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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Sure, but the trick is: how did he pick the rock and tree? Did he do a physics collision?
  2. This makes it seem like it's currently impossible: But it's interesting to be reminded of that video.
  3. Not sure if it's a bug or an inconsistency but I've been using model->GetSurface()->SetVertexPosition() and noticed that the Y height of a vertex is actually controlled in the negative Z direction. In other words, to go up (higher from the terrain or water plane), you need to decrease the Z value, as opposed to the expected increasing Y. Also, the parameters section here is wrong. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Surface_AddVertex
  4. I don't understand this statement. What's detrimental about getting experience by trying things?
  5. This came up again (a year+ later) and LineOfSight skipped the model and picked the terrain, as needed. But I wasn't able to find the chart macklebee linked to in the new documentation. Anyone have it?
  6. By the way, the solution for the second half is to remove App.h and main.cpp from the project. Not sure if Project manager should create a project including these if the documentation examples don't work with it.
  7. Create a new Blank project in Project Manager (4.4 stable). Open it in Visual Studio. Switch to Release and Run. Menu comes up. Clicking on New Game seems to freeze app. Replace code in App.cpp with example code from Sphere documentation. Results in these 3 errors: 1>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall App::App(void)" (??0App@@QAE@XZ) 1>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall App::Start(void)" (?Start@App@@QAE_NXZ) 1>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall App::Loop(void)" (?Loop@App@@QAE_NXZ)
  8. Found it. Thanks Rick! Found some errors I didn't know I had but Leadwerks let slide (not finding normal maps, which I intentionally didn't include but I guess the material settings want, which I will change).
  9. Very simply, where is the log file that shows what the console shows? I have a lot of console messages so I don't see the first part after the console cuts it off (even after scrolling up). After compiling, I have a project.log that I think Visual Studio generates and an update.log which is not it either. No other log files in my project folder or Steam Leadwerks folder. The one under AppData\Local\Leadwerks isn't it either.
  10. You can use the camera functions like AddPostEffect and ClearPostEffects. I don't code Lua but it should work there too. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn.php?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera
  11. I don't know about the change but the screenshot looks "noisy." Maybe that's the point but I prefer the clean look.
  12. Though I can't see a need to rename all children to the same thing, I don't mind that option being there as long as the workaround only takes an extra click (selecting just the parent). I'd much rather you fix the character controller and the GUI instead of mess with things like this.
  13. That's how I did it for the last tournament for destructible rocks. However, I didn't have many so I didn't notice a performance impact.
  14. Not sure about the workshop fog (didn't know about it until I saw this thread). I didn't download it and the fog commands still work for me. It says the workshop fog doesn't reflect on water so maybe it's faster if you don't have water?
  15. Interesting. I thought this used to be possible by changing the alpha component under Scene, Root, Water Color but it doesn't seem to work now. Setting it to 0 or 128 or 255 makes no difference.
  16. Fog is controlled with camera commands: https://www.leadwerks.com/docs.php?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera
  17. Ah, that's what that is! Thank you. Disregard bug report then. Though to nitpick a bit, it may be more helpful to display <multiple entities selected> instead.
  18. If you drag a model into a scene, like the Goblin or the Barbarian, then go to the Scene tab and change its name, all children (like bones) will be renamed to the model name as well. Child names should be left as they are so you can identify bones if you need to. (If you rename a child, however, its children will NOT be renamed.) Default 4.4.
  19. Unfortunately Audacity doesn't give me that option. There's a Quality slider from 0 to 10. I used 5 for first Ogg. Maybe that's based on the codec used. I may invest in Goldwave or something else when I really need to do this properly.
  20. Those both work. Ok. It's the bitrate. The default 5 quality export in Audacity didn't work but exporting it at max (10) did. Thank you for your help. Edit: Oh! I think it may actually be the file size. As if there's a minimum or it breaks. I converted a longer audio but at an even lower quality. It was 42kb but it played. Josh, could a small enough file size break the ogg player code, like around 10k? Could there be a minimum at some point?
  21. Also, I guess while I'm at it, searching Ogg in the documentation returns "Nothing found" and Sound::Load only mentions Wav.
  22. I tried to load the attached Ogg files with Sound::Load but both come back with "Error: Failed to load sound." One was converted with Audacity, the other with an online converter. Both play fine in WinAmp and Media Player Classic. Thoughts? 1.ogg 2.ogg
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