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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. This is more a curiosity thing but I wonder if using SetFOV would change the bars. If so, maybe using some math in coordination with GetFOV would "fix" it.
  2. Yes, let's all be nice and considerate!
  3. MadCat, I strongly encourage you to search the forums before posting. A lot of the answers are already out there. It's also better for the community to have less threads like this to go through when they're looking for answers.
  4. That happens to me if I somehow use the model after I release it, even if I'd swear up and down that it's impossible. But if you're saying it doesn't happen on other maps then I'm not sure. Also, not sure if you check elsewhere but you may consider checking if model==NULL (and setting it at the start and after release).
  5. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14380-geovox/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/13095-geovox-compatibility/
  6. Yeah, it's not flickering but rotating quickly counterclockwise.
  7. Just want to make sure you guys saw this thread: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14677-lua-animated-sprite-sheet/
  8. I don't really have an answer but I'd look into that old code on the forums that renders a camera to a plane, like a security camera.
  9. The documentation also says you need to have steam_appid.txt, which I assume you included.
  10. Yeah, this is the first thing I tried when I saw the thread. So: unofficial or undocumented? I'd love not having to use Time::GetSpeed() if there's a safe way to do it. There is this though: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entityupdatephysicshook-r62
  11. Thanks. Are you saying then that collision meshes can be non-convex? I was just thinking of things like rotating gears like in the below mockup and how I would theoretically pull them off, though I'm not working on my Summer Games entry any more for the time being.
  12. I was wondering simply what the limitations are of creating shapes like this in a 3D modeling program. In other words, how complex can they be?. Can they be a single plus shape (+) or will that need to be made out of two boxes (or more, if they can't overlap)? How about a torus knot? Maybe it's easier to ask if the collisionhull/collisionmesh shapes must be convex as well, like the convex shape examples in the tutorial. (I am aware that they don't work with animated models though.)
  13. While I'm not making a AAA game, I've never had issues using globals as long as I've kept them organized.
  14. gamecreator

    Key down

    Hopefully Josh sees threads like yours and mine and seriously considers this.
  15. I assume by omission you've confirmed that the company bought me out for the $150,000,000,000,000 we agreed upon.
  16. I hope there will be a really nice tutorial for this.
  17. People like to use what they know. And I'm not sure the tradeoff is favorable.
  18. Hmm. I've never used CodeBlocks. Not sure if you've ever considered the advantages of Visual Studio over it, if any.
  19. I think he meant only the Let's Play portion of it. Edit: it's now up:
  20. Searching the forums for drawimage buffer says No results found for 'drawimage buffer'. but it should come back with at least this thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14434-draw-to-texture/ which can be found by searching for either drawimage or buffer individually. Using + or AND doesn't help. Edit: Seems the search thinks the words need to be next to each other to match, as if you've put quotes around them. I'm trying to find threads which have both words in them but not necessarily next to each other.
  21. The negative reviews are pretty harsh, including theft from Malwarebytes and some other shady stuff.
  22. It's one mesh but it should have children which I think you should be able to hide individually. Something like: entity->FindChild("armour1")->Hide();
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