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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. Oh Deled is good and has lot of features that should in in LE3 (From rectangle select, extrude, split etc ...) the gizmo is lot more friendly and you can do all CSG modifications directly in 3D View. Seems a really good alternative for LE3 users that are new to modeling.
  2. Why displacement ? Because above shaders just use diffuse , normal and environment maps. Some from Marmoset picture on the right don't have diffuse , but only a color + environment + roughness factor. Here is two interesting textures from CGTextures, i can't give you generated normal map or .tex files as this is too much volume file sizes. Just generate normal map from LE3 pushing bumpiness factor to the max (0.8 ).
  3. I just tested and confirm it's a bug. You should keep LE3 shaders in shaders folders, there is some magic squizzing them if you move them on other folders
  4. We can code it , but would be great to have it.
  5. Yes, must not be easy to integrate shaders. I also don't want to put all my time on shaders, i prefer 3D art making and gameplay coding. Anyway, the day someone is interested in doing some specific shaders there is Lux open shader framework to dig and study for any maths or how do do specific formulas
  6. @shadmar : When you have time could you translate the first to test in in LE3 ? I total newb in shader code almost. I'm curious to see if that could work ? float3 FresnelSchlick(float3 SpecularColor,float3 E,float3 H) { return SpecularColor + (1.0f - SpecularColor) * pow(1.0f - saturate(dot(E, H)), 5); } FresnelSchlick(SpecularColor, L, H) * ((SpecularPower + 2) / 8 ) * pow(saturate(dot(N, H)), SpecularPower) * dotNL; The Goal is to colorise for example the shader to some Silver color : To make it rought, we just have to use actual working previous code (alpha + environment) : More alpha transparent = less roughness Less alpha transparent = more roughness So we can make rought variation on a same object using alpha. We just need how to colorize environement map with a color or with Diffuse texture.
  7. @Shadmar : How to color the environment map ? I mean have it gold or silver or copper color when fully reflective. What line of code in the shader to colorise it if you know how to do it ?
  8. Ok. I think using smart tricks on shaders we could achieve same aspect shaders perhaps not as good , but good enought - Roughness : can be achieved by blurring less or more the environment map - Metal : the environment map less or more reflective and color based There is LUT open source shader framwork, seems it's Unity, but shader remain shader, the maths and way of doing these shaders remains the same even if the language have some differences. Could be also something to look at and pick up the good algorithms perhaps. It is even some clear code on their site like : float3 FresnelSchlick(float3 SpecularColor,float3 E,float3 H) { return SpecularColor + (1.0f - SpecularColor) * pow(1.0f - saturate(dot(E, H)), 5); } FresnelSchlick(SpecularColor, L, H) * ((SpecularPower + 2) / 8 ) * pow(saturate(dot(N, H)), SpecularPower) * dotNL; float3 FresnelSchlickWithRoughness(float3 SpecularColor,float3 E,float3 N,float Gloss) { return SpecularColor + (max(Gloss, SpecularColor) - SpecularColor) * pow(1 - saturate(dot(E, N)), 5); } float3 SpecularEnvmap(float3 E,float3 N,float3 R,float3 SpecularColor, float Gloss) { float3 Envcolor = texCUBElod(EnvironmentTexture, float4(R, EnvMapMipmapScaleBias.x * Gloss + EnvMapMipmapScaleBias.y)).rgb; return FresnelSchlickWithRoughness(SpecularColor, N, E, Gloss) * Envcolor.rgb * EnvMapScaleAndModulate; // EnvMapScaleAndModulate is used to decompress range } http://seblagarde.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/hello-world/
  9. I meaned a base to work on can be this one : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/531-environment-alpha/ Adding normal map and specular, this could be great, as you would put environement reflection on the metal parts not rusted for example. I fixed alpha values and have already a good range of reflectivity in LE3 : The problem is that we loose the base color of diffuse. We would need to have some diffuse color conservation and blend over the sky texture to some percentage or based on alpha map. This is what is missing in LE3 shader, as you can see on Skyshop examples , the base color diffuse is keeped, not overwrited by environment map.
