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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I'm happy for this working out for you Josh. Congratulations!
  2. Depending on your circumstances, this might be as simple as checking if the character is below the height of the water.
  3. 2) No date yet. Last I heard it was in the early stages so it will be some time until release but you can try the current version using the monthly subscription under the Store link at the top of the page, if you wish. 3) There are no royalties for LE4. There never was for any version of Leadwerks, as far as I know, so it's probably a safe bet that the next version won't change this.
  4. I'd prefer not to switch over to beta but maybe someone else can try this for you.
  5. What about trying another new project with a different model that worked for you before?
  6. I hesitated reporting this because it's so minor and I'd rather you fix higher priority things, if I have a say. But for the sake of completeness: Load a project (let's say Project A) in the Project Manager and go into the Editor Go back to Project Manger and Delete another project. Then select any other project in the list (let's say Project B) but hit the Cancel button. This should still bring you back to Project A. But it opens Project B instead. In other words, without deleting a project, the Cancel button acts like a Cancel button, but after you delete a project, the Cancel button acts like an OK button. Again, I don't need this fixed; just reporting it.
  7. I can't recreate it, even with your project. I have no problems. What happens if you create a new folder and move the FBX to that folder? Also, are you on beta (you don't have the version number on your program title bar)? I'm on release so maybe there's a difference for me.
  8. @Thirsty Panther Note the message at the bottom of his editor and the lack of an icon on the right.
  9. The FBX imports and loads for me fine, even after a restart of the editor. Unless someone has another idea, you may need to share your entire folder with us.
  10. Curious about your results. Attached is the tex file if you want to compress 90 of the same one. 0.tex
  11. Enough theory! Let's get real! ? I tested this. I created a 2048x2048 DXT5 texture (with mipmaps) and copied it to create 90 textures, totaling 480MB. I then zipped them in both storage (uncompressed) mode (480MB) and "best" mode (246MB). I then wrote a quick program: #include "Leadwerks.h" #include "conio.h" using namespace Leadwerks; Texture* texture[90]; int main(int argc,const char *argv[]) { //Load any zip files in main directory Leadwerks::Directory* dir = Leadwerks::FileSystem::LoadDir("."); if (dir) { for (int i=0; i<dir->files.size(); i++) { std::string file = dir->files[i]; std::string ext = Leadwerks::String::Lower(Leadwerks::FileSystem::ExtractExt(file)); if (ext=="zip" || ext=="pak") { Leadwerks::Package::Load(file); } } delete dir; } long starttime = Leadwerks::Time::Millisecs(); for(int i=0; i<90; i++) { string filename=std::to_string(i)+".tex"; cout << filename << endl; texture[i]=Texture::Load(filename); } float totaltime = ((float)Leadwerks::Time::Millisecs()-(float)starttime)/1000; printf("\nLoad time: %f\n",totaltime); getch(); } I then put in only the uncompressed zip, ran the program, then swapped it with the compressed and ran it again, multiple times. Here are the results: uncompressed (SSD) 2.284 seconds 2.257 2.238 2.236 2.232 2.241 2.235 2.231 2.241 2.250 "best" compressed (SSD) 3.748 3.865 3.811 3.871 3.603 3.650 3.802 3.790 3.668 3.748 uncompressed (HD) 2.145 2.150 2.136 "best" compressed (HD) 3.619 3.646 3.661 Couldn't tell you why the non-SSD is slightly faster. Out of curiosity I also rebooted my computer to run the program clean and uncompressed+HD came in at over 8 seconds but I'm not confident that the computer stopped loading everything in the background (task manager was calm though). Edit: I just did two more reboot tests. Obviously when you first run the program, nothing is already in memory so things take longer. Compressed: 7.254 seconds. Rebooted again and did uncompressed: 9.310 seconds (yes, compressed was faster here).
  12. I love the extra flexibility. I'm hoping that will be optional as sometimes you intentionally uncheck these in Leadwerks to make images look better (unless Turbo handles this a different way).
  13. It lets me open the zip file and see the file names but the files can't be extracted without the password (Windows 7). Are you able to extract the files?
  14. gamecreator

    Next Steps

    I have a random question: will Turbo continue to incorporate libraries/tools Leadwerks has now? I'm thinking specifically Steam SDK but also libcurl, GameAnalytics and anything else currently in Leadwerks. Is there anything that might be cut?
  15. Understood. Thank you Josh.
  16. Does this mean you're back in the U.S.? Any ETA on these issues:
  17. I just realized that maybe you misread what I wrote. I meant your Leadwerks StReam write commands. In other words, if you can open a zipped file to read, can you open a zipped file to write to, for example with stream->WriteInt(2)?
  18. Yeah, this comes up regularly because the Leadwerks blank c++ template is broken. Reading through this should get you going: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/17019-more-on-vs-2017/
  19. Users can turn off cloud syncing both by individual game settings and global Steam settings so I don't think that's a reliable way to store information. I have no problem with creating my own file on the local drive but was just curious about the possible additional option.
  20. Nice! Bonus question: do the Stream write commands work? In other words, could we write a save file or configuration settings to our own encrypted zip? It sounds like we could.
  21. I believe Josh said in the past that the password is not available to anyone. You can, however, zip your own files, with your own password and still use Leadwerks Loads on those (C code is available on the forums). I don't know if fopen_s() or Leadwerks's ReadFile work on those.
  22. https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/17349-why-cant-i-open-leadwerks/ ?
  23. I imported the FBX into Max. It's a light, camera and cube but while the cube has a material assigned, it has no texture. It looks like your export didn't include it.
  24. Josh's blog has the most information about Turbo: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/blogs/blog/1-joshs-dev-blog/ Not sure about PBR. You can get a metallic look using the method described here: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/17466-metallic-shader/?tab=comments#comment-113487
  25. GorzenDev did a series on his blog, starting with this one: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/blogs/entry/2062-basic-gui-creation/
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