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  1. Hmm, i just used the "Make DDS.exe" that came in the Tools folder.
  2. 2.25 Will try that out I am using the 3ds max leadwerks exporter.
  3. I have made a few plants and trees using alpha maps but when i import it into sandbox they have no transparency, however in the model viewer it works just fine. Oh and i cant get _sway to work on neither of the programs :/ Link to plant: Plant - Rapidshare - 1.00mb
  4. I am using 2.25, and i cant get the forum access to work :S
  5. I want to have a body that i can control and move without it getting any changes by colliding with other bodies... So far when i try to achieve this the body doesnt seem to have any collision except it kind of flickers to dynamic. Anyone know how i can do this right? [EDIT] I found out how to control it but i want it to only collide with the player and not other objects, and i want to prevent the player from changing the body in any way.
  6. Who has killing floor or counter strike
  7. Im trying to load a texture (.dds 512,512pixels) into my game and draw it using DrawImage(); but always when i compile it stops at the line where it loads the texture, no errors or logs or any info, it just crashes... And i am very sure the dds is safe. Turns out when i save as 16 bit raw through photoshop it works to load it but however it renders very weird...
  8. Here ya go: http://rapidshare.com/files/343615670/grass.rar.html Contains grass.dds and grassDOT3.dds...
  9. I added some new terrain textures, but at a distance they seem to create some weird black spots. Any idea what that can be, or what can be causing it?
  10. Just wondering, how are you to add collision without adding it manually through another model?
  11. I tried exporting a model with the 3ds max 2 gmf exporter, through fbx, b3d, dae, x, 3ds, obj with different versions of converters too and always the result is no animation, why?
  12. I havent been using leadwerks for a long time now and have noticed alot of changes including a new forum, so i have 2 questions: The leadwerks editor, where do i download it? And my old leadwerks version was 2.20 i think and i just download 2.29. Will all files i need be installed then or do i have to download them one by one? Thanks.
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