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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I've thought about this a bit though I haven't implemented it yet. First, you don't use Leadwerks's publish system since Leadwerks doesn't support this yet. You need to organize/zip files yourself to guarantee you have the system you need. Next, I would have the latest files and maybe a file list uploaded to a website. Finally, I would use a library like curl to compare local files to online files and download and update them accordingly.
  2. If you're just trying to use the crawler with the walk animation, you can also just rename the file extension from the LE2 extension to MDL. If I remember right the file format hasn't changed - just the extension.
  3. 2015: Leadwerks releases version 3.5 2020: Leadwerks has transitioned entirely to clothing, stickers, bedroom and bathroom products.
  4. The simplest way is to draw a filled rectangle using this command http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextdrawrect-r724 and then draw text over that with this command (with a different color) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextdrawtext-r731 If you want to get fancy you can replace the rectangle with an image and draw it with the DrawImage command, then do the text on top of that http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextdrawimage-r721 Check out the sample code on how to use the commands.
  5. You can either code it yourself using context commands http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/ or use existing code. Either a GUI available for purchase like FlowGUI http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11262-flowgui-for-leadwerks/ or maybe this would be simpler http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12374-multiple-text-gui/
  6. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetparent-r187
  7. If nothing else, could we at least please not replace deleted files? That should be easy, right? It seems like this could automatically be detected by comparing the project creation time to the file modification time.
  8. gamecreator


    That would be great. And please please PLEASE implement multiple planes.
  9. Are you looking to just put an image on the screen? If so, DrawImage is your answer: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextdrawimage-r721
  10. You mean coding it with http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetphysicsmode-r696 ?
  11. I honestly don't know what the perfect solution would look like but at worst, Leadwerks could scan a text file in the root that the user can populate for files to ignore/not recreate. If it has the word NONE at the top it will only update essential Leadwerks files like the DLL.
  12. Is it the same if you double-click? And have you tried maximizing your window?
  13. Out of curiosity, what goes wrong if you import a large texture and try to use it?
  14. Not a new problem; happens every update. Leadwerks overwrites your files and restores files you deleted. I wrote a file cleaner because of this but it would be nice for Leadwerks to just stop doing it.
  15. gamecreator


    Running with gamedevinancy's idea, you could also put a dynamic description below the dynamic image. This is far from all-inclusive but you get the idea...
  16. My bad. This is the thread I was thinking of and it was LEFans. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12202-fps-game-demo/
  17. No but weren't you the one who submitted a game with a virus in it earlier? Are you sure your computer's clean and not corrupting files?
  18. gamecreator


    I have a preference for quickly available links as well (maybe with some icons) and I actually like sub-sections to make browsing quicker but I'd give this a chance to see how it turns out. I can't imagine it would take long to simplify it if the image links become too cluttered.
  19. gamecreator


    If you're saying that there will be searchable titles on all images (without needing to mouse over) then that would help.
  20. gamecreator


    I'd suggest a redesign of the mockup. It doesn't look readable/searchable.
  21. From the documentation: What platforms are they not supported on?
  22. That was gonna be my next question!
  23. Also, SetCollisionType says it can take an integer between 0 and 99.
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