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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Ah. That's a good trick to know.
  2. I made the jump through the gate with the sign but it may be easier from the wall. Remember to take a big jump and tap space at the top of your jump to glide (don't hold it down).
  3. Was fun to play. I died once to the enemy on the main island then twice to glides which came up short. But the gliding mechanic worked out pretty well.
  4. I just played this. It's really fun and I love how you can always squeeze out a faster time if you're willing to risk it. I thought I got the secret by going left on the last level but I guess it's somewhere else.
  5. Thanks for hosting the contest and for the sweet prizes Josh!
  6. This is just a guess but have you tried doing Map::Load("grid1.map") and see if it finds it that way?
  7. Check the pick docs. You can set closest to true and it will always get the closest object, which is what you want. I would shoot a ray from gun to a few bone positions in your characters like head, feet, hands, etc. Say 9 or so rays per person. If any one of them hit, you have sight of the character and can shoot him. Even if this is a little on the slow side, since you said time stops while you aim, it should be fine. Edit: You can probably shoot rays to only one side of the person and be fine since this is a side-scroller, saving some rays. No need to do both hands, both feet, etc. In fact, you might be able to skip the arms/hands altogether, depending on what your characters are doing.
  8. I think you'd need to introduce your own code for this starting with detecting when the rollerblades are close enough to the rails. You'd then probably stop using the controller and implement something custom to follow the rails.
  9. If you're using 3D models despite the 2D interaction, pick is probably the way to go. Otherwise you may have to scour the internet for collision code. Box2D or the like might help you also.
  10. Good thought but that would always trigger ContinueGame because if you don't hit any button at all, it counts as Escape not being hit.
  11. I'm using C/C++ so Lua limitations are not an issue. I think going the method you suggested is the best, unless someone has a better idea. It's not that bad to do this one by one key[i++]=Key::A; key[i++]=Key::B; etc. or if they're incremental (for int i=0; i<26; i++) key[i]=Key::A+i; but not sure how reliable this is.
  12. At the title screen, I would like to have the user "Press any key to continue..." I couldn't find a Leadwerks function that does this. I also searched the forums and no luck there either. Possibilities: - Use a Windows-only function like GetKeyboardState though I'd rather not have this be the only thing preventing a Linux deployment - See if I can incorporate another library like SDL but I doubt the Publisher will play well with it and I'd also rather avoid this - Somehow check all of the keys one by one with KeyHit. I'm not sure how this would work as far as C code goes besides something going in a loop. For example, is it safe to check for later letters by incrementing on A (A+1, A+2, etc.)? Thoughts? Also, is there any way to not have the Alt button trigger the window menu? Most games let you map this button.
  13. Have you tried right-clicking on the texture and clicking reimport? Does that also reset the settings?
  14. You can drag it back from the right. It looks like you might drag the right side of the window but it should be that panel. Or you can double click it to snap it back.
  15. You could always upload it to free services like Google Drive, Mediafire or the like.
  16. I think you need to go here and click on Add Game button at bottom.
  17. This page says the default value is 1.0, for what that's worth http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/source/sourcesetvolume-r318
  18. I could be wrong on this but aren't OGGs uncompressed in memory anyway? Or do they continuously read from the drive as they play? (Or something else?) Edit: or, more likely, they load the OGG into memory and uncompress as they go.
  19. Apologies if I misinterpreted what you meant by putting "le's future into vr."
  20. Not to bring up painful memories but mobile seemed tried and tested and that ended up not working out. And that's with everyone already having a phone. This is very much experimental with each customer first needing to dish out hundreds of dollars just on a "gimmick." I'm not saying it won't be the next big thing. Prices will drop. And if consoles sold on various input/output ideas, this may too. And I do appreciate how amazing the experience must be. Even as far as LE is concerned with regards to this, I have mixed feelings. I'm sure it's valuable to get in early on something that ends up succeeding. Leadwerks is in a pretty strong spot in general so spending some time on supporting this could end up paying off. Or maybe not. I guess my point is simply that it's a risk and I know you like to take those sometimes, with good reasons. And unlike Rick, I imagine you're not going to spend most of your time on this in the coming future, to the exclusion of everything else.
  21. One of my friends came back with the test and his native resolution is the last one on the list too. It seems that list is in size order so it makes sense that the largest is the native.
  22. Definitely. For the tournament though I think most people will be satisfied with just using their native resolution. Yup, I saw that thread as well with some similar functions. Very helpful.
  23. Thanks. I'm having some friends test it and I think I'll go the same way too if they get the same results. And yes, eventually a menu option is in order but I don't think I'll have time for that for the Summer Tournament.
  24. How do you guys determine what resolution your game will run in and support when you share it with others? I'm aware of being able to use CountGraphicsModes and GetGraphicsMode to get the list but then what? macklebee suggested using the last item on that list here as the native resolution and that may be my method too but I don't know how reliable that is (it does work for me too though). Does it make sense to use the biggest one on that list? Are there any other methods of getting the native resolution? I saw GetSystemMetrics in a search but I believe that's for Windows only and it only gets the current resolution, not necessarily the max/native. As of the July 2016 Steam survey, the most popular resolutions are: 1920 x 1080 - 36.68% 1366 x 768 - 25.85% so I'd like to support at least those two, which means at least two font and message sizes. Kind of a rambly post with multiple questions. Any thoughts on this?
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