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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I would like to keep the players/enemies (and other shared preloads) between maps and not clear them. Is there a way to do that? There was a function Josh showed me once that I think held/froze assets but I can't find that thread. Edit: found it: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/15212-improve-load-times-when-changing-maps/
  2. Easy enough, just missed that function. Thank you Jorn.
  3. Very simple question: how do you properly change a map with C/C++. I tried doing it with the following code: if(window->KeyHit(Key::NumPad1)) Map::Load("Maps/map1.map"); if(window->KeyHit(Key::NumPad2)) Map::Load("Maps/map2.map"); but it keeps loading the maps on top of each other, not replacing/removing the previous one, getting brighter and brighter as each map has a light. Map::Load returns true or false, not a handle, so I don't even know how to try to release it. So how is this done?
  4. If you mean you're looking to add a physics collision, you can do it one of two ways: 1. Add it to the model. In the Assets tab, find and double click your model. Under Physics, choose the appropriate collision for your model and then save your model. 2. Add it to a scene item. Under scene, select your model/shape. Under the Physics tab, choose the collision type.
  5. No. The output directory is where it puts the EXE. The working directory is where it should find the DLLs and such. It's convenient to have them the same if you want to run the EXE outside of Visual Studio.
  6. Shouldn't be too bad using the GetDistance function to get the distance between the player and any coin and if the distance is within the desired radius, pull the coins to you. I would then use Point to point the coin to the player then Move it forward (toward the player). That way, you can keep the coin moving toward the player even if the player is moving (by pointing and moving every turn).
  7. I saw a lot of potential in Steam allowing lobbies and connecting with your friends for free, before you were even Greenlit (at the time) or signed up as a developer with them, just using their free Spacewar ID. After all, who doesn't want to make a multiplayer game to play with their friends? It's what inspired me to delve into it and also make a little tutorial for the community years ago because I enjoyed it so much.
  8. If you have the editor closed and you copy a folder with a texture to your project (and an fbx which uses it) and then load the editor, the texture and the material get created but the material doesn't show in the editor (but if you open the folder, you can see the file). You need to restart the editor to have the material show up.
  9. Is everyone having this issue? Josh, can you fix the template?
  10. Is this when you run the program straight from Visual Studio? If so, you may need to alter your Working Directory in the Project Property under Debugging.
  11. I just did the upgrade. This is what worked for me - you may not need to do some of this. Create new project. Double click on SLN file in Project, Windows to open. Changed to Release. Removed App.h and main.cpp from project. Replaced the code in App.cpp with an example that doesn't use any resources, like the one on this page: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Window_Create When I tried to compile it, it gave me some error about missing Windows 10 SDK (since I didn't install it). I right-clicked on Solution in the Solution Explorer, hit Retarget Solution, chose 8.1 and hit OK. This compiled for me but I got a blank window because the Working Directory was incorrect. Right-clicked on the Project Property, went to Debugging and changed my Working Directory to $(SolutionDir)..\..\ (which matches my Output Directory under General). Ran fine after this. Good luck!
  12. I think that's normal. The My Documents folder stores different things (saved configurations, screenshots, map backups, etc.) than the one under Steam (the program itself).
  13. gamecreator


    Gamelift seems to support any engine.
  14. gamecreator


    I like that there is a strong, doable solution though I know you (and some customers) would have preferred to be independent from Steam. Since you're already with Amazon, I'm surprised that there isn't a reliable solution through them with AWS or something.
  15. I would enable the console to see the error messages.
  16. Even if there is no tournament for a while, maybe once the vehicles are re-released we can try another community project. There are a surprising amount of free cars on sites like Turbosquid and cgtrader.
  17. The third thought you may consider is that I believe it's possible for Lua and C++ to interact. I think there are tutorials and/or videos out there somewhere on this.
  18. That's assuming the computer is fast enough to keep up or the scene isn't too heavy, right? It's can't be 100% guaranteed, right?
  19. Is there any way to convince you that examples are worth providing, even if it's just one per "set," like the Enable/Create/Initialize functions, that covers several functions? Examples are very valuable to me and functions like this and the Sprite set missing them makes me a little wary. And, to be honest, it's a little frustrating trying to piece together code from minutes of forum searches with mixed results.
  20. You didn't mention it but your post makes it seem like it'll cover it: multiplayer. Two players can be in two different parts of the map at the same time. If you ever want to implement automatic multiplayer synchronization as I think you mentioned a while back, this is something else to keep in mind (and make you scratch your head even more).
  21. Sorry. It was pseudo code for a function you could create, not an actual function in Leadwerks. It would just display your progress bar based on the counter count (so the bar would get longer with each call). The function would look something like this, assuming counter is global. void DisplayProgressbar() { context->SetColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); context->DrawRect(0, 0, counter / totalcounter * 500, 50); context->Sync(); }
  22. You should be able to find a thread or two about this (search the forums for loading screen or similar) but my method (I'm also on C++) is to load everything myself and then load the map afterwards. Because you already have the models in memory, the map should then load very quickly. You can increment a counter for each model you load and you'll know how far along you are in the process. Something like: // Pseudocode temporaryentity[counter++]->load("tree1.mdl"); DisplayProgressbar(); temporaryentity[counter++]->load("tree2.mdl"); DisplayProgressbar(); etc. but coded nicer. At the end you'll know how big your counter is and you can use that as a total to divide by to get a percent loaded.
  23. Here's my process for a new project: Create a new blank project in the Editor in File->Project Manager. It will create all the project files for you, including two source and one header file. Open the generated SLN file to open the project in Visual Studio. Remove the App.cpp and App.h files from the project. You can now replace the contents of the main.cpp file with examples you find in the documentation (https://www.leadwerks.com/learn) which will help you with anything from loading maps to models to drawing images and text.
  24. Blogs like this one, Common Bottlenecks and Promoting Your Game are really helpful.
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