrong shadows when cylinders don't have closing caps ( model faces optimisation ) Are non closed models supported by LE3 ? The model is composed of two non closed objects, is this "non standard" with LE3 conventions perhaps ? (then i should merge as one object ?) Second test : Reversing normals of pillars makes all shadows look good , but they are then invisible in the level. The model FBX file is attached to test. Remake_barrier01.zip
  2. Import is among the most used features, having it on right click on "Assets" tab windows would be a great and fast shortcut.
  3. You'll have to check OpenGL version of it's GPU before buying and make sure it supports minimum OpenGL 4.0
  4. If your computer is a laptop you can't change the graphics card of it's a specific one. And you must use driver designed to work with your graphic GPU only. This has nothing to do with OpenGL4 software, it's your graphic GPU that must support OpenGL4.0 minimum. Intel HD3000 is only supports OpenGL 3.0 and older ones, not above versions like 4.0. It is for a laptop ? What is the graphic GPU of your i5 ?
  5. Beware it seems it's Intel HD3000 your graphic GPU for your intle i3-2328M ? http://www.game-debate.com/hardware/?gid=581&graphics=Intel%20HD%20Graphics%203000%20Mobile And seeing that link it seems it's OnpeGL 3 only so it's not compatible with LE3 that requires OpenGL4.0 minium.
  6. Make sure your firewall give LE3 all rights or deactivate your fireawall and make a new project and test again , it should work better perhaps (i had problems with project updating due to my firewall)
  7. Usually i used one script per prefab only, making scripts on child of a prefab i think is not a good practice or you have to start them from your prefab parent.
  8. This is not so important bug, but a strange issue. (I use LE 3.3 Steam Lua only, it is up to date and non beta) I downloaded the resident evil cameras tutorial http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/521-resident-evil-cameras/ It's a old project from older LE3 version Opening the project and also after updating the project to 3.3 , the scripts are not attached to entities. How to test : - download and dezip project and update project to LE 3.3 - attach a script to a floor cube or a camear of the level - select another entity - select again the entity where you attached the script - there is no more any script attached it's not saved Perhaps that doesn't deserve to put time on that.
  9. Hi , I knwo some people here uses Substance designer, so i give you a link that shows you how Substance Designer is used. And looking at such skilled people work is always motivating to push us forward http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=144111 You can see some modular approach also :
  10. You should really not say things without taking a look , you are saying you need us to show you how good it looks You are among few people using LE3 and perhaps reaching production stage, so only few people would really use PBR or GI with LE3. Would Josh concentrate on the minority needs ? Perhaps you could complete a first playable level and get your game grennlit on Steam (it can take a year with debug and polishing stage) then ask better graphics ? About graphics , i agree, it's LE3 main feature : better graphics , not better on advanced tools or physics, so i also think that LE3 within the next two years will grab a minimum from the new standards : PBR and GI , and because it's an engine for good PC desktops only. A desktop game becomes attractive for people before buying : - 1) by it's graphics with pictures andvideos ( also many games really good looking games got successfull or greenlit after the first week annoucement) - 2) on gameplay when you have a demo on your hands or have some video reviews before purchasing it. But today in LE3 some tools and features are lot more missing (and perhaps some are in the pipe from very long time ) : - Vegetation tool - water - auto ragdoll, it's a really old technique : to avoid seeing dead zombies floating above stairs or level heights - decals (for splatter, bullets, zombie flesh damage, placing decoration variations on floors and walls like moss, papers trash, broken wall texture damage...) - CSG tools ? - optionnal : soft particles to have particles looking solid without visible planes artifacts when on ground or against environment. Also , the shader tool from Steam when coming to LE3 , you should be able to modify shaders and make them PBR, and everyone could share outstanding shaders bringing many cool effects http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276004109 If people are not still happy ask a new Kickstarter
  11. Is your computer a laptop with one video output only, or a desktop with two video outputs (integrated intel motherboard and Radeon) ? 1) If it's desktop installing Radeon drivers will automatically switch to Radeon card display output. 2) Is it's desktop you'll have to install Catalyst package and change manually the graphic card used by Leadwerks (select performance on the menu) Google it to find examples :
  12. I digged LE3 as most as i could and yes it's one of the most easy to use like Blitz3D (now open source). But to become more complete engine i see some very missing points that i personnaly would need more than Occulus or PBR : - vegetation painting tool for terrain - water system - dynamic sky with clouds system ready to use and adjust - a better integrated Lua editor (auto complete and some other automations like you type "if" , it completes with "then", "end") - a visual tool to create animation states, transition and blending (less headhaches and less coding) - native GUI and GUI editor for Lua ( so much missing) - auto ragdoll (bring it back , it's standard today ) I'm not writing that to ask anything ( i already asked them hundred of times in the past ) You see PBR would be at the bottom at the list PBR would be to rewrite the shaders in LE3 what could be lot of work ; and perhaps have a system to create reflection cube maps on the level (used by metallic and reflective surfaces). I think it will come at some point because all 3D tools are doing it , even Blender now, but it could come within next two years on some kickstarter, i don't think it's a so big priority. As example the last tomb raider uses almost only standard shaders , but the levels , textures and characters are detailled to the "next gen" level, so your "3D art level" will matter lot more than the "shader level " If you can only make things looking low poly or old gen , PBR won't be of any help. And LE3 majority users are mainly coders , they need lot more DLC packs ready to use, PBR won't help them a lot.
