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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. If you have Steam installed you can just log in and do it through your Library. You don't need the key again.
  2. Two possibilities to start: 1. Make sure you checked animation in your export window, if you have one. Just want to make sure. 2. Make sure you have set up everything properly in the editor - most notably the animation shader. Check out this section and the next one below it: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8#section7
  3. This might help too http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11762-posteffect-collection/page__st__20#entry89091
  4. Try calculating normals in the editor to start and see if that helps. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8#section4
  5. I would like to pick a model (ground, not a terrain, just a mesh) behind a model (box) but don't know how. Right now I have it set up like this: ground->SetCollisionType(Collision::Scene); box->SetCollisionType(Collision::None); Vec3 p = window->GetMousePosition(); if(window->MouseDown(1)) { if(camera->Pick(p.x, p.y, pickinfo, 0, true, Collision::Scene)) { box->SetPosition(pickinfo.position.x, 0, pickinfo.position.z); } } But it doesn't result in the box moving. However, if I remove Collision::Scene from the Pick function, it works (but also picks the box, which I don't want). I know I can hide the box before the pick and show it again after but I'm building a bigger level and I'm trying to avoid hiding/showing hundreds or thousands of elements.
  6. Excited about this. Will need to consider if I can realistically finish a simple version of my current project or if I should think of something smaller.
  7. You're probably not aware of the Kickstarter stretch goals. Also, what makes you think that Josh has to love every product his thousands of users use?
  8. Also, I'm not opposed to starting a new project and copying everything over. Just wondering if I can do it an easier way.
  9. Just tried dragging the .werk file to the Project Manager too. No luck. What is that window expecting? Ah, you're saying it doesn't recognize folders. Can I add it to the cfg file like I considered above? I didn't export it from my old drive, just copied the folders.
  10. I bought a new drive and reinstalled everything. I created a new project with Leadwerks and opened the path so I know where Leadwerks is looking for the projects with the Project Manger (C:\Users\username\Documents/Leadwerks/Projects). However, when I copied my old projects to the same folder, they weren't recognized. I tried dragging the folder to the Project Manager and while a + sign showed up, it didn't seem to do anything when released. I'm sure I can edit the cfg file in this section but don't want to break anything. Do I just add this under the other projects31 line? projects31="C:/Users/username/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects\otherproject\otherproject.werk" Is there anything else I need to change (like a project count index)?
  11. Nick, not sure if you've seen this blog: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1471-whats-next/ It pretty specifically plans out what Josh has in mind. It also happens to be one of the most "liked" posts from Josh in recent history. And remember that Josh can only bend to the will of the community so much. Obviously he needs to keep in mind how his customers are using his product but he also needs to develop the engine how he sees best and so he can't just keep implementing features at everyone's whim. Josh has said that he favors gameplay above all else and he's been said to work with active developers so if you have major problems blocking production of your game, I'd make a single list with emphasis on the top 1 or 2 critical problems at the top so that it helps him focus on those, if he can help (and don't forget to include a test map or project so that he can easily reproduce the problem, if necessary).
  12. I think things are fine as they are though the vegetation development is perhaps too heavily on the backburner. I posted a poll back in August which has almost 80 votes. I don't know if it had anything to do with it but Josh ended up releasing water a few months later (only one plane, only infinite and no ocean but it's a good start) as well as several other requests on that list.
  13. Make sure you have clamp checked so it doesn't wrap http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/textures-r6#section3.4 and here's shadmar's shader http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12237-2d-ui-masking/#entry88720
  14. And they're legacy because support for them is discontinued? If not, why not keep them as an active feature?
  15. It would be a nice option to assume a really really small width and height. It would still meet the single-navigation mesh Josh was concerned about before. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7958-navigation-without-physics/#entry63204 Of course, you could fit characters under door cracks but sometimes that's not a concern. And I wonder how hard it would be to allow this to be done in Lua http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7958-navigation-without-physics/#entry62851
  16. I wonder if this might be easy for Josh to change - to have the character collision detection be customizable like other collision shapes. Just as a temporary solution. Then you can parent and use your own collision shape as needed.
  17. The tutorial briefly mentiones something about clamping, here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/textures-r6#section3.4 Not sure if that's the solution but it's the only place in the tutorials it comes up
  18. Just regarding this, it might help if you added your own additional collision shape and detected against that instead.
  19. This has an example of a listener http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/source/sourcesetposition-r323 I really would encourage using the search function under API Reference and in the forums
  20. I found listener via a search under API Reference. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/listener/listener-r482
  21. Check out Guppy's thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8507-free-resources/
  22. Have you tried SetVelocity http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitysetvelocity-r822 It might not work since the character controller is kind of a custom thing After that I'd try PhysicsSetPosition or just SetPosition and do it manually
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