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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. As far as I can tell, none of the widget or GUI commands have C++ examples, which is a little disappointing. I tried to get it working here but it was buggy at the time: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/16418-gui-commands-meant-to-be-cumulative/ Not sure if Josh ever fixed it or if I was even using it right.
  2. Oh, you create other things...? I wonder if it returns the same number if you remove that one entity. But this is mostly just curiosity at this point.
  3. What does world->CountEntities() return?
  4. Seems reasonable though I think pros could cut that down further. The only real optimization I could think of is to ask if the cushions could be pulled off the couch as separate items. If they could be but they never actually will be, then you could delete the faces that will never be seen, or merge the cushions with the base to save a ton of triangles/faces. All that said, from quick glance at some free couches on Turbosquid, some of them look just about the same in "poly" count as yours. I encourage you to look around and download some free models if you're really curious: https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-model/sofa?synonym=couch&max_price=0&min_price=0
  5. Yup. Very cool that that's part of Leadwerks. Already kept it in mind to use as a patcher in the future.
  6. How would you do a persistent world in an online game without a server? For example, say there's a crystal in the forest. Someone logs on, takes it and drops it in the desert and logs out. How would you store the crystal's location? I know the ideal answer is a server but say that's not an option. Since I'm doing this in Steam, I was thinking Cloud would be perfect but users have the option of turning that off so that won't work (also, it won't be a published game so I guess Cloud won't be available anyway). I also thought about using Leadwerks leaderboards but I haven't tested yet how responsive it is. If two players fight and one player drops the crystal, it needs to be more or less immediately seen by the other one. I remembered too that we have libcurl built in so maybe HTTP is an option. Since this would all be client to client, except for the special world items, we have to assume that no one will hack/cheat (which I know is a bad assumption but this would be for the tournament so nothing serious).
  7. Can we upload elsewhere, like Google Drive or Dropbox?
  8. Sorry, I edited my post as I found the answer I was looking for. Thank you jen.
  9. Omg. There's a view range. I was looking for all sorts of hacky options and it was simply just there under Terrain / Vegetation.
  10. I'm sure this was discussed before but I couldn't find an answer on the forums. How can I increase the view distance for at least the trees & rocks in both the editor and in my C project? I didn't see anything useful in Tools, Options. I don't need it to go to infinity but I'd like it to at least go past a ways the characters in the middle of the screen, by the yellow light. .
  11. Sorry, I wasn't clear. I didn't post the code but just what I mentioned above. You can just load models one by one and increment your loading progress bar. Then you load the map after.
  12. You could check the topics Thirsty Panther created (in his profile).
  13. @mdgunn, I posted this in another thread but you can just pre-load all the models (trees, rocks, grass, etc.) yourself and show the progress bar at that time. Then, when you load the map, it should load very quickly since all of the models are already loaded and in memory. Not to take anything away from Yue's work; I can't speak to it as I haven't tried it. This is just another option.
  14. This is another set of functions that could use at least a single example in the docs. And a laser between a box and a sphere would probably be the perfect example.
  15. You can create a 1-unit long cylinder with its origin/pivot on one end. Position it to the muzzle. Then Point it at a target and scale it out with the distance between the two points. That's how I did it in one of my tournament attempts. Edit: found the code at home. Looks like I already had the laser parented to the robot. The rest just looked like this (after finding the closest rock in an array of rocks): Vec3 rp = rock[closestrockindex].model->GetPosition(true); player.laserblue->Point(rp.x, rp.y+0.8, rp.z, 2, 1, 0); player.laserblue->SetScale(0.4, 0.4, player.laserred->GetDistance(rock[closestrockindex].model) / 10);
  16. Plus I believe you said some time ago that the vast majority of your customers are using Lua, not C++ (it was some high number like 90%). I imagine that hasn't changed much since.
  17. It would be the same every time so you can count how many it loads once and then use that number as the total for all future times. Also, because Leadwerks uses instancing (I think that's the right term) you can pre-load all assets (trees, buildings, etc.) and do the progress bar at that time. Then, when you load the map, all the assets should be already loaded so the map loading should be nearly instantaneous.
  18. Mixamo Fuse had a free character generator with tons of animations but I haven't really used it since Adobe removed some features. Still might be worth a shot.
  19. Hey, welcome to the forums! Visual Studio 2015 is current. You can confirm this when you go into your project's folder, then Projects, Windows and look into the sln or vcxproj files (they're text). You'll see references to Visual Studio 14 aka Visual Studio 2015.
  20. Not sure what you mean by "end" but like LE2, 4 will still be around but unsupported. There won't be a free update but Josh said he was considering a discount for current owners to upgrade.
  21. They have a different business model than yours. I imagine they make a lot of their money from asset sales on their stores. As such, it makes sense for them to send as many people to the stores as possible by giving away their engine for free.
  22. I suspect it was done using Surface commands. Documentation here: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Surface
  23. The elevator going down to the shelter is absolutely doable without a hole in the terrain. Once the elevator doors close, you can teleport the player and elevator to any location and just visually make it look like it's going down or up inside. This is assuming the camera is in the elevator while it's "moving" and that the elevator doesn't have glass to look outside.
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