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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Yeah, some of this is still a mystery. I wonder what the difference between the barbarian model is that you don't need to get its child in the example versus mine. But I don't have time to get too distracted. Gotta work on some simple animations!
  2. gamecreator


    Not handy but plenty here https://www.google.com/search?q=animated+texture&source=lnms&tbm=isch For my Summer Games entry I was going to create one that makes my guy warp in and warp out, with alpha. And animate the exit portal. (But I get this is a ways away, if it's happening at all.) (Excuse the placeholder character.)
  3. gamecreator


    Nice! Does this mean that we will now be able to easily create multiple viewports in our games, like that famous camera monitor thing that comes up now and again? Also, to completely push my luck, any chance of implementing animated textures while you're working on this? I think there was talk of this at one point, back in the day. It could make animated buttons and also cooler effects like force fields, shields, etc. I think we can kind of hack this now and I believe the water uses it through a shader but a simple function or two would go a long way.
  4. You could use Project and DrawImage.
  5. Thanks! That worked. It's still crashing when I try to implement it in the SetPixels example but I'll take a moment to try to figure that one out.
  6. Thank for the suggestion but that crashed the program. The example from the surface documentation does Surface* surface = model->GetSurface(0); but if the GetMaterial example is incorrect then maybe this is too?
  7. I tried Material* material = player.model->GetSurface(0)->GetMaterial(); And it crashed the program. The console said "Error: Surface index out of range." I tried GetSurface(1) and same thing. Then I thought maybe I need to get a child first, which seems reasonable, even though the GetSurface example on the Barbarian model doesn't do that. Material* material = player.model->GetChild(1)->GetSurface(0)->GetMaterial(); which got me Error 12 error C2227: left of '->GetMaterial' must point to class/struct/union/generic type Error 11 error C2039: 'GetSurface' : is not a member of 'Leadwerks::Entity' Thoughts?
  8. Thanks. I think this did come up before. It is a little confusing though since the example on this page does it a lot like I did. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitygetmaterial-r127'>http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitygetmaterial-r127 Material* material = entity->GetMaterial(); Also, GetMaterial is one of the functions on the Entity page. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/
  9. Does anyone have any idea why the following code would return NULL? Material* material = player.model->GetMaterial(); The entity does have a material and loads fine in the program. What else could cause the code to return NULL?
  10. You read line by line and check each string to see if it matches the key you're looking for with something like compare http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/compare/
  11. You might be looking for a command like ReadLine from the Stream commands. It includes and example but I'm happy to help if you want me to write a quick example for you. After that it's just about using a string command to read a portion of the string (after the equal sign). What's the settings file name, by the way? I don't see it in my project.
  12. It was in the front of my mind because this was answered a few days ago in your other thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14875-model-in-fbx-excited-leadwerks-editor-does-not-import-the-animation/ Maybe you forgot you created it?
  13. There are no bones in your model that I can see. Leadwerks only accepts bone animation, not transform.
  14. Thanks! Just updated my original post as you posted. I was looking at bloom.lua for a while and obviously not finding applicable code there.
  15. Does anyone happen to know how I can make the Leadwerks bloom shader less powerful? I was using Shadmar's but I came across a strange conflict with emission materials that happens with his but not the Leadwerks one. Edit: spoke too soon. Looked in bloom.shader in the Utility folder and found
  16. I suggest trying export and import instead. Might not make a difference but I believe that's the proper way to do it.
  17. We can always throw more caveats at Josh but the more you throw, the less likely it will be that someone else will also come across that specific scenario. If waist high water is walkable, I'd test for water height minus the waist height instead.
  18. That's awesome if we can do that but where's the function for it?
  19. As often as this comes up, there really should be an official tutorial from Josh on this with every optimization under the sun, including editor and code settings. Right now there are just a bunch of threads with individual suggestions, some more helpful than others.
  20. Congrats! Any gameplay info/screenshots/video?
  21. Josh, just a heads up that I PM-ed you the simple project and an FBX that will replicate the problem. I spent some time trying to fix it by scaling the original up or down and nothing seemed right. I'm not sure if maybe FBX doesn't do the export well or what but it might not be just a scaling issue.
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