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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. This is the page for it: http://store.steampowered.com/app/355500/
  2. What do you mean by "without using libcurl?" Not like how we can call Steam and Newton functions directly?
  3. The list seems like the way to go. I think you could just check if an entity collided with something the turn before and if it's at rest now, it's probably safe to assume it's still colliding.
  4. Huh, completely forgot that this was a thing 2.5 years ago.
  5. Good idea and I agree. Though some vendors kindly provide LODs with their models. Whoa. What happened to Pure3D?
  6. It would have been a single global variable/index which tracks which timer you're working when the function is called but you might as well just pass a number as an ID, like AGK does. In hindsight, the index might not work.
  7. My version would probably be something like: // Returns true when time interval has passed bool DoEvery(int* timerindex, int interval, bool recurring); Don't know what this would look like in Lua.
  8. That is very awesome. I was debating making a space game for the upcoming Winter Tournament.
  9. Oh dang! I like it!! Does this mean that if you call that function and then load a map, the map loading process will do this too?
  10. I know I risk getting hurt since I know you don't like people who keep asking for more features but any chance this would make it easier for you to implement streaming textures or whatever it's called. You know, when the game starts playing but the textures keep loading to higher and higher res to save loading times before the game? I'm not holding my breath but since it's related and maybe this makes that feature easier to implement. It would be a really strong bullet point for the engine: Streaming Textures
  11. These might help http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitymove-r165 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitytranslate-r28
  12. For new members signing up, right? There's no need to check old members, I assume (aka people with multiple posts).
  13. gamecreator

    4.2 Beta

    Josh is gonna love all the people who complain that they're not getting new features for some reason in a few months... May 2016 is the latest eh?
  14. Do we have an example on how to use it somewhere? Searching the API docs for Newton brings back 6 results but only 1 example, which only seems to initialize it.
  15. 100% agree that games have trained us that we hit the crosshairs no matter what (given no accuracy variance). The gun's position is irrelevant. This isn't real life; it's gameplay. The exception to this is if you really want to create a hardcore army simulation or something but most games, as SGB said above, don't do that.
  16. Sidescrollers/platformers are awesome! To this day, one of my biggest inspirations is one of my favorite Leadwerks games: The Last Chapter (made with Leadwerks 2). By the way, Josh shared some Lua platformer code somewhere so it may be worth searching the forums for it.
  17. Ouch. I guess it's a lot of work to keep it backwards compatible?
  18. That's good to know. Don't forget to add this to the docs if this is official.
  19. In the scene settings, I believe the fourth value under Water Color is the transparency.
  20. Have you looked at the texture functions?
  21. I think you're in the same boat Aaron was here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14564-draw-play-animated-gif-c/
  22. It is most likely an unofficial/unsupported function. Josh lets people use some hidden functions at their own risk.
  23. You can export the terrain height map from the terrain tab.
  24. Time::Step seems to limit it to 60fps. Other than that, you could manually Time::Delay the application if it's running too fast.
  25. Why not just check to see if attack animation is playing before you rotate the character? Or reduce rotation speed during attack animation.
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