  10. New one : Diffuse detail + Normal map http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/532-diffuse-detail-normal-map/
  11. Ok, more important is Neosis as LE3 didn't had nothing. For metal, there is a tricky way using environment map on surface , more or less reflective depending on your alpha map, i posted the shader on downloads (it will need normal map)
  12. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/531-environment-alpha/ The alpha will define where there will be environment map.
  13. Try with this Lua code example if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true) then From Lua example : pickradius = 0.5 .... function App:Loop() ... if (self.camera:Pick(p.x,p.y,pickinfo,pickradius,true)) then self.picksphere:Show() self.picksphere:SetPosition(pickinfo.position) end Perhaps change your pickradius, and add "true" as last parameter.
  14. You buy and use on your projects, indeed it needs you to buy and use Marmoset Skyshop tool. You are allowed to use it for the engine you baught it, if you baught one license for LE3 you can only use it and sell games with LE3 engine. How many LE3 users would be interested ? It should be enought to make Marmoset worth it to integrate in LE3. From what i read Substance and Skyshop Marmoset can do good combination also.
  15. We should ask Marmoset if they could port shaders ? Would be another LE3 quality extension bringing loud and strong stuff Personnaly i would see no problem to make some game using image based lightening, specially when that allows really advanced shaders.
  16. Is community project starting again ? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8946-leadwerks-opengame-project/ Would be great.
  17. Never used that menu, some inadvertance in my side, False bug Thread can be closed.
  18. Making joint:Ball Bug 1 ) General physics : small cube just passing throught floor Bug 2) For the grey joint, on level editor : the child, parent and pivot are all very near When lauching the game they got very far parent form child ?
  19. Shadows and lights are not visible in LE3 editor. Only visible if i run the game. Am i the only one ?
  20. @Mr.Fox : You could use PhysicsSetPosition() to open and close it, by just movint it from close position to open position. Why do you really need a slider ?
  21. The problem is this is not official, relying on users is not so good, specially when they have changes in their life and no more time to maintain or debug some tool like that. FBX can import/export lights info if i'm not wrong ?
  22. Josh, in practice this is not the case, specially if you want to polish more your game each time. I used prefabs for entities containing child pivot/entity and script, for example some space ships, i could instance them by code as needed and test gameplay. I guaranty i had lot of times to modify them to make changes could it be change materials , particles object, or add new childs to change some gameplay, this is simply polishing the game. Prefabs should be modified any time easyly.
  23. Yes. A prefab is only a shortcut to grouped object / scripts / materials etc ... it is a little file of 1Ko. You change something it will change your prefab. I use prefabs only when it's needed, caus in LE3 if you keep CTRL and move some entity with script and other child object, you create automatically some instance without needing to create a prefab. The big advantage of prefab is when needing to instanciate or create a prefab by code, this is one line of code to load it, so you don't need to manually load model and it's materials,scripts, child entities by code.
  24. Here is how i worked on my shoot them up script kit. 1 ) Bullet prefab making : - In the level make a ball - attach bullet script as child in hierarchy - attach particle object as child in hierarchy 2) Save it as bullet.prefab 3) delete it, it is now on prefab forlder ready to be used like paced on level or instancied by code. Now you need to modify it : 1) On your level drag and drop bullet.prefab anywhere 2) in the scene tab you see object and hierarchy objects, you can change anything could it be color,script, child objects 3) modify it so 4) save it as bullet.prefab in your prefab directory overwritting old version 5) delete the bullet prefab in your level map 6) now you have new bullet prefab version saved in your prefab directory. Could be on manual about prefab workflow, didn't know some people was so much complicating things
  25. @Agrror : 618 models ? feww ? What it is a castle ? This is far from good to have 618 entities for static stuff, very bad performance will result. Have you a link to that pack i could take a look.
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