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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. The RPG template seems like it would be pretty involved. The GUI aside, will there be fighting, NPC communication/quests, inventory system and item usage, skill tree, spells, etc? Because those are all pretty standard to RPGs. So it's just the opposite of this:
  2. No doubt Josh has the number of Mac users from when Leadwerks was available for it and can judge the effort versus reward.
  3. I applied the script to a cylinder and it used the middle of the cylinder as the foot, so half the cylinder was in the ground. When I applied a character controller it also started from the middle of the cylinder. I couldn't find in the tutorials how to change that. I think my cylinder may have been created sideways though (circle facing camera) so maybe it's a simple error on my part. I also noticed that doubling the speed will get the bouncing effect down a 45 degree (or so) ramp. It makes sense that a high enough speed will eventually cause this but maybe that's a bit early. But I don't use Lua anyway so I'll figure it out later. Thank you regardless.
  4. gamecreator

    What's Next

    Josh, will the 2D platformer template include slope movement?
  5. That too. Can't forget those amazing shaders from him.
  6. I know a lot of the credit goes to Josh and Leadwerks but the lighting and shadows look sweet. Looking forward to trying this out.
  7. There's a documented GetCrouched command but no SetCrouched. I wonder if this is also a navigation limitation but I'd check for an undocumented SetCrouched, just in case.
  8. True. No surprise that it's for Lua. I was mostly just wondering how the 2D platformer would be pulled off but maybe I can figure it out from the Lua code, if it happens.
  9. Edit: Nevermind, looks like this is just for Lua.
  10. Leadwerks doesn't support mobile.
  11. There was also a handy option where you could name an extra mesh collision in your modeling program, I believe, and Leadwerks would use that mesh as a collision shape. Not sure if that's still available in 3.5 but it's not mentioned on that page that I see.
  12. I wonder if you've taken into consideration that C++ costs twice as much as Lua. In fact, considering that it's the only feature the DLC adds, you could say it costs a lot more.
  13. Have you tried using move? I think that can move an entity (like a camera) on its own axis.
  14. Or you can also type B ) without the space after the B.
  15. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12039-texture-bright-dots-on-terrain/#entry87359 Not sure if that's the issue you're speaking of.
  16. Appreciate it! I was actually concerned with doing the animations themselves, after you rig it. Do you just drag things around to create the animations yourself or do you have animations you've downloaded/paid for that you can apply and modify?
  17. Nice. How do you animate your characters, YouGroove?
  18. Are you in the beta? The beta is 3.5 but standard is still 3.4. Maybe there are incompatibilities.
  19. The recognition is the easy part. I would use Pick from the tip of the feet to some distance directly below them. If the collision is far enough away from the foot (or if there's no collision) then the character is standing on a ledge.
  20. Oh. That makes sense then.
  21. I like the progression. The current version is pretty clean and functional. Maybe it could receive a more graphical touch down the line. Also, it's not the end of the world but if the left/right buttons are meant to do something with the current game selection, maybe they should be under that selection, like so: http://s13.postimg.org/kphpoakyf/Image1.png
  22. Thanks Josh! nick.ace, I'm talking about levels like shown here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12224-a-bit-help-with-spotlights/#entry88693 That would be a 19x13 grid-based level or 247 models. In that example I combined it in Max but I was thinking of doing non-rectangular levels using an editor. I could still break them up into 10x10 chunks, for example, but having the option to combine them if I find that it speeds things up is great.
  23. It certainly would but then I'd have hundreds of models. All I need is 1 level model in the end. Plus I imagine, but am not sure, that hundreds of separate models would slow things down.
  24. I'd like to put a level together dynamically (floors, walls, etc.). Is there a way to make multiple parts into one model? I imagine this would be accomplished through a command such as AddChild but I don't believe this exists. Is there another way to do this?
  25. I assume you don't know about the successful Leadwerks Linux Kickstarter.
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