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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I know the documentation must have taken a lot of time but as I said before, it seems like Leadwerks is getting a lot of good (and relevant) upgrades recently.
  2. The fall through the ground seems to be fixed, even at higher gravity: awesome! The jump off slopes sometimes jumps full height, sometimes doesn't. Remember to hold right while you jump, even if you let go after (so that you're running down the slope while you jump). The rubber banding on the moving slope to the left still remains. Sidenote: the line near the bottom of the code should be changed to this, to see the max height jumped properly: context->DrawText("Max jump height: " + String(maxheight-startheight), 10, 30);
  3. Switched back to beta. Updated project. Recompiled and ran. All models were gone and only the blue sky showed (DrawImage). But it scrolled when I moved as expected so the controller (and I guess the ground) is there somewhere. Hmm. Did the camera change or something? Or changing the context to draw the background (maybe with the GUI change)? Investigating...
  4. Did you test it on your end and the issues were gone/fixed?
  5. Josh is working on the character controller to fix some bugs that I reported. But good to know the script needs to be fixed to compensate.
  6. I wish I could easily find that post of yours that made fun of DLL spam.
  7. Crashes for me just after it creates the gameplay window.
  8. Fair guess but I have invisible walls front and back preventing this. The purple lines you see in the video are their physics debug lines.
  9. Today's test results with the current beta: Moving Platform Bugs I wasn't able to replicate the character going into the moving platform any more so that seems to be fixed. The rubberbanding issue still exists. Jump Off Slopes Is Extremely Low This doesn't seem to have changed. Jumps off slopes are still reduced. Fall Through Ground This issue has not been fixed. Out of curiosity, I removed the gravity increase and left it the default -25. Even at that gravity, the character does fall through the ground like shown in the video above. At this point I'll leave this in your hands to test with the project I provided.
  10. Pretty sure he means just that the editor will be coded in C++. I'm sure it will be the same as far as Lua use. He's said before that Lua users far outnumber C++ users in Leadwerks. He wouldn't drop the vast majority of his customers.
  11. Did you incorporate the velocity change you mentioned above? If so, I'd be happy to test it as well.
  12. That sounds great to me as long as you can accurately detect what they're standing on.
  13. Fair enough; I'll give it a shot. But I still suggest fixing it on your end. Meaning, handling both the elevator and slope properly.
  14. I can hack around it but that might introduce other issues (there has already been one). I'm not clear why you would not want to fix this in the controller directly. I could show you dozens of platformers, including tons of Mario games, where slopes don't effect how high you jump. What games is reducing the vertical velocity beneficial or "accurate" for? Every example I can think of would surprise a person expecting a full jump when they get a weak jump instead.
  15. The slopes issue that reduced the jump height when jumping from slopes?? If that's the one then you rock!! I could really see a drop-in Steam action platformer happening. Games like Broforce are super popular. All I really need after that is that people don't fall through floors. I don't think the gravity shown in the video is unreasonable (but that's just my opinion). I'm hoping it's either already fixed or Julio can make some adjustments, as you said above.
  16. Great! Fingers crossed that the issues here are resolved. https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/16198-character-controller-bugsproblems-in-beta/ Please let me know regarding the three issues.
  17. I assume you mean with Lua. It's worked with C++ for years.
  18. I like it. Really curious where this ends up. Interestingly, searching for "enet nat punch through" came up with a gamedev thread you started 6 years ago.
  19. Not to hijack Jorn's thread but can we also get it so we can highlight only parts of the example code. I think Rick mentioned this too. Right now it highlights all or nothing. I know we can copy before we release the mouse button but it's a bit weird.
  20. Which relates to a previous need to remove navmesh patches/triangles. Kinda
  21. "32-bit operating systems are pretty rare nowadays (about 6% of Windows users)" haha so are Linux users: 0.76%. But I'm just giving you a hard time. I know it's different for you. Very interesting developments. So to be clear, Leadwerks 5 will be a separate product we need to purchase? Will there be an upgrade option from 4 at a discount?
  22. Sorry, I'm still a little confused. What other way is there to publish for the public? What would be different from testing versus release except for the Steam game ID? Do you mean whatever Steam might make you go through once Greenlit?
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