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  1. Hey all, I sent Josh an email a few days ago, have been completely ignored, so I'll post my problem here, hopefully getting better tech support. Here is the problem; Screenshots; It's really frustrating working with the 2.28 engine, I cannot afford to upgrade to 2.3(won't for a while), and I have to say working with this slightly dated engine while it's getting zero support is quite difficult. Anyways, sorry to come off as an bum, but it's frustrating having my version left for dead when I've already shelled out a hundred and fifty bucks for it.
  2. Nice thanks that did it! Increased it to 500 but had to drop speed down to .000005 =P Thanks again!
  3. Hey all, I was happily developing away when I found that enabling lights in my app cause a major speed reduction. So I changed it all up to incorporate AppSpeed in all my time-sensitive variables and whatnot. However, there was an unexpected side effect. While before, my Character Controller moved happily when pressing the movement buttons, and stopped when you stopped pressing movement buttons, now he accelerates and decelerated very slowly. I've played with the maxacceleration argument with updating, trying ranges from 1-100 and it does not help. Anyone got a magic solution? I don't want my Character Controller to be playing on ice! Thanks!
  4. Just got leadwerks installed again from a clean wipe. All the examples and older programs I have work just fine, however now Sandbox will not open. When I click on the app, it goes into it's thinking mode, then just stops. Several clicks do nothing. Restarting does nothing. Changing compatibility mode does nothing. Here is the contents of Sandbox.txt; Warning: Failed to load texture "Arial.dds": Path not found. Registering abstract path "C:/Program Files/Leadwerks Engine SDK" Leadwerks Engine 2.28 Initializing Renderer... OpenGL Version: 1.1.0 GLSL Version: Render device: GDI Generic Vendor: Microsoft Corporation Additionally, related or not, the material editor fails as well, but this one opens, then gives the error "MaterialEditor.exe has stopped working." Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
  5. You were correct! Thanks a bunch! I'm confused, I tried once to save it to my documents(already had the problem with windows 7 privileges) but the same problem occurred...Saving to my C: drive worked fine though! Thanks again!
  6. Hey all! So, I just wiped my compy and reinstalled everything, but it seems the leadwerks updater for version 2.8 is doing something it was NOT doing before. It updates merilly until it hits the tools section, when it spits out these; Downloading "Tools/oalinst.exe"... Failed to save file "C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK\Tools/GenMat.exe". Downloading "Tools/obj2gmf.exe"... Failed to save file "C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK\Tools/phygen.exe". Downloading "Tools/obj2phy.exe"... Downloading "Tools/obj2phy.txt"... Failed to save file "C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK\Tools/oalinst.exe". Downloading "Tools/newton.dll"... Downloading "Tools/MakeDDS.exe"... Failed to save file "C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK\Tools/obj2phy.exe". EDIT: I stopped it halfway through when if failed to update engine.dll, newton.dll, sandbox.exe, etc. Basically makes the package unusable =P I don't see where to download just the tools in the dev section. I tried a multitude of options for installing as well as did several clean and force updates, to no avail. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  7. Great thanks for the message Lumooja and Josh =P Got it all worked out! Still getting used to this new site, but I like it! Thanks, Papa
  8. Well, I don't think I have purchased the newest one with scripting and such. I need the older one =P Is there really no download for those of us that couldn't shell out for the newest one?
  9. So, I'm obviously blind =P Figured it would be in the downloads section but cannot seem to find it. I bought it before we switched to these new forums and the werkspace, any help? Thanks!
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