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  1. Related to this discussion is the challenge of pulling together all of the assets of a project into a distributable game folder that can be packaged together, zipped, and shared with others. Am I right in saying there is no automatic way to pull together all the dependencies of a project into a deployable standalone game folder?
  2. Thanks. Works great. I suspect this script will help others as well.
  3. Thanks, but I'm still not getting the crouching behaviour to work (I am running a script outside of the editor and I am sure I am using the latest update). Here are the relevant code lines I have written: controller=CreateController(1.8,0.45,0.25,45,0) -- the last value (0) is the crouch height This line does the update: controller:Update(camerayaw,move,strafe,jump,40,10,crouch) The next lines capture the crouch key being pressed: if KeyHit(KEY_C)==1 then if controller:IsCrouched()==1 then crouch=0 else crouch=1 end end Pressing the C key causes nothing to happen. I also replaced "crouch" with "1" in the controller:Update line above and still saw no crouching behaviour.
  4. The blog post for the 2.31 update notes that crouching behaviour has been added, but the fpscontroller script example does not appear to have it implemented, so far as I can tell. What is the LUA code that should be used to capture a keystroke that controls crouching? Could someone provide an example? Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the reply and help Rasterbar. It is appreciated.
  6. Rasterbar indicated in another thread that he uses CloudWright (http://www.simul.co.uk/products-page/cloudwright-products/) to create sky cubes. Could Rasterbar or someone else outline the steps I should follow to export skycubes from CloudWright that are compatible with Leadwerks? Thanks.
  7. For each of the models I am using in LeadWerks (e.g., object.gmf), I have created an accompanying .lua file (e.g., object.lua) with the following code: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) When I open the Properties Inspector for a model in the editor, I need to manually set the Collision to "Prop". What line(s) I should add to the code above, so I don't have to set this up manually each time? Thanks.
  8. dhutchison

    Design Problem

    I think you mean "model editor," rather than "collision editor" in the first sentence? Looking forward to it...
  9. dhutchison

    Next up...

    I totally agree with making vegetation collision a priority. As for the soldier model, I suggest, similar to what Josh did with the Viper Scout, either licensing the already animated SWAT model from Dexsoft or, if that is not possible, making the SWAT model Leadwerks-ready for users to buy. This would grow the partnership between Leadwerks and Dexsoft even stronger: http://www.dexsoft-games.com/models/swat.html The SWAT model appears to be very well animated.
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