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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I like the minimap implementation.
  2. gamecreator

    The Happenings

    This depends greatly on how that first page will be presented. I hope you found something that works.
  3. The first sentence of macklebee's post would do it but if that's not enough, I'd suggest sharing your code. Usually you would keep the state in a variable and display it or not display it based on that. Psuedocode: bool userhasreadsign = false; // You set this variable to true once user has read sign ... if(userhasreadsign==false) drawimage... So drawimage is only executed if userhasreadsign is false.
  4. Can you share the code that makes it appear?
  5. Shadmar can do miracles with shaders and I think he helped someone in the last few months with them so I'd search the forums. But the other option is to copy texture pixels yourself. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/texture/texturesetpixels-r338 The examples are down at the moment and oddly this is one of the functions that can really use it. Hope they come back soon.
  6. That sucks. I guess I'm paranoid and have had bad experiences so I use the Editor mostly as a file converter/adjuster. Almost all of the work is done in Visual Studio. Makes me wonder if Hayden is using the Flowgraph at all.
  7. One thought is to make sure you updated your project.
  8. KraXarN, for what it's worth, AppID 251810 is Leadwerks's own ID - it's not your program's.
  9. I think your options are either hosting it on Steam (like you did this weapon pack) or hosting it with Dropbox or Mediafire or something.
  10. I believe you need C to use Steam functions.
  11. I don't use Lua but I now know that most of the community does. What are the most critical features and/or bug fixes you're looking for?
  12. The presentation is clear but the look could use some modernizing/sharpening.
  13. I'd try UnProject http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/cameraunproject-r201 The depth can be figured out by some simple formula (the higher the mouse is the further it is from the camera). Then you have an xyz to point to.
  14. Looks great. The only suggestion is to turn the shininess down a bit if you're going for a dirty/grungy look.
  15. Plus there seems to be a rating system which will help you choose better rated games which, in theory, will also be the ones with less bugs and better gameplay. Also, maybe down the line, we could have demo and release categories to play complete or incomplete games.
  16. It's not life or death for me but was there mention of vegetation? How about further talk of templates I think I read about somewhere? And to really push my luck (and related to templates): any chance of 2D platformer support one of these days?
  17. To me the description in the original post sounds super thorough. Bonus points if the scrips are independent enough to transfer to other types of games like FPS (which it sounds like they might be).
  18. It looks like a raindrop effect I've seen where the camera gets blurred/distorted in areas as drops hit it. Our shader pros could have this done in their sleep, I'm sure.
  19. The other popular option is to use Raknet. There was also a discussion about using Raknet with Lua here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10865-does-rakknet-work-with-lua/
  20. Reminds me of this article about how people make games addictive: http://www.cracked.com/article_18461_5-creepy-ways-video-games-are-trying-to-get-you-addicted.html Pretty scary but anyone can do it.
  21. Some words of wisdom there. Though in a perfect world the project doesn't fall apart because of a level designer leaving but instead there are backups to take his or her place.
  22. Thanks Josh. I appreciate you taking a look at my PM. That'll teach me to dismiss something without trying it first.
  23. I recently discovered (or maybe relearned) that you can't paint lower layers over higher layers. You have to erase the higher layers first for the lower layers to show. This is very unintuitive. When you paint with a texture, you just want to paint. You don't want to worry about figuring out which layer (or layers!) might need to be erased first. Please have the editor take this into consideration (perhaps erasing all other layers for you automatically at the same time). Also, I don't believe undo works with terrain painting (and perhaps other terrain functions). Please implement. I feel these will be very crucial improvements, especially when vegetation is released.
  24. I watched the forums on this for a while and I saw some promising concepts and even models being worked on (I liked Guppy's especially). Were there any dedicated coders? Was there ever an executable even with placeholder models? If so, I'd suggest maybe uploading it here even if you just want to close the project.
  25. macklebee helped me out with that here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12249-model-copy/#entry88822
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