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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. I think having items that contain the letter would be better. That way if you search for car then both blue_car and red_car are returned (otherwise neither will be).
  2. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/52/entry-882-lets-make-a-game-procedual-content-creation-part-01/ Obligatory link
  3. You would need to assemble them in Photoshop or a similar program into a single image, either in the cross shape I linked above or 6 images side by side. I noticed that the first two links I tried only provided 5 of the 6 sides, however.
  4. I have only 480 in my steam_appid.txt and it works. And to state the obvious: make sure you're already in Steam before you start your program make sure Steamworks::Initialize() returns true in your program
  5. Ha, nice tag. I'd scour the forums as this has come up before. I forget what the official word was but I think it involved shortening the range of your lights and using less of them.
  6. +2.3 (but that's in imperial units)
  7. Nice. Is vegetation still next?
  8. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10290-pivot-button-in-le/
  9. Dishonored is also a must on the stealth gaming list. Assassin's Creed also.
  10. There were 787 backers on Kickstarter, 318 of which pledged for the software itself (one of them for a 5-pack). They put up their money because of certain promises, the most obvious of which was to build Linux games, on Linux. Not on Wine. I don't use Linux but the promises were clear to me and they deserve solid versions no less than we do for Windows. That said, I was one of the people who bought both Android and iOS versions of Leadwerks (and a Nexus 7 so I can test the former) and they were soon discontinued. So I'm aware of how this isn't a fairytale world we live in and sometimes Josh strives for more than he can accomplish.
  11. It's great to hear that networking will be independent of Steam, for several reasons. That said, I do love being able to invite a Steam friend to a lobby or game.
  12. That may be an issue too but I was talking more about threads which suggest that the motion captures are actually ripped/copied animations from games. This was brought up in a few threads and the vendor didn't handle it well.
  13. I'm always happy to brag about my small contribution to the Steam networking cause. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9663-introduction-to-steam-code-in-leadwerks/ Regarding sounds, there are various sites online but I've yet to find a single good one with everything. However, this one is pretty neat for individual sounds (and music and art), with good licenses: http://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?keys=&field_art_type_tid%5B%5D=13 Finally, I'm not sure how much experience you have creating games already but if you're starting out, I think it's important to emphasize to start small. You can't create an MMO on your first day. In fact, most single-player games are extremely difficult and time-consuming to create.
  14. I suggest Googling Truebones beware. I don't want to link it here because it's another engine's forum.
  15. I suggest Googling Truebones beware. I don't want to link it here because it's another engine's forum.
  16. When you use the Pick function it will return PickInfo which should have all the information you need. I think the harder part would be to trace the wall upwards. Not sure exactly how that would be done. Continuous picks seem expensive but maybe you can use surface/vertex data somehow.
  17. I'm looking forward to trying it too! And not to take any thunder away from his work but more for the sake of completeness, there is also Shadmar's effects pack here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11762-posteffect-collection/ It looks like Igor also had a motion blur released: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=366090530 I love this stuff. I hope I can get it to work in my project with the eventual release of Leadwerks water.
  18. They're just weird. Don't worry about them.
  19. Yes, the Standard Edition is offered as a DLC to the Indie Edition.
  20. That's what I meant with my post above. Leadwerks could have a few more functions to handle this for you and it would use its own filenaming system so you don't even accidentally access anything you shouldn't.
  21. Stream* stream = SaveFileSystem::WriteFile(int savefileindex); Would be nice. Leadwerks could use general savefile names like save0001.sav.
  22. Definitely understandable. It's not complex but it's also not for beginners. Definitely start elsewhere to get a handle on things. Happy to help either way.
  23. Here you go Recoils14. I added some comments to hopefully help. Just replace your App.cpp with the following. Also, don't forget that this code uses a bullet.tex and a ship.tex from the Models folder so you'll need those there so the code doesn't crash. It also assumes that the bullet texture is 16x16 and the ship is 128x128, as that is hard coded (but it would be easy to change to detect it). #include "App.h" using namespace Leadwerks; #define NUMBEROFBULLETS 1000 App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {} App::~App() { delete world; delete window; } Texture *bullettexture = NULL; Texture *shiptexture = NULL; float shipx, shipy; float fps; struct bulletinfo { float x, y, vx, vy; } bullet[NUMBEROFBULLETS]; bool App::Start() { window = Leadwerks::Window::Create("BulletHell", 0, 0, 1728, 972, Leadwerks::Window::Titlebar|Leadwerks::Window::Center); context = Context::Create(window); world = World::Create(); camera = Camera::Create(); camera->Move(0, 2, -5); window->HideMouse(); bullettexture = Texture::Load("Models/bullet.tex"); shiptexture = Texture::Load("Models/ship.tex"); // Generate random bullet position for(int i=0; i<NUMBEROFBULLETS; i++) { bullet[i].x=Math::Random(0, 1700); bullet[i].y=Math::Random(0, 950); bullet[i].vx=Math::Random(-2, 2); bullet[i].vy=Math::Random(-2, 2); } // Generate random ship position and velocities shipx=Math::Random(0, 1650); shipy=Math::Random(0, 900); return true; } bool App::Loop() { // Exit program if window is closed or Escape button is hit if(window->Closed() || window->KeyHit(Key::Escape)) { printf("\n\nfps: %f\n", fps); return false; } Leadwerks::Time::Update(); world->Update(); world->Render(); // Move ship with arrow keys if(window->KeyDown(Key::Left)) shipx-=Time::GetSpeed()*3.0; if(window->KeyDown(Key::Right)) shipx+=Time::GetSpeed()*3.0; if(window->KeyDown(Key::Up)) shipy-=Time::GetSpeed()*3.0; if(window->KeyDown(Key::Down)) shipy+=Time::GetSpeed()*3.0; context->SetBlendMode(Blend::Alpha); // Go through all of the bullets, one by one for(int i=0; i<NUMBEROFBULLETS; i++) { // If bullet is at the edge of the screen, turn it around if(bullet[i].x>1700 && bullet[i].vx>0) bullet[i].vx*=-1; if(bullet[i].x<0 && bullet[i].vx<0) bullet[i].vx*=-1; if(bullet[i].y>970 && bullet[i].vy>0) bullet[i].vy*=-1; if(bullet[i].y<0 && bullet[i].vy<0) bullet[i].vy*=-1; // Move bullet bullet[i].x+=bullet[i].vx*Time::GetSpeed(); bullet[i].y+=bullet[i].vy*Time::GetSpeed(); // If bullet is by the ship, turn it blue if(bullet[i].x>shipx-8 && bullet[i].x<shipx+136 && bullet[i].y>shipy-8 && bullet[i].y<shipy+136) context->SetColor(0,0,1); else context->SetColor(1, 1, 1); // Draw bullet context->DrawImage(bullettexture, bullet[i].x, bullet[i].y); } // Draw ship context->DrawImage(shiptexture, shipx, shipy); // Get frames per second and show it fps=Time::UPS(); context->DrawText("FPS: "+String(fps), 10, 10); context->Sync(false); return true; }
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