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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Holy hell. This is very very impressive. All I can ask is that you make the example as simple as possible so it's easy to get into. I'd love to try it and play with it. I might even try my luck mixing this with the Steam matchmaking to see if I can get them to work together as I like your data sending/receiving better.
  2. In the tradition of wanting it all, I don't think a compromise would be a bad thing. Have the games link take you to the top selected/featured games by default, then by rating/downloads.
  3. Does that mean that most or all of the tournament entries won't be hosted on the site any more?
  4. What's going on with the Games link? Where will it be?
  5. I agree 100%. I felt the same way about the underwater shader and made a thread asking for it to be official.
  6. Seems like fog is one of the effects we the community need to provide: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7624-still-no-fog/#entry60962
  7. Jorn was working on something like this but it looks like he hasn't released it yet http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15170-spline-and-line-camera-paths/
  8. Why did you choose not to include the Steam link, especially considering the DLCs are sold there? I've also used it in the past to check the forums there though not very often, admittedly.
  9. Yes, the editor uses a different scale (multiplied by 100).
  10. The custom navmesh has been suggested: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14896-paint-area-of-navmesh/ Wasn't even opening and closing doors an issue because the navmesh didn't change? Then again, I never used SetNavigationMode. Does turning that on change a character's path if the entity's in the way?
  11. I like it. Sin City did this kind of thing too. https://www.google.com/search?q=sin+city&tbm=isch I was thinking of an effect like this for when characters cast magic. Curiosity question: why are two of the barrels still gray?
  12. Nice. For my , I used a 3d laser model that I simply pointed and scaled (and hid and showed as needed). laser->Point(x, y, z, 2, 1, 0); laser->SetScale(0.4, 0.4, laser->GetDistance(rock[closestrockindex].model) / 10);
  13. When you first mentioned "simplicity and ease of learning," I thought you were talking about using this as an entryway to learn Leadwerks from a different perspective. But obviously there will be too many features and pieces for that so you'll need a separate, simpler template for beginners to not overwhelm them and keep things simple.
  14. Found an old game I was working on in 2015. Inspired by Bomberman though for some reason I wanted the main character to drill through dirt.
  15. Very awesome!! To embed a video, use the media tag [media ]youtubeURL[/ media] without the spaces and make sure you use the http NOT the https link. I do strongly suggest hit effects like the one in Batman, shown here (video should start at 54 minutes but it doesn't seem to work with this forum):
  16. Sparks, explosions, blood spurts, hit effects (like Street Fighter), fires/flames, smoke, floating bubbles, rain, waterfalls, spell effects, teleportation in/out, etc. If there was a thorough Particle Effects Preset Pack out there, I would definitely buy it.
  17. Gotcha. I guess a compromise would be something like GetLastAnimationCurrentFrame but even that could get tricky if the last animation ends before a previous one.
  18. I get the theory, I think: if you save right as a sword swing is about to take your head off, when you load the game, it should load back at that exact same point, not at the beginning where the player has time to avoid the swing. That said, I've never come across this issue in a game. Curiosity question though: if there is an endhook, how is there not a current animation frame? How would the animation know when to end if it doesn't know where it currently is?
  19. You can use SetKeyValue and GetKeyValue to create and get unique IDs.
  20. You can try your luck editing the Leadwerks.cfg file under C:\Users\[your username]\Documents\Leadwerks to at least not load your latest project
  21. I agree that this should finally be made an official function. Leadwerks needs to support users alt-tabbing. I even started a thread about this once and was directed to the unofficial solution.
  22. shadmar's pack includes a fog shader by klepto http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15383-underwater-shader/#entry103236
  23. I've done this in games before so I hope that's ok to do.
  24. I had some issues with the Launcher but the bit I played was fun. For some reason the mouse was really slow for me when I need it to whip the camera around fast so I can see where I'm going.
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