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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. gamecreator

    Run away!

    Just thought of this: you don't really even need the +180 or the sin/cos math. Once you have the Pivot pointing toward the player, you can just use Move on it back some distance and get its position. No math at all!
  2. gamecreator

    Run away!

    I've done the direction part in an amateur way before. I placed a temporary entity (pivot?) at the enemy's position and used Point to point it toward the player. You can then get the angle and add 180 to it to face it the opposite direction. Then use a little math (sin & cos) to get a position some distance away.
  3. Wow, just barely caught a little line in the editor and zooming in found the buildings off in the boonies. But why is the town not centered on 0, 0, 0 and the pivot, like in the FBX? Edit: for those wondering, you can right-click on the submeshes and hit Go To to center on one, which is convenient here. So I'm just throwing numbers at it and trying to figure out what happens. Not sure why setting the model to a certain height didn't work earlier (should I report as a bug?). And the pivot should be in the center of the models like in the FBX despite the scale (another bug?). Edit 2: Scaling the town down to even smaller than it should be still has it be out in the boonies, relative to the pivot, which is at 0, 0, 0. Edit 3: I tried to recreate the problem by texturing 3 boxes in Max over the outer ends of the town then deleting everything but the boxes and exporting them. They imported fine, not even needing to be scaled (and seen normally in Model Editor). Could it be just the large number of faces glitching something out? I guess I'll deal with this more tomorrow.
  4. I tried scaling by %, making it like 50 feet high, depth, anything. No luck so far. I'm gonna try to export just a few buildings to see if that changes anything...
  5. I bought an environment pack and exported it to FBX from Max as I usually do. However, in bringing it into the editor, I don't see anything either in the Model Editor or the scene. What's odd is that the icon representation on the right looks like it's correct (a bunch of low-poly buildings and props) and the Model Editor gets the vertices and faces (which it calls polygons) close enough. I calculated normals just to see if that would help. I then tried to resize the model. Neither changed anything. Also, I made sure the model was centered on 0, 0, 0 in Max. Any suggestions?
  6. I asked about this recently and macklebee was kind enough to help out. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14500-does-world-pick-ignore-collisiontype/ But it sounds like you might be asking about Lua scripting, which could be different to implement in existing scripts.
  7. There's running and there's running. If your game runs at 10fps on some hardware, I don't think it's fair to call it a minimum.
  8. Oh great! A (reflective) world of difference!
  9. Search the forums. This came up before.
  10. Oh, good to know it's there! Not sure then if it's unofficial or just undocumented.
  11. Leadwerks 2 used to have an AppSuspended() function but Leadwerks 4 has no equivalent that I could find. If a user switches out of my program I'd like to know so I can stop centering the mouse, which continues happening even outside the program (very annoying). Many games also stop music/sounds out of courtesy to the user. We have Minimize, Minimized, Maximize and Maximized. Focused would be a useful addition.
  12. In thinking about it, I guess not. It's a very special case (I may be the only one doing this of all your customers). If it's a quick, easy fix, go for it. If not, don't worry about it.
  13. 2 weeks is plenty of time to try something, if you're serious about it. The demo should be more or less current though.
  14. He's talking about the demo. Are you?
  15. gamecreator


    You didn't mention the water that comes with Leadwerks. Have you tried that already?
  16. Might as well link the original here too: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8507-free-resources/
  17. I probably didn't explain that clearly. The networking is done normally through Steam commands but that was just to clarify why I'm running the program on two computers. I have my project folder on my desktop computer and it runs fine. I then share that folder so that my laptop can access it over the network. I can access the desktop computer folder from my laptop and run the EXE fine. But when it starts loading textures, it can't find them and I get the above error in the console. However, if I copy the project folder from my desktop to my laptop, it runs fine directly. It's just something about the network access that confuses Leadwerks so that it can't find subdirectories... or so it seems. Regardless, it's a good thought to test direct access other files and see if that works, like through fopen or something. The code is also relative, just to clarify. Texture* texture=Texture::Load("Materials/Menus/menuscreen.tex");
  18. I hesitate to even post this because it's a very specific and unique problem. When I try to run my game through a shared folder on my laptop, I get "Error: Failed to load texture "/:X-pc/project/Materials/Menus/menuscreen.tex" I'm trying to test some Steam networking between my laptop and desktop (using two Steam accounts) by sharing the desktop's project folder and running it from my laptop. It starts to run fine but then can't find that networked file (first texture loaded). If I copy the entire project folder to the laptop then it runs fine. I can just keep copying over the updated EXE (maybe I can even make a shortcut for this) so it's not a big deal. But thought it was worth a mention. Edit: I did make sure to give the folder write permissions as well, just in case that mattered.
  19. The value of the simple, to-the-point code examples can not be overstated.
  20. Maybe minor in the grand scheme of things but will this make loading progress bars (especially as map entities load) harder or easier to create?
  21. You can do it by code. The vehicle documentation should help.
  22. What will you be contributing to the project beside the ideas/plans? Are you a coder or artist? And would the project be in Lua or C++?
  23. Definitely. Life is a balance of learning and execution. Of course, once you're executed, the learning curve drops dramatically.
  24. I believe the answer to this in the past has been that Leadwerks takes some shortcuts to benefit speed so accuracy isn't always 100%. That said, you can change your camera/light/shadow settings to increase accuracy. Try some of the commands like http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/world/worldsetlightquality-r825
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