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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. You create a new project through the editor and it will automatically create code in the Source folder and Visual Studio files under Projects that you can use/edit.
  2. Those look nice as stylized art.
  3. It looks very weird without it. Seems like there should be a shader trick or something where you can copy the vegetation to a buffer, flip them upside down... I don't know.
  4. I think we're on the same page. It's like a crate having all 6 sides be the same texture.
  5. What do you mean by this? I assume this is Blender specific because in Max, faces can share the same texture area, no problem (and in Leadwerks too).
  6. Confirmed. Vegetation also doesn't reflect. I'm using standard LE with GTX 970, current drivers.
  7. Steam's Spacewar example does it the same way last I checked so yeah, I miss packing various variables into a packet with RakNet too.
  8. Josh's original PNG also shows transparency correctly as an icon but apparently BMPs don't, at least on some OSes. The BMPs also load differently in Photoshop - they come with a separate Alpha channel layer. The PNG doesn't and yet it has transparency as well.
  9. They are all transparent, even if the desktop icons don't represent them correctly. Open them in a free program like XnView which lets you change the background, set it to something obvious like orange and you'll see. macklebee's version seems to preserve the shadow at the bottom correctly too. You can change the background color in XnView by going to Tools, Options, View (on the left), Background Color. You may have to restart the application to display the images correctly.
  10. While I disagree with Panther, it's true that Leadwerks only supports WAV and WAV is also lossless. I would keep it OGG or MP3 just to save space though. Let people convert if they choose to use them. I do suggest turning up the volume though as the tunes are very faint.
  11. Thanks for checking. I haven't had this problem since I started using an independent (non-child) camera.
  12. Try opening the model in the Model Editor and go to Tools, Calculate Normals.
  13. If you have the Pro/C++ edition you can also use Steam.
  14. Don't I wish. If you delete folders or files, Leadwerks replaces them, in addition to adding its own. I just updated a project to confirm that went from 304 files, 50 folders, 32.6MB to 524 files, 60 folders, 171MB
  15. Awww. Is this request difficult to add in? (I'm not using beta) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14475-setinput-doesnt-make-entity-face-requested-angle/page__st__20#entry99201
  16. If you only have 1 of each number, you could get the position of the button and know which one was hit.
  17. Thank you Rick. I think I'll need to implement something similar.
  18. Rick, can you share an example of this? I'm trying to apply damage at a certain animation frame.
  19. I'm just trying to avoid being able to do this. By the way, how do you get video to be inline? I thought it was the [ media ] tag (without spaces).
  20. Can we please get this option for Follow and GoToPoint as well?
  21. This just happens to be on the front page right now. Look at the shaders Shadmar used: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=682474671
  22. You can use the SetSkybox commmand to change the texture at any time. So if you have multiple textures, you could theoretically cycle through them to get an animation.
  23. You may also need to use SetColor before the Clear because I believe Clear uses the last color set.
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