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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Oh. Didn't know you could do that! That worked, of course. Thanks!
  2. Has anyone gotten this to work through C++? I thought it would be as simple as adding camera->AddPostEffect("Shaders/PostEffects/00_shaders/_bloom.shader"); but that has no effect. I looked at the 08_pp_bloom.lua file and it seems to do a lot more things (but I'm not familiar with Lua). I tried to add all the other shaders in the top portion and that had a visible effect but not at all what I expected.
  3. If you didn't already see my status, someone uploaded the file for download. Way faster to get: http://ftpmirror.your.org/pub/misc/sonniss/
  4. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11498-window-call-need-has-focus/
  5. I believe you can use the SetSkybox command whenever you'd like to change the skybox texture. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/camera/camerasetskybox-r824
  6. Nice. How did you end up doing it?
  7. With other games if you exit Steam first, Steam says "Waiting for [game] to shut down..." (tested with 3 games) Though funny enough Steam couldn't shut Portal 2 down and a new window came up that said "Please close Portal 2 before exiting Steam."
  8. This is tricky. I wonder how the quality control will work. Josh can't spend hours testing games each week. Can users vote on games to bring the best to the top and maybe remove really poor entries?
  9. Guppy suggested the free AwesomeBump. It looks great though I haven't tried it. Also, the Leadwerks Editor can generate normal maps by right-clicking on a texture.
  10. At this point I'm not exactly sure what's going on but based on what you suggested, I decided to start experimenting again. The following ended up working for me. ran=(int)Math::Random(0, 4); if(ran==0) level[j][i].model->SetMaterial(Material::Load("Models/blue.mat")); else if(ran==1) level[j][i].model->SetMaterial(Material::Load("Models/green.mat")); else if(ran==2) level[j][i].model->SetMaterial(Material::Load("Models/red.mat")); else level[j][i].model->SetMaterial(Material::Load("Models/yellow.mat")); I'm in your debt macklebee. Thank you for all your help!!
  11. Good thought but no luck. I'll make a simpler example and see if I can submit a bug report with example. This is part of the two for loops which go through the array and create bricks: level[j][i].model=(Model *)preloads_models[2]->Copy(true); // level[j][i].model=Model::Load("Models/brick2.mdl", Asset::CreateNew); level[j][i].model->SetPosition(i, 0, j, true); level[j][i].model->SetRotation(90, 270, 0, true); ran=(int)Math::Random(0, 4); if(ran==0) level[j][i].model->GetSurface(0)->GetMaterial()->SetTexture(Texture::Load("Models/blue.tex")); else if(ran==1) level[j][i].model->GetSurface(0)->GetMaterial()->SetTexture(Texture::Load("Models/green.tex")); else if(ran==2) level[j][i].model->GetSurface(0)->GetMaterial()->SetTexture(Texture::Load("Models/red.tex")); else level[j][i].model->GetSurface(0)->GetMaterial()->SetTexture(Texture::Load("Models/yellow.tex")); ... results in the same texture for all of the copies.
  12. This for sure. It's so easy to check out other options when you get frustrated with things repeatedly. Either start fresh with a new project, hoping it'll be easier, or learn something new.
  13. Just trying to get copies (not the default instances) of models I can individually apply textures to. Neither of the following work and I can't find any helpful examples online. model=Model::Load("Models/brick2.mdl",Asset::CreateNew); model=(Model *)Model::Load("Models/brick2.mdl")->Copy(); I was trying to work off of this example with no luck and whatever I could find online. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/asset/assetcopy-r40
  14. Ah, I now remember seeing this before. Thanks shadmar! We need GetMaterial fix or documentation correction.
  15. Does anyone have any idea why GetMaterial could return null on a textured model which has 0 children? tempmat = level[j][i].model->GetMaterial(); if(tempmat==NULL) printf("null\n"); else printf("not null\n"); I confirmed in the editor that Surface 0: blue.mat.
  16. That doesn't fix the problem. Is it really too much to ask that: 1. SetRotation(100,0,0,true) set the pitch to 100 no matter what? Is there a situation where it's helpful that it sets it to 80 or whatever instead? I'd even be fine with an undocumented function SetRotationTrue or whatever that does this properly. 2. GetRotation() returns 270 when the angle is 270 I know you often try to appease beginners to have things make sense to them right from the beginning. Isn't stuff like this confusing to them too? Does it break the engine to do what's intuitive as opposed to some complex rules only you and two other people know about? Sorry if I seem a bit frustrated but from my perspective this is very basic: you set an angle, you expect an angle. Why complicate things? And maybe it's harder to fix than I think and if that's the case then so be it. Do what you think is best.
  17. Thank you. I have zero familiarity with gimbal lock but that might also explain why GetRotation returns wacky numbers. As opposed to 0 to 360. So setting an angle at 270 returns -90 with GetRotation.
  18. I'm trying to rotate a model slowly 360 degrees. While yaw and roll worked as expected, pitch was glitchy. After 90 degrees it started turning in reverse for a bit, then at 120 it jumped ahead and went back to rotating the original. Then at the other end (I forget the angle) it glitched up again. I'm using: model->SetRotation(rot,0,0,true); As I said, if I change it to rotate the yaw or roll, it works perfectly: model->SetRotation(0,rot,0,true); model->SetRotation(0,0,rot,true); This is on the release branch (not beta).
  19. Yeah, little details like that where you put mud or dirt at the bottom of buildings make a lot of difference.
  20. And of course there's still this (masking it yourself): http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/texture/texturesetpixels-r338
  21. Good thought but pretty sure. The walls sections were copied & pasted (top, bottom and sides) so they'd either be all wrong or all right.
  22. It would be nice to not have to deal with issues like this. Edit: I didn't try lighting quality as shadmar suggests below so maybe that would help.
  23. There was an item that didn't install for me twice (I think shadmars shader pack) and after a reboot it worked. Doubt the reboot is necessary though. More likely Steam was working on an issue. (I'm subscribed to only like 5 items.)
  24. I'm curious about this concept, considering that Leadwerks has a lot of things in common with other engines. User demand and UI familiarity are important things to an engine so why insist on the opposite? For example, people reasonably ask for a pivot button on the left of the editor. How does "I can't do that because [other engine] already does this" help Leadwerks?
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