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Everything posted by AnniXa
Hey as i actually switched from blitzmax to c# i would like to know some stuff: where can i find a smal doc how to use Leadwerks2 with c# (VS2010) ? its not easy to find since its all mixed with LE3 and stuff, maybe you should make 2 areas for LE2 and 3... and the other question, in blitzmax i was able to easy use all openGL functions just in leadwerks for easy draw 2d stuff and such. i think this is not possible with c# at all?
Hey, just wanted to ask if there is a quick way to remove all those body that "fell" out of the worldsize (wich i made with SetWorldSize(...))
Hey this is cool! Could you make some kind of exporter for it that exports some kind of voxel map of this? I mean just a binary file with inital height, witdth, depth and then the bits or as bytes(0 and 1 if there is a cube or not) would be enough. i would love to load this into my blockmap.
yes they where static, all they can is turning on and off
This is nice I tried something similar a while ago, with just feeding the minib3d colision tree (wich is written in cpp as far as i remember) with a leadwerks surface. But this was not working like i wanted, your solution looks smarter.
Hey, i want to use the lugi thing for a server application wich is not using leadwerks at all. I found this on blitzmax forums: http://www.blitzbasi...s.php?code=2579 its from joshk i tried it with the following: Include "glue.bmx" 'the generated gluecode Global lua:TLua = New tlua 'create the tlua type lua.dostring(str) Type test {expose} Method foo() Print "say ausgefuehrt" End Method End Type the content of the str string is this: (moved it out for better reading) print("test:") local dings = NewTest() dings.foo() the result that i got is: test: Lua error: [string "print("test:")..."]:3: attempt to index local 'dings' (a function value) executing a lua script works fine, but i the object pushing ist not working Dies someone knows what i made wrong? edit: it looks like i just made an . instead of an : so nevermind this thread, and sorry for bugging.
i tried that but it not worked well i grabbed a old gaming laptop from a friend that can handle this stuff so for testing this is okay =)
Hey, actually i am building the geometry data of my map by myself with addvertex, addtriangle and stuff from a own geometry data type, this works great, and leadwerks made a well bether job than minib3d here. but well i saw there is now "updatenormals()" stuff here, so i thought i cannot make my stuff rotate before putting it into the surface, because the normals are messed up then. But when i rotate it with exacly 90° only, then it should be enough when i just swap 2 normal values of all verts before putting them into the surface? like when rotating for 90° then just for every vertex nx = nz and nz = ny ? and such? or is it not that simple? otherwise i would have to save 4 variants of the thingies
The portal technology was as far as i know at first implemted by the game "Prey". i Loved that prey game when it was comming out, and then when i played portal from the orange box it feelt like prey without alines to me
yea thats true, in my case it are not so fast bullets. Like rockets or something, that are needed to draw
Bullets hitting everything ( terrain, players (tcontroller), npcs(tbody))
ah sad, i thought i just can define own functions to override the origina lua ones that are bad or something. I think on the other hand i will then make some kind of protocoll for the gui stuff and such. will be much more work but on the other hand its letting me more control over it
Hey, is it possible to prevent some lua functions? Its the following scenario: i have a client and a dedicated server, where the gamelogic such as triggers or gui elements that the users can see are loaded and executed by that server or lua code is transfered to the client and runned there. Triggers will handled this way: when a player enteres a trigger area then on the serverside the onTrigger() function will be called, this works fine. also in some cases the server can send lua code to the clients and they run it then (usefull for gui stuff or if there are some scripted scenes/movie scenes) the target is that the client need nothing to download by himself, all comes via the server, the whole game logic so modders can write own game logic and just host a server with they stuff. But the problem i have is that lua can do also bad stuff, for example File operations, and so maybe some evil guys can hosts servers that are deleting files or creating files with stuff to the poeple that join they servers. can i prevent lua from allowing file operations and other evil stuff?
yea i saw that, actually i need to use swept collision otherwise my bullits fly threw my walls, (and the walls are not soo thin, they are 1.0 unit width at least) well what would you prefer for small stuff anyway? a bodybox or a bodysphere?
when i want to have very small stuff, where i dont need to care about its shape because it are for example small bullets, what is then faster? BodyBox or BodySphere? i think a sphere just do raycast with a radius internally? i read that somewhere in the newton forums while box is doing racast from its edges or something? what would you prefer?
okay i thought so, ty anyway^^
hey, i dont think its possible but i just try to ask =) I wanted to use my little old laptop with that intel gma chipset for testing my character network synchronisation and stuff with a real network connection (not just But i cant start my game.exe since this thingie dont got that shader stuff. Is it anyhow possible to run it anyway? even when it looks like crappy **** i just want to test that network stuff =)
Actually i only compress the map chunk data, i thought dds would be compressed internally in any kind and so it would not bring alot? But thats a good idea to compress all files before transfer, i will do it. i wonder why i not thougt about that?^^
cool thank you, that acceleration parameter in the updateController function was the problem =) no i have a nice moving "player" with colision to the map. thank you all for your time.
i slaughtered a sample now for a quick & dirty test =) for now it seems to be fine, no bouncing and strange rotating or something. but it acts more like a spaceship in space then a person on ground. i mean it takes a while until it comes to speed, and then when i release the key it have a long way to brake. what am i doing wrong? i did this before the loop: Global testController:TController = CreateController() CreateCube(testController) SetBodyMass(testController, 1) PositionEntity(testController, Vec3(15, 4, 15)) 'set it into the map EntityType(testController, 1) Collisions(1, 2, 1)'world is 2, entitys got 1 Global move:Int = 0.0 Global strafe:Int = 0.0 and thats the loop: Repeat If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit If AppTerminate() Exit move = (KeyDown(KEY_W) - KeyDown(KEY_S)) * 5 strafe = (KeyDown(KEY_D) - KeyDown(KEY_A)) * 5 UpdateController(testController, 0.0, move, strafe) UpdateAppTime() UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()) SetBuffer(gbuffer) RenderWorld() SetBuffer(BackBuffer()) RenderLights(gbuffer) tann2d.start2d() anngui.draw() tmouse.draw() tann2d.end2d() Flip(0) Forever
Okay thank you very much, i actually read that pdf about them, and they seem to be like the solution for my problem =)
oh, when i use the controler, they collision also works fine? i never tried those controlers.... can i use them to just move an entity into a direction?
i want to check my entity VS those map terrain (somewhat minecraft like map) i use createBodyTree for the clipping parts of the blocks i dont think i can use simple aabb tests there, but maybe i should have ben said earlier but for now i improved something with that body stuff, i use moveEntity, and before every move i use setBodyVelocity with 0,0,0, and i force the angle of the mover body to stay like it is. maybe i will later have alot fun with that physics thingie so i think i just let it so for now. i tried that, but then i got no collision, the body is allways red with the phyisc debug mode
hm bounding boxes would not work since i got some kind complex terrain for now i use SetBodyVelocity and try it with that, but there is so much stuff that is annoying, i dont need/want all thet physic stuff and now i need to waste cpu/gpu time into this, and then i just force the values to some fixed ones >< seems i rly need to start over with that raycast stuff
is it possible to have collisions and stuff without need to use of phyisics? I want to move the entitys just with moveEntity() and stuff and check if they touched something. i know i can start now writing the raycasting stuff, but there is still all that stuff and i dont want to waste alot of time for making raycast tests, is it not possible to use it without body force stuff? i dont want them to fly around or falling down after a collision when i use apply force stuff, i just want them to have collisions, maybe slide but at all i just want the callback.