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  1. Thanks for the help Roland and everyone else. I deeply appreciate it
  2. now a error box is popping up saying "Unhandled exception at 0x00000000 in DarkAge.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation."
  3. Corrected this problems still no fix
  4. I just wrote the simple program in c++ and tried compiling it I keep getting a few errors that i cant seem to fix. here is my code: and here are the errors im getting
  5. PcWizKid


    what does it mean when it says " attempted to index global 'whatever' (a nil value) "
  6. take a look at this http://cgi.ebay.com/AutoDesk-3ds-Max-2010_W0QQitemZ330416539680QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item4cee5c4820
  7. my birthday is coming up and I was thinking about getting 3dsmax is it worth it or should I stick to blender? Thanks, Garrett
  8. PcWizKid


    ok i did everything u said but an error comes up saying "failed to open Fpscontroller.lua" And then amother saying " ')' expected near 'GraphicsWitdth' " P.S I also saw the "VisualKnights Developer Diary - 1 - Mission Tab" video. It looks great!!
  9. PcWizKid


    i have made a door model in blender and textured it and everything but now this is what i need: You walk up to the door and it displays a message on the screen "Press E to use" then when you press E the door opens. how might I do this? thanks, Garrett
  10. how do i make separate models that snap together in blender then export them to LE Example: Tunnel pieces from the Tunnels.sbx thanks,
  11. just wondering if I were to get uu3d should I buy SE PRO
  12. Texture objects and import them from blender
  13. Texture objects and import them from blender
  14. On second thought how do u do it using blender And photoshop 6
  15. Ok let me make a youtube of this (i have school so you might not see it until tomorrow)
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