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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. What do you mean by "publish?" If I wanted to share my test with the public before it got Greenlit, it would still be the same, no? (Yeah, I get it would say Spacewar.)
  2. But if it is a Steam game, the best way to test it with friends is to publish as standalone and throw in the Steam text file, right?
  3. Any word on these issues, 3 weeks later? I need to know if they will be fixed or if I should go down a different path.
  4. Not sure if you know that it used to do mobile but it was too time consuming for Josh to work on and not enough sales.
  5. Leadwerks doesn't make Facebook games.
  6. It would be nice to have them be available afterwards. There are some helpful comments on some pages and I believe you said you're not implementing a comment system in the new one.
  7. So far we've had: Jetpack to fly across maps Different sounds based on what you're walking on Weather system with rain, snow & wind Grenade damaging targets in a radius Gravity gun, grabbing and throwing objects Some other ideas (not sure if these are already out there or their usefulness): Harvesting trees, rocks, etc. and getting the appropriate resource Teleporting within a given distance (with a visual indicator of where you'd land before you teleport, like Dishonored) Upgrading a skill tree using points Cover system Climbing system (like in Assassin's Creed, Shadow of Mordor, Batman Arkham series and others)
  8. But without that file, Steamworks::Initialize() fails, even though you're on Steam. Maybe I misunderstand what you mean by that.
  9. Release Professional doesn't have this issue. You can rotate while move=0.
  10. If you're using the default App code then I believe it loads start.map in there. You need to use your own code to make sure it doesn't. You can get rid of everything and use your own. Just make sure to alter App.h too if you need to.
  11. It's a setting that you need to change in Visual Studio. You can find the answer in a previous thread if you search the forums. Edit: found it: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15600-c-cant-find-map-file/
  12. I figured it out with your guys' help. Here's what went wrong: I assumed the prefab would load in at 0,0,0. It doesn't. It loads wherever it is in the editor. However, the first frame is a strange exception that confused me. If all you do is load the prefab and the emitter, the first frame of the loop will play it at the origin but the first Update will fix it. But, if you uncomment the SetLoopMode code in the Start function (which I didn't have there before you guys suggested it), even that's enough to position it to the editor position for the very first frame. In other words, most of the time the thing played but was off camera to me. But this weird possible bug (?) threw me off. I hope that makes sense. Relevant code: Emitter* emitter = NULL; Entity *expl1 = NULL; bool App::Start() { initializegame(); expl1 = Prefab::Load("Prefabs/explosion.pfb"); emitter = (Emitter*)expl1; // emitter->SetLoopMode(true, true); // emitter->SetPosition(0, 0, 0, true); return true; } bool App::Loop() { if(window->Closed() || window->KeyDown(Key::Escape)) return false; emitter->Play(); // This will play emitter at 0,0,0 - but only on the first frame and if SetLoopMode is commented above if(window->KeyHit(Key::R)) { printf("play!\n"); emitter->Play(); } Time::Update(); world->Update(); world->Render(); return true; }
  13. Thank you. That did it... kind of. The following code plays the emitter once if I uncomment the first line. It should keep playing the emitter since this is all in the App::Loop (play triggers every frame) but it doesn't. The keyhit code prints play! but doesn't play the emitter even once, even if the above play is commented out. // emitter->Play(); if(window->KeyHit(Key::R)) { printf("play!\n"); emitter->Play(); }
  14. I saved a prefab from an emitter then loaded it in my code. Entity *expl1 = Prefab::Load("Prefabs/explosion.pfb"); The entity loads successfully. Question is simple: how do I play/stop/alter the emitter with code? Trying expl1->Play() returns 'Play': is not a member of 'Leadwerks::Entity'. What's the code to do this?
