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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Great to hear, especially about the documentation. I really hope the docs have a simple C example of the realistic vehicle. Maybe also worth adding a vehicle template to the project manager.
  2. https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/15469-create-custom-collision-types/?tab=comments#comment-103607
  3. Good thought. Here's the most recent one that didn't give me an error: http://web.archive.org/web/20150426173346/http://www.leadwerks.com:80/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity
  4. Yeah. The old documentation was much more clear about this. The Entity page used to have them in separate sections.
  5. While this won't help with debugging or why it's crashing, I thought you were supposed to use physics commands for physics objects, like SetOmega.
  6. See if either of these help: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera_SetMultisampleMode https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_World_SetLightQuality
  7. Thank you. I switched my initial code to DirectionalLight* light = DirectionalLight::Create() and it allowed me to access that member. I suspect there's a way to make it do it just with Light *light but that's above my head right now. shadowstagerange[0] was 6.0 by default and once I bumped that up, the shadow stretched further out. Code for anyone curious: DirectionalLight* light = DirectionalLight::Create(); light->SetRotation(35, 35, 0); printf("Default [0] value: %f\n\n",light->shadowstagerange[0]); light->shadowstagerange[0]=40;
  8. Probably a very simple question but if I have Light* light = DirectionalLight::Create(), how can I access shadowstagerange[4] via C++ code? I have some shadows acting weird and I think this could help, per Josh's suggestion here: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/12573-directional-light-cast-shadow-distance-and-camera-zoom-important-issue/?do=findComment&comment=90577 If anyone's curious, this is what I'm looking at (shadow cutting off suddenly in a side-scroller). I already tried camera->SetMultisampleMode(32) and world->SetLightQuality(2) and setting various light ranges but nothing helped. Moving the camera left or right moves that edge left or right. If I move the camera closer, it doesn't change anything but if I move it back, the shadow gets shorter, so it's tied to the camera and/or light somehow.
  9. The responses I've seen before are to use less triangles per character, less bones per character (for example, if you don't need finger bones, don't use them), lower lighting/shadow quality, shorter render distance, etc. I suspect you already know and probably tried all of these but just throwing these out there. I think there may also be other threads that discuss optimizations. Also, some people (I think Jen is one but I could be wrong) are using their own custom character controllers. Edit: this thread may also help: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/16265-moving-characters-performance/
  10. Thank you for the post. I prefer to use Max simply because I'm faster with it and it has more features, like being able to move vertices. I have no problem with replacing models by looking at the entity names. I'm just curious if this optimization is needed at all. Worst case I can set up a test scene and compare the performance but Josh could just say either way.
  11. I'd still love an answer to this, if someone knows (Josh?). Will Leadwerks instance/optimize models within a single FBX scene or do I need to do it myself?
  12. Any time. I think that's the right way to go but I know next to nothing about shaders. Good luck!
  13. First thing I would do is a stress test to see how Leadwerks handles hundreds of sprites at once, like a town scene with a bunch of characters animating and maybe a forest in the back (trees, bushes, grass). Should be no problem but I don't know how optimized sprites are.
  14. Oh, if you want it to be a physics body that flies and spins by itself, you can just use the physics commands like AddTorque. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_AddTorque Check out the other entity commands here: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity
  15. Turn? https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Turn
  16. ..... animated textures/materials.... ???? (I happen to have this very much on my mind right now because I'm trying to figure out the best way to do hit effects and such for my platformer.)
  17. Pretend I create a level like this in 3DS Max: If I export this level as a single FBX, does Leadwerks recognize that the boxes (and grass and whatever else) are exactly same and automatically instance/optimize them? I assume the answer is no as this is a very special case but just curious. And if not, is there an easy way for me to optimize this myself? As I type this out, I figure I can just go through all the entities, remove the boxes and re-create/position them and that would probably do it.
  18. You can also optionally use the programs in the Tools folder but I haven't done this much and don't know if they have any limitations.
  19. There is no Steam independent version. To use the editor you'll need to be logged into Steam (but I heard you don't need to be online). But once you have a project created you can code all you want without Steam at all.
  20. Thanks. So far so good. No unexpected snags or other weirdness. Feels really good to be at this point.
  21. Redoing my platformer from scratch using my own "character controller." Ladders and moving platform are finished. Placeholder graphics. I did tile-based collision in my last project but this one uses rectangle collision so the ground can be any dimensions. Makes the process from Max to Leadwerks pretty smooth.
  22. Fair enough. I guess the GUI system is a little too complex for me for the time being, especially with no C examples in the docs to work off of. I'll stick to doing my own but thank you for the info.
  23. What do you guys mean by a script? I'm not using Lua so I don't even know where that would go or what that would look like. I could try adding Redraw. That sounds like it could help. And yes, I was intentionally working with textarea as I wanted to try adding lines too.
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