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  1. The portal series seems to be a popular topic I'd like to see a basic stamina system so you can't infinitely sprint, or other basic survival-fps features like that.
  2. Now if only I could find how he did that lol, Thanks for the reply!
  3. Hi I am curious if in the Indie Lua-Only version of Leadwerks is it possible to create a world using the method known as procedural generation? I swear I've seen some stuff on it here but I can't seem to find it
  4. Is that why it's in a commented section as opposed to code? If so, how come taking away the -- doesn't enable it, is it unfinished/waiting for a update to leadwerks or something?
  5. Yeah I did see the crouching part was just comments so I tried to see if it worked by un-commenting it (sounds weird lol) to no avail, and yes that is a effect that I want to achieve but without the blur, I just prefer being able to aim down my gun, while not entirely realistic in sight due to usually having the gun incredibly close to the camera, it's a nice effect and common in FPS games nowadays.
  6. Hi I am not very experienced at all with Lua/Programming, would it be possible for anyone to help me with steps or a small tutorial even on adding in crouching functionality and iron-sighting to the default FPS/FPSWeapon scripts? I tried my own at the Crouching one by editing somethings and even tried converting over the old FPS controller from Leadwerks 2 but it had some errors and I reversed the changes. Thanks in advance for any help provided! P.S I understand the iron-sighting may or may not come down to animations in the gun itself, if that is the case then if you could explain loading a gun/animations in Lua or point me to somewhere that would help me out more I could just use some FPS Creator weapons. Sorry about the wall-of-text by the way!
  7. Can you post the .lua file for that? If its working of course, That would help me immensely
  8. Yeah I think I'll do that because I tried modifying the FPSController.lua to have no gun and I can't move or look around lol.
  9. Oh dear I'm not entirely sure I can do that lol, Any tips on finding the animations of the gun? I'm fearful as to how many there are :>
  10. Ok so now I have the file converted and all the textures, How can I make the fpscontroller.lua work with the bow from FPS Creator Model Pack 28 Pic -
  11. I want to import some models from FPS Creator that I have but I don't know how. Can anyone make a tutorial or explain to me how? I'm not much of a Model artist more so a texture one so I have no clue what to do I.E Animations for characters and guns. Thanks everyone in advance, -Vampire
  12. Lol I don't know I think I got it at safeway, It's a visa gift card =P, Is there any way for me to purchase the engine? I've had my eye on it for a while and finally have the money lol.
  13. When I am trying to purchase leadwerks, It doesn't let me go past 2016 on the expiration date of the credit/debit card, My debit card expires 2020. What do I do? :S
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