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Everything posted by YouGroove

  1. Would be great to have maps displayed as some map ico nwith it's name under assets folder. This way we could visualize maps or open them by double clicking on them in the assets folder. Once created the map could be associated with the project and it's path stored, so we could visualize them in map folder and edit them.
  2. Would help to clear the log before launching game.
  3. I think this is how it works. Same for cube if you have select primitive Cube, each time you clik you create a cube; otherwise select a model to go in edit mode.
  4. @Aggror : Your code is for some entity following another. So i think i'll have to make some invisble collision model for PhysicSetPosition, and position the visible 3D model with the smoothed position. In fact the follow code will apply to invisible physic position and to it's 3D visible model.
  5. I asked some similar stuff, mainly for optimisation. There is lot of cases where you will need to light with the closest light only characte or objects. For some group system why not.
  6. @DudeAwesome : This is not real TPS camera but just X-Z camera mainly, not a camera like in mmo games or real TPS games. Correct me if i'm wrong. Would be better for LE3 in the future to have to have for new comers and non coders, essential cameras ready to use : - minimal camera FPS (not the FPS demo that is full of other code) - Real TPS camera Just a suggestion.
  7. Don't tell me it's LE3 editor no more working ? This came from map or project that got corrupted.
  8. Would have been better to find the problem instead of re install , has it could appear again. It would help LE3 be more stable, re installing LE3 or Windows it not a solution.
  9. Try saving ypur project and map. Or try to switch to another project and retry your project that is problematic. If not working save your work and Re install LE3.1 perhaps. I asked better LE3 logs .... this is missing, not normal to have such brutal exception You could you post your project or map file later if nothing works.
  10. Ouch : re install Win 7, it's rare to have software that needs re install Windows. would have been better to find the problem : drivers or other
  11. Tested on other PC importing the map and it works. So i really don't know what's happening in my laptop ? I will re test why on the laptop launching game this map make game crashing. Thread can be closed.
  12. Why not some key, but LE3 should not become like Blender and perhaps propose alos the sub menu. The best would have been LE3 to have some panel to map functions to our own key/mouse preferences like Blender preferences.
  13. It depends, if you work with blocks hierarchy : Rooms and content , level parts etc ... You copy / paste, align then double click each time is not so good. I use Blender and i has no double click for anything in mouse mappings, double click is lot more for windows explorer style panels not for 3D views manipuation. Perhaps some simple option in right click sub menu in 3D views. Or double click for ones and sub menu for others
  14. Nope, ----------Street ---------------> Wall ---------------> Wall2 Single click on wall or Wall 2 and it selects all objects in street hierarchy. That's why it's needed this option.
  15. When selecting some object in the 3D view , it selects all objects hierarchy, not possible to select individual objects of the hierarchy. It's good when needing to move/copy/past of hierarchy blocks, but painfull workflow when you need to modify child objects. This is how it works : -Select the object in 3D view you want to modify : it select several models in same block hierarchy - Scroll on Scene tab to find selected hierarchy block - click on each child object one after other to find the good one you want to modify - When found, you can modify the child object So it would be a really big workflow improvment to have some option like : select child only for 3D view This way selecting on 3D view, it would select directly the child object and we could directly modify it without needing to loose time searching it on scene panel.
  16. Even without folders, we can continue using actual system that allow us to organize like we want things But like said we need some : "move to parent" sub menu otherwhise it's a pain to move objects (even on small scene, where the list becomes quickly long)
  17. Does this allows scrolling or moving objects to the root with sub menu option ? The issues i see : In practice we will not organise level in BSP/MODELS/ENTITIES But lot more in some structure like that : -> Street level --------------> walls ----------------------> wall1 ----------------------- -> wall2 --------------->Static NPC characters ------------------------> NPC 1 --------------------------- -> NPC 2 ->Buildings --------------- -> brush wall1 ----------------- -> brush wall2 -----------------> decoration Model 1 ---------------- -> decoration Model 2 ---------------- -> house cat animal etc ... This is why separation in entities/brushes/models don't make sense in practice, as i would have some "house" folder containing all house stuff : brushes walls, decoration models , cat entitie etc ... Let's people have the option to be free to organize their scene management. Let people option to not have their level stuff to get categorized.
  18. I don't know a lot about shader programming, if you don't use the stack structure for shaders does it simplifies them a lot ? For shaders control i agree the more simple we can conrol them in Lua the better. Seems good proposition.
  19. YouGroove

    Next Steps

    FBX supports pretty well exporting static and bones animated models. I used from Blender 2.4 to 2.69 with LE3. It's the main format used in indie 3D engines, and there is no real problem with versions in LE3 or Unity. Morphs targets exports will need LE3 to have that feature in the engine implemented wich can take a long time. Well OpenGEX seems a great project and have LE3 support would be a bonus , not a necessity right now.
  20. @Einlander : thanks , and there is also skycube code, cool (strange it is not hardcoded in the engine). @DudeAwesome : This example is for massive bilboars, would be really great fo distant trees when optimizing big forest.
  21. I got it also working in my othe PC with Win 7 32 bits. Ok must be something related to firewall or some Windows rights. Thread can be cloed.
  22. Not cool , for big levels you'l lhave to make a big skycube then, and in edit mode have camera near enought all objects. I'll give it a try.
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