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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. To be a little more clear, it's all done with one program. The program creates a window with the options and waits for the user's input, then gets rid of that window and creates a new one. It's not two separate programs, one launching the other. It's one program keeping track of the variables then creating the second window using those variables. At least, this can be done in C. I assume Lua can do this as well. Let me know if you'd like to see what it looks like in C and I'll create a quick program for you.
  2. What would nw.js do that creating one window after another wouldn't? Are you maybe thinking OP was looking for a patcher too?
  3. Installing Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015 fixed it. I thought x64 would be enough but seems like I needed the other one (too?). I guess as developers you need to instruct people to install this since it looks like Windows 8.1 doesn't include it. The DLLs I mentioned above weren't enough.
  4. Note also that if you use Steam, you will need to copy over steam_appid.txt manually or your program will crash if you use Steam functions. If you haven't had your game Greenlit, the file should have the number 480 in it.
  5. Working on a simple multiplayer game. For now both characters are controlled with the same keyboard but the goal is to do it through Steam soon. Edit: and here's the Steam connected version: Right now there is no prediction or interpolation or anything. Just direct, like so: p1info.p1pos = player1->GetPosition(true); p1info.p2pos = player2->GetPosition(true); p1info.boxpos = box->GetPosition(true); p1info.boxrot = box->GetRotation(true); p1info.doorpos = door->GetPosition(true); // Player 1 & 2 facing is set in below code SteamNetworking()->SendP2PPacket(steamIDFriend, &p1info, sizeof(p1info), k_EP2PSendUnreliable); And player 2 (client) just sends player 1 (host) its 3 key states (left, right, jump). Player 1 does all the simulation.
  6. After a little more research, it looks like if I include 4 DLLs with my project, this problem should be fixed. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35097193/can-i-bundle-the-visual-studio-2015-c-redistributable-dlls-with-my-applicatio I got around to trying this myself and it wasn't enough on my laptop. Even with the DLLs copied in the folder, I continued to receive the 0xc000007b error (which makes it seem like there is at least 1 more DLL missing).
  7. I just copied a project over to my laptop to test and when I tried to run it, it gave me the following System Error: The program can't start because VCRUNTIME140.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. A little searching revealed that I apparently need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015. While I'm OK with doing this on my laptop, I don't want to make my friends install this just to help me test my game. Is there a known workaround for this? Note that at first I just copied my entire project folder but publishing a project gives you the same error. Out of curiosity, I found the DLL and put it in the folder, which resulted in a new error (in both published and unpublished): The application was unable to start correctly ... So how do I get projects to my friends to test without forcing them install the redistributable?
  8. Your video is private. I also reported weird actions when a character controller lands on another character controller here. Though TJ helped me with a workaround for that specific case since I didn't need characters to collide. Basically, the character controller is in a horrible state right now but maybe the Newton update will fix it...?
  9. Worth noting that the one problem with the above solution is that when a character lands, it has negative velocity for a frame. As such, if you hold down the jump button, it will jump higher and higher (and then fall through the ground with enough velocity). This isn't an issue for me because I don't plan on allowing this jump (you can't hold jump and keep jumping) but I have to keep this issue in mind. I'm hoping Josh still intends to fix the character controller so we don't keep coming up against unexpected exploits.
  10. Josh started the GUI work almost a year ago now: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1705-gui-design/ Here he said 4.4 will include the new GUI system: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1874-beta-43-available/
  11. Is there a way for character controllers to ignore other character controllers? I couldn't find a command in the API. I'm trying to avoid wacky collisions (and possible unanticipated exploits) like these: I really wouldn't mind if characters could just pass through each other.
  12. I would definitely suggest starting with Pong as that should be the easiest to understand. Maybe even do it without vector math (or add it at the end).
  13. You can also use this at the top of App.cpp #pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup") Running it from Visual Studio will still create the window but won't print anything to it. Running straight from the EXE won't create the window at all.
  14. Sorry if I'm not clear. Visually there are no problems. I'm talking about the mouse coordinates shown at the bottom. In the left view, as you move in the positive direction (left), it becomes a smaller and smaller negative number when it should be getting larger. Edit: the Bottom view is also incorrect. The Z numbers are reversed. The Right view looks good.
  15. For my issue, in the top view the sword is pointing in the positive Z direction but in the left view it's pointing in the negative Z direction, as shown by the mouse coordinates at the bottom. Shouldn't they be the same? Absolutely 0 priority. I don't need this fixed (if it really is wrong) but just pointing it out.
  16. Same. That said, unless I'm corrected, the left view Z coordinates seem to be reversed so this bug report won't go in vain (I didn't check the right view).
  17. If you manually change the model's Z position to a larger positive in the scene tab, the top view is correct but in the left view it heads in the negative direction. I guess the perspective view (by default) is the same as the back view (opposite of front) so that seems fine to me.
  18. Hmm. Something seems to be up. The positive and negative Z directions seem flipped in the top and left views. The top and back views seem to match visually.
  19. I was going to say that I was going to use scale for the tentacles at the end of this video: Also cool for anything stretchy like blobs or Dhalsim or things like lava or acid rising from a pool, etc. Again, not a regularly needed feature but nice to have when you need it.
  20. If I remember right you can pull it back from the right side of the screen/window. And welcome to the forums.
  21. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11002-3dfoin-wyvern-glitch-in-animation/#entry80409 but apparently it can be done another way: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6832-solved-getting-bone-direction-and-scale/#entry56239
  22. Just tried it. To my surprise it looks like it works so far! I'll have to test moving platforms as well later. Thanks very much SGB and Josh for the original suggestion.
  23. Good thought. The height from a flat jump remains the same but the sloped jump improved from 5.77 to 8.71. I'd love to see it get even closer to the full height (ideally the whole thing). Here's what the video looks like now:
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