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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. That would be really ideal. I've never used 2015 or 2017 and if it's possible to keep using 2013, that would really help. I also don't know how many other people are in the same boat as me (maybe not many). That said, I know it's inevitable so while I appreciate your effort Josh, if I need to upgrade, I will risk it.
  2. Using Ctrl and dragging works pretty well though I do miss the functionality (snap to terrain, randomization of size and rotation) of the vegetation brush.
  3. I need to place a lot of rocks into my map that will need to be interacted with, so they can't be vegetation. Is there a way to do this in the editor? This would be really time-consuming to drag into the scene one by one and adjust. Basically the same functionality as vegetation placing but with individual models.
  4. OK. Then could you at least please provide a newer archive than May that doesn't require 2017?
  5. You didn't even check? I though in our PMs you said you'd try to get 2013 working
  6. To clarify: will Leadwerks 4.2 continue to work with VS2013 as well?
  7. Depends on how much money you want to spend. The only suggestion I have is to get an Nvidia card over AMD because of the issues AMD users have had for what seems like forever now.
  8. I love the idea of showing other player info and visuals to the current player. It seems like it wouldn't be hard to incorporate.
  9. This was just today? Damn you work fast. I love the concept of it and that people can compete for score on the same tracks. I wonder if you'll have high scores for both the least lives lost and fastest time (and/or maybe a weighted system combining both). I can already imagine lots of different track piece types as well, including objects on one side or another like obstacles or speed boosts.
  10. Right, that's why we need to call Steamworks::Initialize(), so we can use the Steam functions.
  11. Which is a game that's already Greenlit, right (has a Steam ID)? I imagine multiplayer concepts and multiplayer games put up to be Greenlit (and just to the Leadwerks Standalone Games page) would still have this issue. And I 100% get that there aren't millions of Leadwerks users working on multiplayer games, specifically for Steam. Just something awkward I came across to bring to your attention. I have no idea if fixing it is easy or impossible. Thanks for listening.
  12. I don't understand. My Run! Jump! Climb! game didn't require Steam but it was published, right?
  13. And the usual question: do both of you have the latest drivers installed?
  14. I sent you a PM but maybe better to post here. I suspect the hoodie is meant to be a fifth entry prize (not fourth, like the shirt) and the controller the sixth. But maybe it's intentional to not have people getting two hoodies or controllers if they submitted their fourth or fifth entry last tournament.
  15. Was editing repeatedly as I was testing it. Took me a second to figure out the obvious. Thanks.
  16. If I start Steam before I launch my program, Steamworks::Initialize() will work fine and return true. But if I start the program, then start Steam, then call Steamworks::Initialize(), it will always return false (even if I keep calling it in a loop). Is this a known limitation? It would be nice to be able to ask the user to hop on Steam from inside the game as opposed to forcing them to quit the program and restart it after Steam. But maybe I'm doing something wrong. // If we haven't connected to Steam yet if(gamestate==0) { context->DrawText("Start Steam to continue", 10, 10); // If we've connected to Steam, go to next phase: having friends connect if(Steamworks::Initialize()) gamestate=1; else { printf("initialize fail\n"); Sleep(500); // Wait a bit between attempts to initialize Steam } } (The Steam Overlay doesn't come up either.)
  17. Maybe this? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7958-navigation-without-physics/#entry62851
  18. I misspoke. By standard I meant stable. Non-beta.
  19. Ah, thank you. Just tried it in standard C and it's not there yet that I could see (nor is it in the documentation yet, probably for that reason). But great to be reminded that it'll be part of the GUI functionality!
  20. We have it for Windows, why not Fonts? context->DrawText(text, x, y, Leadwerks::Font::CenterHorizontal | Leadwerks::Font::CenterVertical); Or maybe it would work with Contexts somehow. Absolutely the lowest priority but just a nice ease-of-life feature.
  21. What do you put in the code tag to format as C/C++? I believe Lua was made the default a while back.
  22. You're likely right. I sometimes make things a little too difficult just to challenge myself, then forget to turn it back down.
  23. I was honestly very curious how many people got to the last level of my game and how many beat it.
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