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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I'm in the same boat as Aggror. This is so desperately needed. I could have used it for Run! Jump! Climb! and I know I will need it for the Winter Tournament. Literally any game with sound and/or music benefits from this! Thread from two years ago that kept getting bumped: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10718-ogg-and-other-file-format-support/
  2. Yes. I meant to mention that these are not vegetation. Thanks. And maybe it's a control thing but I love doing this in Max. I can control how many polys the collision mesh is by simply changing a number and can adjust vertices to make it fit the rock better. Though I'm sure Leadwerks is faster and if I'm honest, probably just as good.
  3. I put a few rocks in my scene (all from one model) but noticed that they're too small. I then went back to my modeling program, scaled up both the rock and its collision shape and exported and imported the FBX. This is what I saw in the editor: The collision hull looks like it's scaled up in the scene but the rocks remained the same size. But the model editor shows them both the same size. However, if I drag another rock into the scene then it appears as the correct new size. In short: it seems like the scene isn't updating the old entities in the scene with the new size on import (only the collision hull). Also confirmed by running it in the EXE (new rock is big, old ones are small, but all have the same large collision hull). Resizing using the model viewer doesn't effect anything in the scene. I realize that each object has its own scale in the scene so the bug is likely that the collision shapes should be variable sizes too.
  4. gamecreator


    If you start a new project then they will all be included. So the other way to do it would be to start a new project and copy your code and assets over.
  5. I wonder if this is an optimization attempt by Josh, to try to make controllers faster by not calling the function when it's "inactive." Still, Josh, could you please move this to Bug Reports (or I can create a new thread there)?
  6. Was SetInput changed to not trigger when move is 0? I'm trying to call it to rotate my character but it doesn't seem to unless the character is moving. This will rotate the character controller->SetInput(camerarotation.y, 0.000000000000000000001, strafe*speed, jump); but this will not controller->SetInput(camerarotation.y, 0.0, strafe*speed, jump);
  7. gamecreator


    Seems like it has to do with openssl, something Josh incorporated in the most recent version. You'd probably need to share the errors if you want more help.
  8. For my 2D platformer (Run! Jump! Climb!) I coded my own from scratch. For the other one I used the character controller. I was afraid this would happen. The game gets information from your system and takes the last (ideal) value. But I guess it doesn't work for everyone.
  9. The tradeoffs are inevitable and this is why I coded my own in my last tournament entry. Not to say that there aren't solutions to your problems but I don't know any. That said, I thought SetVelocity did work on character controllers. I could have sworn I used it to push back enemies in the past when they were hit. Edit: it was probably AddForce.
  10. Likely related: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15415-volume-lighting-and-water/
  11. You can also right-click on a scene object and say Go To. I know this isn't a solution but you could put pivots in different parts of your map to be able to jump right to them. Call them like Dungeon Entrance, Waterfall, etc.
  12. Turns out that once I found the solution, I remembered that I came across this before. I previously moved Leadwerks::Window* window; Context* context; World* world; Camera* camera; to my own world.h/world.cpp files. However, when I made a clean 4.1, and later 4.2 project, I forgot to remove them from the App class. The compiler doesn't give you an error but it will definitely make your project crash. Stupidity on my part and pretty frustrating.
  13. This is good stuff people can use. I still highly encourage you to create a thorough tutorial on how to optimize and polish your game visually. Things like using the correct types and amount of lighting and shaders for your environment (for the best look and best fps), proper material settings and texture usage, etc. Visuals aren't everything but even these tournament entries could look so much better with just a shader or two added.
  14. Regarding 1, while it's undocumented, have you tried Texture::SetLoadingMode(1) to dynamically load in textures?
  15. Have you already tried setting SetVelocity to 0? Also, a hacky way might be to set the mass to 0 since if I remember right, an object needs a mass to work with physics. For SetInput there's Stop. These are just options but I don't know how instant any of them are. Documentation is here.
  16. + this 0x0087b478 {window=0xcdcdcdcd {hwnd=??? hdc=??? devmode={dmDeviceName=0xcdcdcded <Error reading characters of string.> ...} ...} ...} App * Not sure if that's what you're looking for. I haven't ever really used the debugger. Edit: I'm testing what's going on. A blank project with just a few lines did not crash so the issue is somewhere else. I hate this part of coding... Edit 2: Figured I might as well just bite the bullet and upgrade to 2015. Fingers crossed. Edit 3: Got 2015 working with a project after a fix to the working directory. So far so good.
  17. Since I'm not ready to upgrade to VS2015, I decided to roll back to 4.1 To my surprise, my program now seems to crash on window commands. bool App::Loop() { printf("1\n"); if(window->KeyDown(Key::Escape)) return false; printf("2\n"); if(window->Closed()) return false; printf("3\n"); The above prints 1 but not 2 or 3. If I comment out the KeyDown line, it will crash on the Closed line instead. Any idea what's going on? I'll try to create a clean project from scratch just in case but this seems strange to me.
  18. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15196-cap-framerate-without-vsync/
  19. I thought this already existed. First, turn vsync on but may want to double check the forums too.
  20. Agreed. As long as you have enough data.
  21. I was thinking of the scenario where you receive 9 pieces of data that people didn't get past the first boss but 1 person did. Well, that could be anything, right? It could all be the same 1 person trying a boss 10 times or 1 person failing 9 times and 1 other one getting it the first time. Or anywhere in between. So to me, just raw data of attempts and failures is not enough. It needs to be shown per person. Just like with the editor, is it 1 person creating 100 boxes or 100 people creating 1 box each? There's a major difference.
  22. I know how to do this with C but how do Lua users get which user is submitting data, especially between different game sessions? I know you used the Steam ID for the editor but can Lua users do that?
  23. Yeah, that's exactly the issue. He's done some incredible work (and I can't stress that enough) but he can't be expected to maintain it for the life of Leadwerks.
  24. Leadwerks should have its own underwater shader (I'm pretty sure it doesn't currently).
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