  13. I reported it long time ago : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9327-diffusenormalspecenvironment-not-working/page__hl__environment It seems it has not been fixed since
  14. Yes 3D coat is also coming soon to PBR, and some guys made PBR systems, you have for example open source PBR : Lux used in Unity , somone could perhaps dig it ? Or you can Ask Josh in some next kickstarter to add PBR to the list, so he will have just to pay someone able to make the new shaders for LE3 In practice i use same diffuse textures with PBR, diffuse is still diffuse so a simple texture, also normal map remains normal map, like specular, these texture i re use on PBR remains totally unchanged (on the shader side i don't know if there is so much change , but i doubt standard diffuse/spec/normal to be radically different from PBR shaders). That's roughness and metallic maps that makes the PBR system mainly, where roughness map is just something that will block less or more metallic channel ; for example with big values the metallic channel (reflection map) is beginning to be blurred and at some values there is no more reflection. The shader i made in LE3 just simulate the same effect , what is lacking in this shader is the ability to have the environment map colored by the diffuse texture.
  15. I agree that some gobal illumination lightening would bring a lot and would make a big visual difference even on normal map or specular shaders. About PBR, they keep diffuse/spec/normap maps, it's just the addition of roughness and metallic reflection, how much you want a surface part to look metal or rough, i made some approximative shader in LE3 that is fast and have a good result : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10215-contribution-metal-shader-for-le3/page__hl__metal+shader You have just to paint on the alpha of the texture to have metallic reflection or roughness.
  16. I seen that on WIP, so i thaught about serious project idea in the total beginnings, i didn't know it was just some testing and toying . Its' not your work to motivate people, people really super motivated to make and finish a game, believe me they know what they need and want to do, and they are not trying to show to others , but instead making their game the best they can do and perhaps be successfull in the end (You can only help on some domain when you are really good enought) Like Youtube or any internet media, you have good critics and ****, you have just to ignore what you don't like, like many indies just do when they have people with too bad critics, they just say : "it's like that i want it. Have a good day" Good luck on your demo game.
  17. @DudeAwesome : I understand your point and i would say the same, but we can't expect people that are not level designer or 3D modelers to make some Far Cry 1 game for example that is made by skilled industry artists (We are in the indie field and beginner field many times ). I learned to just pass and not comment when i find some game with bad fundations as this is people that will have to learn many things throught hard work and experience. @ImChasingYou : I have few tips , you can just take and leave what you want 1) Seek picture over internet about anything in your game from road barriers to buildings etc ...before starting 2) There is many level design tutorials and docs over internet 3) draw on paper your level ideas, and keep coming back detailling more or adding ideas more each time 4) It's lot more easy to work with a team than alone making all ( try to find some people or helper ones) Some quick critics : - the road is too narrow, make it more larger, more easy to drive in for player - we see lightening breaks on road portions - grass texture is bad too scaled up, and it would need variation with multitexturing - make things aorund barriers more alive, more diversity http://www.arbus.co.uk/images/temporary_vehicle_barrier_2.jpg http://www.bluescopesteel.com.au/images/SourceImage/Ingal-barriers-car-def.jpg - all around is super empty : you'll need trees, vegetation , some building storage or electricity buidling ... - rework the moutain : better textures (cgtextures.com) and paint variation on cliffs with roks and grass zones - seek picture of good buildings architecture and interiors , the rooms are very empty, such a waste of space : http://www.invdesgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Inventure_MidwaySecurity_002.jpg - walls with stuff on them : http://damrpavghey4a.cloudfront.net/system/images/W1siZiIsIjIwMTQvMDgvMTUvMjAvMjEvMDcvODUzLzIzMjJfRjIyX1NxdWFkT3BzXzgwc20uanBnIl1d/2322-F22_SquadOps-80sm.jpg - furniture and 3D assets : http://www.mspaceholdings.com/sites/default/files/case-study/Interior%20Ticket%20Booth%20Office.jpg - Vary the textures inside buildings -Too dark and flat like many indie games , bring up some moon lightening that will show a minimum and highlight specular on materials. - Where are the lamps outside the buildings ? or it is abadonned buildings ? - any functionnal lamps inside buildings ? or any open roofs or windows letting pass moon lightening ? - Hire a programmer to have good AI with ennemies patroling, other walking randomly around position pivots - Make ennemies running away or to some hidden places when the player fire them and they can't reach him.4- - - this is not car simulation game, add some auto centering camera behind player like Gta and other games - car lightening spots and flares looks strange http://i.ytimg.com/vi/DNS1cm8MdOE/maxresdefault.jpg It will take lot of stages of polishing, if you manage to not loose motivation (this is something frequent). People with bad critics are some times just honnest , that only shows you will have many things to improve if you don't just get offended and instead push your game forward