  15. I created a particle in the Editor and left loop on true. I then saved it as a prefab and loaded it in my program with: Prefab::Load("Prefabs/emitter.pfb"); It plays but then stops playing after the duration ends. Not important for my project but I wanted to report it. Edit: never mind. I believe this is an error on my part because I assumed prefabs loaded at the origin, due to another possible bug mentioned here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/16257-code-for-playing-an-emitter-from-a-prefab/#entry106684 In other words, the bug is likely that the prefab starts playing at the origin at all when it shouldn't, when all you do is load the prefab/emitter.
  16. There are many ways to detect if a sword hits a creature. Since you're using Lua, the easiest is probably CollisionTrigger. For general physics collisions, you could parent a box to a creature. Check out the code examples in the Entity docs, specifically SetShape and SetParent. However, the navigation system will ignore it so you might not get the effect you're hoping for.
  17. Leadwerks incorporates the Steam SDK but it doesn't provide its own command set for it. So when you use a command like SteamUser()->GetSteamID() to get a user's Steam ID, you're getting information directly from Steam, not from Josh/Leadwerks. It's between you and Steam to do what you want to make yourself feel comfortable with the information you're provided, like the link you provided above to verify authenticity. I hope that helps clear things up. By the way, this is all assuming you're talking about the Professional version and C commands. If this is something else then ignore all this.
  18. I'm a little confused. Don't we call Steam commands directly (except the initialize and shutdown)? If so, what would you need Leadwerks for in this?
  19. That's one question (that I don't know the answer to). The other is: would someone want to risk getting VAC banned for hacking your game?
  20. Didn't leaves used to sway depending on the color of the vertex? Not sure if that's still the case but that's what I'd try first (in addition to checking the stuff macklebee suggested above).
  21. Project file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6sxskkdzranqvtb/NewtonTest.zip (Using the current beta.) Moving Platform Bugs While moving platform is going down and you walk along it, you see your character snap back a bit after stopping. While it's going up, your character ends up in it. It used to fall through but I couldn't recreate that this time. Jump Off Slopes Is Extremely Low Jump height when jumping off slopes is drastically reduced. I was able to make that jump by stopping, jumping straight up and then holding right, which is goofy in a platformer. In the project I've included a workaround suggested in a previous thread. Comment out line 133 (player1->SetVelocity(v)) to see the problem in the project. Fall Through Ground At a higher gravity setting, the character will fall through the ground when jumping from a height. The default gravity produces a slow, floaty jump and it needs to be increased for a platformer to feel solid and responsive. I've tried a suggested SetSweptCollisionMode(true) with no effect. Thanks for taking a look. I'd also love to hear that I'm doing something wrong if that's the case. Project file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6sxskkdzranqvtb/NewtonTest.zip (Using the current beta.)
  22. Yup. It took me a little why to figure out why my program just crashed at the time. Changing it back to 480 fixed it. But now publishing a standalone game doesn't include the txt file so it still needs to be manually copied (not the end of the world), at least last time I checked a month or two back.
  23. Hmm. In that thread you said "I agree with you and will see if I can change this behavior." So I'm a little confused. Are we talking about two different things (this is regarding the sharply decreased vertical velocity on slopes, right)? I do use increased gravity so the jumps are sharper and don't feel as floaty. I'll make a thread with a video and attach the project for you to test.
  24. Also, before I test: did you or are you planning on changing the character controller as discussed here? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15933-character-controllers-jump-height-bugged/ It would be nice for it to be "officially" fixed as opposed to us hacking at it and possibly causing unexpected results, like the one I came across in the last post. Edit: tested and not fixed yet. Need confirmation either way before I continue because even things like moving platforms could act differently with our hack versus your proper fix. Edit 2: character still falls through ground at a great enough height/velocity. I know there has to be a limit but it seems kind of low right now. Edit 3: sloped ramp still glitched in the same way. Confirming also that this is with a new project created with the current beta. Can upload the project if you'd like.
  25. I didn't realize how eagerly awaited this update is. That and hopefully moving platforms will support characters properly. Like reepblue, I'll test the **** out of it when it's in release. I put my platformer on hold for it but I'm eager to continue!
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