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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. Would be great, even some approximative one doing the job, a simple trick like using a skymap already blurred and using alpha of diffuse texture to know what to display on texture : diffuse rought texture or metal skymap (like example below)
  2. Can you run LE3 demo without problems ? Have you updated your drivers to last version ? (Can't help you more)
  3. For models request, choose your side : Chivalry or Call of Duty
  4. You mean that ? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10141-pixellated-texture-with-shader-and-mimaps/
  5. You should go C++ to make a complete game with LE3, and keep Lua for simple stuff only like some level logic as door , interactive stuff; and you'll have all language advantages and benefits. But i agree some 2308 memory leaks is really big, perhaps osme problem on your configuration or project ? How is behaving memory when you play the game ? pretty stable ? Caus even with memory leaks, the garbage collector perhaps do well it's job ?
  6. I made a tutorial for curves for Blender people : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/119/entry-1200-blender-making-curved-tubes-and-pipes/
  7. Could access installation, but clicking on install, same error problem, still not solved.
  8. Hummm the titles changed or i was really blind that day ... The last picture on steam is really good , it's Substance to make the textures ?
  9. It's very grey and white, no colors, no lights, perhaps it's your game style. what is doing the bed alone on a clean and empty corridor? if it is abandonned garbage, perhaps add more stuff garbage to make look the area more like some people dropped garbage in that area, caus a bed shoud be more at it's place on some rooms. By trailer i thaught great level and gameplay, finally it's more a teaser , perhaps next time
  10. Just a question, won't it be more fast to directly make the base halfway in Blender and continue modifying in Blender ? But yes be able to export level and terrain can be interesting, i seen someone exporting terrain to make it a mesh and apply specific modifications like creating mesh paths etc ... Some people could have specific modifications needs indeed.
  11. In the video seems really stable. You would just need some physic Spring system in LE3 and it would be enought to make any car system.
  12. I already used physic bullets , the worst that could happen was no collision and the bullet going throught level walls, but i didn't had any crash, sound more a bug because you use code and some stuff is missing. You could try some prefab bullet model you would instanciate , just adjust it's collision properties in LE3 editor and save it as prefab, i think it should work better. What are the values of velocity in X,Y,Z ? Try these also : - Set the collision mode of the bullet to "prop" - Set Gravity to false
  13. Animations imported from animated model are not "physics animations" , but visual animations, could you add physic collision shapes or not. To use collision and physics interaction you must import static non animated model parts as different objects. Than use physics on individual models with individual collisions, and code physics forces, sliders etc ... to create interactive physics animated system.
  14. I tried that as i uninstalled LE3 a week ago, but this don't change anything, always the crash, impossible install LE3 in Steam, only LE3 have that problem, as i could re install other games. I hope new customers to not have same problem.
  15. Suggested from long time, for BSP to worth it in LE3 editor you will need lot more tools and editing options, if not you quickly need to use some external modeler so no more need of LE3 BSP system. - edit vertex, edges, faces (extrude/bevel/delete) - Cut tool (cut loop) - select faces/edges (select loop) - Basic boolean : Join , substract Steam Workshop is out , so we don't know what is the roadmap ? What is coming next ? terrain or BSP or other featuress ? Caus big open terrain outdoor games are also demanded perhaps more than BSP indoor games.
  16. Can be closed. It was trilinear filter that was not enabled.
  17. Using : diff/norm/specular shader, we can easy see big pixels on near/medium range.
  18. Would be usefull if officially included in LE3 and Lua. This is indeed where your own custom stuff, if your level is aranged t have entities able to avoid obstacles and not be blocked in any thin passage, than there is no problem, or mix with your own methods (raycast etc ...) The cylinder fixed size is so much restrictive, specially if you don't make a game with only characters , but aliens, monsters vehicles of any size.
  19. I mean like actual navmesh system, but witout character cylinder physics management, just a Goto function from point A to point B. For example giving a value between 0 to 1 it would return start position with 0 and end position reach with vaue 1. So giving intermediate values between 0 and 1 it would return a position along the navmesh calculated path. So we could use any physic shapes, and it will be to us to make the level good or change some things to avoid thin path where some collision character could not pass.
  20. Would be great to be able to define collision layers in the editor and check what layer can collide with what other layer on some editor panel.
  21. Indeed usefull http://orbart.free.fr/Orb_Cracks.ZBP For the golem, another way is adding rocks as subtools, duplicate modify rocks subtools to work fast , than merge subtools on final characters if needed Why you don't work with symmetry on ? faster to quickly make the character, than you can disable symmetry when done and add subtool rocks or modify some parts to make it asymmetric. HArd surfaces made easy : Slice tools Clip tools I prefer slice tool than delete hidden geometry as Clip brushes make some times undesired artifacts. 3D Coat is not as advanced in some parts and lot more slow than Zbrush on high polycount , but it allows as much freedom in some easy way to use.
  22. Like Minecraft , groat simulator, find the crazy or more simplistic concepts that also asks you the less possible work. Why not the story of a crowbar who's mission is to open or destroy bigger and stronger doors, you would need to hit the doors making sound indicating you if you are near some weak point or not to be able to begin forcing the door .... I think the number of posts is all people happy to make jokes on that mainly, but like Flappy Bird who knows this could make some hype and make play people that have time to loose Anyway great idea, great success to Rock Simulator
  23. you should make real stone flat planes, your golme is very muddy, perhaps it's some special one composed of mix of stones and mud ? A quick 20 min mockup i made (Zspheres, unified skin, sculpt + Dynamesh, Flatten, pinch ,slash3 ) More human than golem
  24. Yep good progress Keep practicing and improving, you will end making outstanding stuff.
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