  18. Cryteck or Bioshock game makers had bad times recently financially also , not only small mobile companies , this can come from not enought diversification, bad management and decisions etc ... Plants Vs Zombies was a mobile game, they choosen to go bigger and they are successfull on consoles with a great TPS game now, so they taken a good strategy compared to Angry Birds makers company. These articles are not right in all points. -Mobile is growing, small games are played by any people , and more and more people buy new phones, read some game industry articles (the good ones) talking about mobile growth. In software companies they are all making mobile versions of some important parts of their software. Mobile is becoming more and more present , IOS metal running battlefield is one example of some new directions some are taking. -Console market is strong example Sony just reached 8 millions people that baught PS+. - Good made Retro games are very popular and sell a lot : Shovel Knight - Simple 3D but entertaining games are successfull and work on many supports : Limbo - Players like big productions : Witcher 3, Dragon Age inquisition, AC games, Mass effect, COD , GTA, WatchDgos ... Some of these games exist from long years and will stay here for long time - Some companies are confident in their software not in hardware Nintendo, from quality games of the NES until today with Mario Kart 8 or Mario World 3D on WIIU , these are master pieces of gameplay and real entertainment . Blizzard is here from long time and making new things also (hearthstone, overwatch) and many others. Conclusion : Make good games
  19. I have Radeon, sync is de activated and i have any numbers frame rate display on another 3D engine where frame rate is 45,48,65 numbers for example. Anyway forget it, i'm the only one interested in such things that don't have great importance
  20. This is not a demo, i did not written well , i just use LE 3.3 steam Lua edition last official release. And this is not a demo , this is the regular FPS demo "Ai and Events " map I added that but frame rate was the same (sync seems to be false by default if not setted on App.lua) I don't ask anything, no request on speed, i was just wandering why frame rate is rounded around dozen numbers like 20 or 30 in my example ? And why this last version seems slower than the last 3.2 (has it been major changes under the scene) ? Anyway that's not bad frame rate having from 5 to 12 active lights drawn at same time
  21. Hi, I tested LE 3.3 (steam non beta) and the "Ai and events" demo and i noticed the frame rate is always 20 or 30 fps on my laptop. Sometimes during a second we see other values like 25,28 but it auto adjusts to a 20 or 30. It is some auto scaling quality mechanism running behind the scenes ? Or just some math formula taking the average frame rate around dozens ? or it is my pc ? Also LE 3.2 version before 3.3 seems it was faster, has it been some changes in lightening or system ? (for same AAliasing and light quality settings) Btw "encrypt assets" on publish is a really nice addition.
  22. http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=138341 This is a new and interesting thread in Polycount, as 3D artist can giveaway the models they don't use instead of keeping them useless on their disk There is interesting stuff for people some are totally free or you need to contact the author for commercial use permissions when it's possible. For characters you'll have o be able to rig and animate them
  23. @Naughty Alien : Here is a recent exemple of indie team whose people live across the globe, in this last video "behind the scenes" they show you how they worked succesfully online , a good point is that they use video metting every day at a fixed hour to keep the contact and not forget they are a real team :
  24. Lol , you have to adapt yourself to the product , nothing is perfect, you have good points and bad points on any 3D engine.Only software owners decide to priorize what they want and work at their own rythm , like Esenthel chossing monthly subscription or Shiva 2 announced years ago and still not here. I asked too much things in the past without realising LE3 is not some EA 3D big team, so why asking things that could take a year or more ? Each of us give priority to something different from others , for example i don't mind 64 bits in LE3 at all, i would priorize 100% some minimal packaging system allowing us to deliver demos and prototype to players. Until that i won't be able to propose some demo to players, it has been asked so i just use LE3 less and less hoping packaging for Lua version only will pop up someday For some people priority is CGS , as not using BSP i would instead priorize in second vegetation and water system, without them terrain feature is not complete. But finally it's only Josh choosing what feature he wants to implement and when they can be implemented. But Roland, i agree you needed some clarification on 64 bits as it was among planned features.
  25. Now that Linux si fully supported, LE3 is based on a solid Windows/Linux editor, not many engines support both OS. Asking a migration would bee indeed too long, this is the second main part of code of a 3D engine that can be lot more bigger than the rendering part sometimes. You could otherwise create your own real time world editor using LE3, but you would need LE3 to be able to run in a windows and be able to be called by some .Net interface or other interfaces. If LE3 had this possibility perhaps some people would make some community editor based on other interfaces, but like plugin system i'm not sure that will come some day. I think there are many more important needs like some advanced water, CSG tools and incoming vegetation tools. TheSci Fi and incoming FPS pack are great addition, i think many non 3D artists users would need lot more packs and actually this is also time consuming. About new features , i think the vegetation tool to quickly place some trees and grass will help a lot to quickly make gorgeous levels, this should be in top priority,we have terrains but not optimized trees and grass system, and no water system, and i hope this will be implemented for the end of year or beginning of next year (The CSG tool will be a really big new feature also when LE3 will be able to do what we can do in 3D World studio) This is not the only Java one Yep, this is your work and not the editor interface that makes your game great If your level design or 3D art is bad , 64 bits editor won't make better
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