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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. Here is my fianl submission : the game turned in some shoot em up kit http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/524-shootemup-kit/ It has less fancy graphics mainly to reduce game size at maximum (caus LE3 texture don't have compression option actually). Enjoy (some known bug, the boss may not appear sometimes )
  2. That's so HUUUGE Well i will post a suggestion , to have users be able to choose big compression or nothing then.
  3. Perhaps something i didn't seen, but just changing the name worked ? When i will upload the Shoothemup kit, you will be able to download it, it will have some comment for that function and we will take a look if you want
  4. I just changed function name to walkToMin and calling it from updateWorld() it worked, the function is called and runned with any problem. What to say ? strange
  5. I use Lua for all ennemies, my own functions, even ennemies or player calling each other scripts, i'm not so newbbie with Lua in LE3 i guess ? That's simple : same code in UpdateWordl : ok same code in function : error nil That's not first time strange things happens with LE3.
  6. I had some simple GetPosition inside a function called walk() called from UpdateWorld() : local positionPlayer = self.entity:GetPosition(true) if positionPlayer.x < self.xminPos then -- self:walkMinPos() else -- --self:walkMaxPos() end It didn't worked as i had nil for that code : self.entity:GetPosition(true) Is that normal ? I put above code directly in UpdateWorld() instead of calling a function and it worked ? Is something i do in bad way ? would not self.entity accessible from any function we create ?
  7. Withiut compression you won't go very far in terms of texture usage as your video memory will be quickly full. We shoud have the choice of compression and ratio : - super compression : faster time loading , less memory needed for the 3D engine to store the texture when running - no compression : long loading times, lot more video memory needs. You are right , itested with this image and it generated 5Mo. But taking the original ,i attached a copy here this is 2Mo and LE3 generates .tex files of 21Mo Something wrong with transformation tool to .tex files.
  8. Yes, be able to rotate bones on animated models with a simple command. Why, because it is super usefull some few example : - control character eyes and head to look to the player - adapting character foot to the ground slope - turning robot turrets to player direction and adapt foots to the ground slope also by rotating them - make a simple hair or cape effect without using physics etc .. .
  9. Finishing the boss gameplay for mini game of the month. This will be a ShootEmUp kit, good to learn gameplay and basic scripting.
  10. Even when i disable mimaps, 2Mo becomes 19 Mo. It's not acceptable, all other 3D engines make textures compressed.to decrease size a lot. Wolfire blog about DXTC compression : http://blog.wolfire.com/2009/01/dxtc-texture-compression/ http://txzone.net/2011/09/texture-compression-why-does-it-matter/
  11. It's Blender swap texture from a Blender swap space ship model, not mine
  12. That's incredible i have a PNG about 2Mo and the .tex file generated is 21.4 Mo ?? Even DSS system is meaned to reduce dragstically textures size , not to make them bigger ..... Even disabling Mimpas it is still 19 Mo , what is happening in LE3 for textures ?? I really understand now why game loading was so long and why i found so strange to find all 512*512 textures having all 4Mo size wich is very heavy. Optimized engine means optimized in terms of textures sizes also. I put texture in example if someone want to test.
  13. Pretty limited, i was thinking import for Blender baked lightmaps that will have far superior lightmap with SSAO, indirect illumination etc ... baked. You should forget LE3 as it s obsolete now and no more maintained.
  14. What do you mean about problems ? I, fact i was more thinking in Blender Lightmaps import for advanced lightmaps and static 3D scenes. So it would need some special UV shader then , not LE3.1 emissive. I found some lightmap shader code , seems short but i'm not shader guru : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9234547/combining-two-texture-in-fragment-shader
  15. Great demon on using Blender for hand painting.
  16. It is some way to use imported Lightmaps in LE3 materials using emissive shader ?
  17. Could it be possible to have some function to be able to choose : - shadow opacity : shadow more or less transparent - shadow color : other color than black Could it work per object or should it only be global per level map ?
  18. When you have some errors, LE3 lua editor opens as this is it that points errors and allows to launch/debug the game. Sublime Text 2 is really great, but having to switch between LE3 3D editor, LE3 Lua editor and Sublime Text 2 can become somewhat complicated at long. Would be great to have LE3 Lua editor able to select/launch Sublime Editor or another Lua external editor. Creating LE3 command for Sublime Text can take long time, i wonder if writing a C#wrapper would be as simple declarations ? Caus if needing to type main LE3 keywords, better put that big work on a C# wrapper instead. Yes Lua at final not only from editor point of view, but from language also is lacking all C++ object style language and Visual Studio editor and pre compiling points.
  19. why not sharing it so ? I'll share my snippets once they will grow enought.
  20. @Rick it's super simple in Sublime Text 2 , just need to find the right example tutorial Example of auto complete for getPosition() <snippet> <content> <![CDATA[ GetPosition(${1:object},true) ]]> </content> <!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet --> <!-- <tabTrigger>hello</tabTrigger> --> <!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger --> <!-- <scope>source.python</scope> --> <tabTrigger>get</tabTrigger> <scope>source.lua</scope> <description>Position of object true = local </description> </snippet> in this example , you type "get" it will propose your snippet in the auto completition list , it you type enter, it will replacet "get" with GetPosition( object,true) And you cursor will be positionned on the word "object" , so you can change it direclty. (${1:object} means that your cursor will be positionned first in this word, here "object" <description> : is for the description of the text , here i just put some help to say about the boolean effect in GetPosition Not hard to add mainly used LE3 keywords ans like Visual Studio It speeds up incredibly programming. A must have tool.
  21. @beo6 : I just tried Sublime Text 2 and compared to LE3 editor it's day and night. It has auto completition for Lua language, all words and variable names you have in your file, seems you can code at light speed with it I m' just searching how to manually add autocompletition for highlight keywords ( like GetPosition for example).
  22. I played with old 3D engines having simple physics particles to make fountain particles, this exist in games from long time also , did you nerver seen foutains ? I mean a simple mass with simple physic applied. It's just a suggestion and idea for perhaps LE3.2 or other versions.
  23. It will change a lot , having stcutures "if then else" auto completed, engine functions, and even your variable names will make you gain lot of time. The big beneift of Visual Studio, is that you don't need to launch the gmae, compiling errors will be detected before. I agree that's why i talked about Lua editor that is simple editor and very far from intellisense.
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