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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I may have missed it but did you revert the SetInput optimization?
  2. Ha, welcome to Leadwerks. I think we've all started or created a post only to realize our mistake after. Enjoy the engine!
  3. True. It would only solve the visual end of it, if it worked. Unless you can turn terrain collision on and off for the controller. Even then it would be pretty delicate to set up.
  4. It's kind of hidden but go to Tutorials above then click on Scene Panel. It's under Scene Settings.
  5. Has anyone tried using a see-through texture on part of the terrain to create the hole?
  6. Yeah. I think adding a normal map or making it stronger would also help. And probably turn down the shininess of the sidewalk too, a bit.
  7. You're right; you need to change your working directory. You can right-click on your project name on the left, Properties and I think it's under Debugging - could be off a bit; just going from memory. But there's a post on the forums if you can find it.
  8. Sure but it's customizable. You can add more or less bones. For example, if your character is always wearing shoes, you can turn the foot bones down to 1. You can specify the number of torso bones. Etc. That's why I said default Biped. You can optimize it a bit for game characters.
  9. Maybe. It's been a few years since I first learned it from videos like these: But I'm curious what makes you say that.
  10. For what it's worth, the default Biped in 3DS Max has 82 bones (with 5 fingers and 3 finger links).
  11. My bad. Missed the Lua part.
  12. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7958-navigation-without-physics/#entry62851
  13. Suspend/resume worked. Thank you.
  14. I threw this line in before release printf("tentacle info: %d, %d\n", i, world->GetEntity(i)); but it isn't NULL. The tentacle is an animated model with bones and a collision mesh. The rock is just a model with a collision mesh (no bones). Neither are parented to anything or by anything otherwise. The above code happens pretty much right after I load the map. I'm going through the map entities and replacing them with my own.
  15. I have the following code which crashes as soon as it tries to Release the first tentacle entity. However, if I switch the for loops to remove the tentacles first, then the rocks, it works fine. Does anyone see why this could be? Am I releasing world entities incorrectly? // REMOVE ROCKS printf("world entity count: %d\n", world->CountEntities()); // 2231 for(i=world->CountEntities() - 1; i>0; i--) { if(world->GetEntity(i)->GetKeyValue("name").compare(0, 4, "rock") == 0) { world->GetEntity(i)->Release(); } } // REMOVE TENTACLES printf("world entity count: %d\n", world->CountEntities()); // 2129 for (i=world->CountEntities() - 1; i>0; i--) { if (world->GetEntity(i)->GetKeyValue("name").compare(0, 8, "tentacle") == 0) { world->GetEntity(i)->Release(); } }
  16. I considered doing this too but didn't try it yet. Knowing it worked for you, I'll give it a shot. Still would love to know the code Josh suggested though; how to access and properly remove navmesh triangles. And bonus points if we can put the triangles back (didn't we have an issue with dynamic door navigation that that would solve?).
  17. I just came across this issue too and I think discarding navmesh triangles would work for me (as Josh mentioned above). Any chance someone has some code to show how this could be done?
  18. Even though I'm on stable+pro I still really love seeing things like this.
  19. I got into the game fine with the link you posted above.
  20. Ah. Leadwerks doesn't include this file by default when you Publish. Probably makes sense.
  21. Not sure if the subject was changed but I guess OP is using Lua not C.
  22. Definitely not. At least, not when I last tried it. The stuff I posted here I tested with a random friend: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9663-introduction-to-steam-code-in-leadwerks/ But that was a while back and I'm not sure if Josh changed code since then.
  23. I assume Steam networking works on Linux too. If so, this may be something you want to take a look at: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9663-introduction-to-steam-code-in-leadwerks/ Edit: I didn't see that you wanted to use Lua, which I don't believe lets you use Steam.
  24. SendProgressEvent(const std::string& status, const std::string& levelname, const int score, const int attempt_num) Does anyone know how to access the third and fourth arguments of this function? When I create a widget (with Progression) I can select the status and levelname I sent but all it gives me is the number of times the function was called. How are the last two variables seen? Also, is there a list somewhere of all the raw data submitted? Edit: I found my answer for the raw data. You can go to your game, Settings, and Export Data at the top. It exported 5 JSON files for me. Edit2: Wow, the raw data gives you a lot of extra info: user_id, session_id, session_num, country_code, ip, etc. This makes me wanna write a gameanalytics data manager.
  25. To be honest, I don't understand the problem. You're talking about both vertical centering, including the titlebar and also horizontal centering (mouse x) so I'm confused. Maybe an image and a little code would help. That said, I assume you know that context and window return different widths and heights (not sure if you're using both).
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