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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Remember that Josh added support for 8192x8192 (link).
  2. See, that's strange because for me Leadwerks detected and set that automatically (I thought it did that when it detected bones). But glad to hear it's up and running now.
  3. I used world->FindEntity yesterday and was surprised to not find it in the docs either. I assume that one is an unofficial function but it would be nice to know this somehow, for every function (whether they're unofficial or yet to be documented).
  4. Josh also said he's considering a smaller upgrade charge for current owners of 4.
  5. And some other neat options here: https://www.leadwerks.com/docs.php?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera
  6. Leadwerks water is limited to a flat infinite plane (with no official underwater support) or applying a water material like shown above. Everything else you need to write a custom shader for or get it from someone or maybe use an animated texture. Though I imagine you could also animate a mesh to simulate waves.
  7. It's texturemate.com. There are some good free texture sites out there.
  8. Maybe this will help: But you'll need to zip up your own password protected file as the data.zip password isn't public.
  9. Maybe I'm not clear what you're trying to do. System::GetProperty gets command line arguments and has nothing to do with the data file by itself. But if you're just trying to load your project's maps, models, textures, etc. then yes, you don't need to do anything extra.
  10. It should just work without you needing to do anything else.
  11. You can load multiple animations using the method I mentioned above.
  12. Thanks for this. I hope you don't mind but I'll also link Josh's blog post about optimization here:
  13. I agree but I tried to recreate it in a new test folder and then back in the original and neither did it again. Thanks for checking though.
  14. You can put your FBX files into your project folder and Leadwerks will convert them to MDL files. You can then open your model in the Model Editor and go to File, Load Animation to load an animation from an MDL file.
  15. I have an FBX in my folder which converted to an MDL. I scaled it down and added two animations to it. Saved it and dragged a copy into the scene. Noted file size. Restarted editor and file size immediately went down. Animations were gone and dragging the model into the editor produced the unscaled version. In other words, I suspect the FBX got reimported for some reason, even though I saved my changes. I suspect this because I copied the MDL manually before restarting the editor and that one wasn't altered (I'm guessing because it didn't have a source FBX of the same name). Edit: I shut down the editor and removed all but the MDL. It didn't get changed when I restarted the editor.
  16. I have the following code, which does something I didn't expect: GUI *gui = Leadwerks::GUI::Create(context); Widget *widget = Widget::TextArea(10, 10, 400, 300, gui->GetBase()); widget->SetText("Text field"); widget->SetText("Adds a second line"); widget->SetLayout(500, 50, 500, 500); This ends up creating two text fields, with two lines each. The second SetText adds a second line to the first, instead of replacing it (as I would expect). The SetLayout creates an exact copy of the textarea at 500, 50. If you do another SetText after SetLayout, only the second text area gets the additional text line. Is this how this is supposed to work? Since there are no C++ documentation examples, I kind of have to guess at what the Lua stuff does. How do you replace text if SetText just keeps adding to it? How do you move a widget without copying it (SetPosition is there, undocumented, but doesn't work)? I still didn't figure out what a separate base is supposed to accomplish or if it's necessary. And there's something about adding a script to it which goes over my head.
  17. Thank you but I just went through all the widget functions (under API Reference, Object, Widget) and didn't see a single example for any of the functions. Edit: Oh. Lua has a few. C++ has none.
  18. GUI, decals and sprites don't have any code examples in the docs. it would be nice if they had at least one under create.
  19. Huh. Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks\Include\Classes\Entities\camera.h was last updated 6/18/17, probably when I switched to beta. And that's the file my project is using. What the heck? Just confirmed I'm not on beta now (NONE). Edit: I validated the files and updated the project again and it fixed it. Thank you. Was some weird glitch from switch from Beta to Release.
  20. Are the fog commands Lua only? They're not in camera.h and aren't recognized in Visual Studio. I'm on 4.4 default and the project is updated. Minor sidenote: if you search fog in the search box in documentation, it brings up zero results, though I know it's documented under camera.
  21. In the beta I was able to just go to the Project Manager and hit Update on my project and it compiled. But yeah, I think you can just start a new project and move everything over. That's worked before.
  22. I'd love to see this be resolved for the stable release.
  23. Were there further fixes to the character controller rubber banding and slope jump issues?
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